
Discord ID: 542712171088314369

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2019-04-02 01:07:55 UTC

It is the reason people go to college in the first place!

2019-04-02 01:10:06 UTC

So yes, don't stress yourself. See it through, take as much time as is necessary to deliver a fantastic product.

2019-04-02 01:14:02 UTC

Yeah, you know what? I think you're right

2019-04-02 01:14:09 UTC

I'll stay on board then

2019-04-02 02:30:45 UTC

Moonifest 31: Stuff We Wish Was a Joke, But Isn't https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myoRdGwL8Oc

2019-04-02 12:26:31 UTC

That format will be the new 90s website

2019-04-02 20:32:40 UTC

@Hiddenhope was this meant to be in <#556763476924694528> or one of the pol channels? This is the art channel.

2019-04-02 20:32:58 UTC


2019-04-03 10:27:16 UTC

@everyone whenever someone says white privilege I almost want to kill myself. Those 2 words are like the worst thing ever, I canโ€™t believe their not like the two most hated words put together.

2019-04-03 10:27:51 UTC

Oh that's nothing compared to "community."

2019-04-03 10:27:57 UTC

Thanks to my white privlege I burn eaiser in the sun

2019-04-03 10:28:17 UTC

That's the worst, that's rule one of my personal code, never trust anyone who uses the word "community."

2019-04-03 10:28:39 UTC

Somewhere down at five or six is people who use the Katakana shrug emoji.

2019-04-03 10:30:00 UTC

Random idiot; our โ€œโ€โ€โ€communityโ€โ€โ€โ€

Me: kys

2019-04-03 10:30:43 UTC

Yeah, because they always presume to speak for you and for everyone, and use everyone as a bludgeon against everyone else like a conniving bitch.

2019-04-03 10:32:27 UTC

I think I hate "that's abliest" one of the most

2019-04-03 10:32:50 UTC

Or anything about speaking on behalf of all disabled people

2019-04-03 10:32:59 UTC

Eh, I can ignore that one, claims like that are hollow and should not be recognized.

2019-04-03 10:33:15 UTC

You can just say "that's not a thing."

2019-04-03 10:33:26 UTC

Nothing grinds my gears more than some cunt trying to tell me my joke is offensive to myself

2019-04-03 10:33:53 UTC

Or you can bust out your own disabilities and pity points which you don't normally flaunt and beat them at their own game, and force them to give up their untenable position.

2019-04-03 10:34:26 UTC

Doesnt work if you don't have the same politics as them

2019-04-03 10:34:30 UTC

Like "How many toes were you born with? You weren't born with feet too wide for Nikes, you're just FAT.

2019-04-03 10:35:23 UTC

I survived three years in Portland Oregon mate

2019-04-03 10:35:27 UTC

One thing I have to say is more annoying than saying โ€œour communityโ€ is saying โ€œour <insert government system>โ€

2019-04-03 10:35:40 UTC

Nah, community is worse.

2019-04-03 10:35:53 UTC

"Communism now"

2019-04-03 10:35:58 UTC

Bruh no

2019-04-03 10:36:26 UTC

Because then someone can infiltrate a fandom or special interest group and isolate and defrock everyone she doesn't like, or who doesn't hold up to her standards of what the fandom "should be."

2019-04-03 10:37:05 UTC

Meanwhile nobody in the real fandom hates you or wants you gone, it's just that one girl who's not a real fan and wants to make herself the center of attention that is currently not being given to her.

2019-04-03 10:37:28 UTC

Tumblr is that you?

2019-04-03 10:37:58 UTC

I presume a lot of fandom-crashers do issue forth from that pit of menses, yes.

2019-04-03 10:39:32 UTC

I remember back when I went to school I was being bullied by an Ex, got stuff stolen by her too
Soon as I went to the school board she suddenly became transsexual

2019-04-03 10:40:01 UTC

Disabled constantly getting hospitalised kid < fake tranny

2019-04-03 10:40:17 UTC

Yeah, I think "never trust a tranny" is like rule zero.

2019-04-03 10:40:26 UTC

It's sort of like a law of logic, they're lies incarnate.

2019-04-03 10:40:57 UTC

She only became a tranny when I was about to get her expelled

2019-04-03 10:41:41 UTC

Some of it was just horrible shit like my text books being stolen and her bragging about it

2019-04-03 10:42:03 UTC

Is this really a discussion for this chat, gents?

