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2017-03-28 03:40:03 UTC

and I look just as good as these younger 20 fuckfaces if not better who think they are gods gift to existance

2017-03-28 03:40:21 UTC

fucking tinder thots

2017-03-28 03:40:32 UTC

lol, I'm pretty good looking

2017-03-28 03:40:36 UTC

yeah me too

2017-03-28 03:40:46 UTC
2017-03-28 03:41:01 UTC

im in supreme shape and have no flaws in my appearance that im aware of

2017-03-28 03:41:11 UTC

lol I believe both of you

2017-03-28 03:41:23 UTC

30 is peak man age practically

2017-03-28 03:41:56 UTC


2017-03-28 03:42:45 UTC

Ok, I need to move out, ill be back for more bantz later if i complete my objectives

2017-03-28 03:43:09 UTC

2017-03-28 03:43:14 UTC


2017-03-28 03:43:34 UTC

alright, falling out will return to formation later. <:zuckheil:283797212570451968>

2017-03-28 03:45:16 UTC

the gas bill is too damn high

2017-03-28 03:45:45 UTC

2017-03-28 03:46:53 UTC

Strong Teeth for a Strong America

2017-03-28 03:47:23 UTC

Vermin Love Supreme[1] (born c. 1961) is an American performance artist and activist who has run as a candidate in various local, state, and national elections in the United States.[2][3][4] Supreme is known for wearing a boot as a hat and carrying a large toothbrush,[5] and has said that if elected President of the United States, he will pass a law requiring people to brush their teeth.[2][6][7][8] He has campaigned on a platform of zombie apocalypse awareness and time travel research,[9] and promised a free pony for every American.[10]

2017-03-28 03:47:37 UTC

2017-03-28 03:48:02 UTC

He actually isn't a mad man and is just playing a role @Convo

2017-03-28 03:49:09 UTC

i know

2017-03-28 03:49:13 UTC

i looked him up to see if he's jewish

2017-03-28 03:49:16 UTC

he's a libertarian

2017-03-28 03:49:19 UTC

not jewish

2017-03-28 03:49:45 UTC

>tfw out of food
>tfw only have soy sauce and rice
>tfw put on too much soy sauce

2017-03-28 03:49:48 UTC

i am salty

2017-03-28 03:49:55 UTC

He's pretty nice guy to talk to

2017-03-28 03:50:10 UTC

oh is that you in the picture on the left side

2017-03-28 03:50:12 UTC

looks like you

2017-03-28 03:50:26 UTC


2017-03-28 03:50:30 UTC

My youngest brother is a big fan of his so I got an autograph for him

2017-03-28 03:57:03 UTC


2017-03-28 03:57:56 UTC


2017-03-28 03:58:44 UTC

it was part of my master plan

2017-03-28 03:59:33 UTC

Lol i love it @Bero

2017-03-28 04:03:24 UTC

They go wooooop WOOOOOOOP

2017-03-28 04:03:47 UTC

Woopp wooop **WHOOOOPPPPPP**

2017-03-28 04:09:15 UTC

2017-03-28 04:09:22 UTC

Pennsreich @Nikephoros

2017-03-28 04:10:58 UTC

"Pennsylvania must be wiped off the face of the Earth." - President Trump

2017-03-28 04:11:34 UTC

Watch "Veritas Radio - Neil Kramer - The Staircase of Disbelief" on YouTube

2017-03-28 04:11:48 UTC

Not for the close minded goys

2017-03-28 04:11:55 UTC

"The heros are those who **kill** citizens of Maryland" - Donald J Trump

2017-03-28 04:12:21 UTC


2017-03-28 04:12:27 UTC

That PA bantz is spicy

2017-03-28 04:13:33 UTC

Maryland will be cleansed by the Veterans of the Philadelphia race war!

2017-03-28 04:13:56 UTC

Behead those who insult Pennsylvania

2017-03-28 04:14:13 UTC


2017-03-28 04:14:51 UTC

"I like to call Pennsylvania a Communist/Socialist because that's what it is." - President Trump

2017-03-28 04:14:58 UTC


2017-03-28 04:15:03 UTC


2017-03-28 04:15:19 UTC
2017-03-28 04:15:32 UTC

The original quote was talking about Sanders

2017-03-28