2019-04-03 10:42:10 UTC


2019-04-03 10:42:15 UTC

It's gallery isn't it

2019-04-03 10:42:23 UTC

You're god damn right <:coolgon:549370575701803019>

2019-04-03 10:42:27 UTC

Oh oops

2019-04-03 10:42:57 UTC

The others are too saturated with shitposts

2019-04-03 10:43:28 UTC

There is the writting on the wall

2019-04-03 10:43:58 UTC

Unless thats only for bot shit

2019-04-03 10:45:19 UTC

There's 11 chats that are not the Gallery, however.

2019-04-03 10:45:38 UTC

14 if you're a metic, 16 if you're Athenian.

2019-04-03 12:13:42 UTC


2019-04-03 12:13:49 UTC


2019-04-03 12:19:14 UTC


2019-04-03 12:20:00 UTC

There that should balance out my non art crap earlier

2019-04-03 14:05:35 UTC

Cool weird head thing

2019-04-03 15:17:48 UTC

2019-04-03 15:18:28 UTC

@Mu <:coolgon:549370575701803019>


2019-04-03 15:57:29 UTC

Working on my board game concept. Dragon Racing/Combat. Still very much in beta, but I have a working model in Tabletop Simulator.


2019-04-03 21:22:19 UTC

Hey thanks mate, its based of of a mask/headwear you can get in Bloodborne

2019-04-03 21:32:37 UTC

That's pretty dope. I wish I could do good art...

2019-04-03 21:34:20 UTC

You can with lots and lots of practice

2019-04-03 21:34:51 UTC

Or just do crappy art and put the word "good" in there somewhere. But that's cheating.

2019-04-03 21:35:03 UTC

They do have tutorial videos on youtube

2019-04-03 21:35:13 UTC

That's where I learned afew tricks

2019-04-04 03:39:09 UTC


2019-04-04 04:10:15 UTC


2019-04-04 05:05:21 UTC


2019-04-04 05:30:47 UTC


2019-04-04 05:31:11 UTC

The rare times this isnt furry hell

2019-04-04 05:38:25 UTC

I haven't seen too much

2019-04-04 07:14:31 UTC
2019-04-04 07:14:47 UTC

Part uno of autistic combat simulator

2019-04-04 15:08:48 UTC

@MS Video not available <:thonk:459220113816813588>

2019-04-04 18:04:46 UTC

It seems to be available now

2019-04-04 22:21:03 UTC

New video premieres in less than an hour: "Doubting #MeToo: Beyond False Accusations." We've gotten better at catching liars leveraging rape for revenge, but what other areas do we need to apply more critical thinking toward?


2019-04-06 06:36:41 UTC


2019-04-06 06:36:49 UTC

Hey it is original...

2019-04-06 06:37:26 UTC

You seem to have an unhealthy obsession with you genitals and I suggest you seek psychiatric help.

2019-04-06 08:30:37 UTC

he's just protecting the child's genitals from being cut up

2019-04-06 11:25:43 UTC

Single Meme Guy continues to walk that finest of lines

2019-04-06 13:23:19 UTC

After leaving the cells for the 10th time

2019-04-06 13:41:13 UTC


2019-04-06 15:05:09 UTC

Actual art!

2019-04-06 15:05:26 UTC


2019-04-06 15:27:43 UTC


2019-04-06 15:28:20 UTC


2019-04-06 15:37:24 UTC


2019-04-06 15:45:16 UTC

@MaikuPens gallery is for artwork/OC

2019-04-06 15:45:35 UTC

my b

2019-04-06 15:46:16 UTC

can always use writing on the wall for it though

2019-04-06 15:46:30 UTC


2019-04-06 16:44:24 UTC


2019-04-06 20:45:26 UTC

An autism butterfly?

2019-04-06 21:15:03 UTC

@logic this isn't really a place for memes, <#556763209693134848> is, gallery is more artwork/OC like videos

2019-04-06 21:29:09 UTC


2019-04-07 02:46:23 UTC


2019-04-07 02:47:00 UTC

Drew it for someone awhile back forgot reasoning

2019-04-07 13:12:45 UTC

Is the lack of contrast for all words but "like" deliberate?

2019-04-07 13:20:36 UTC

eye like to think that all men are equal

2019-04-07 13:21:19 UTC

works in theory at least

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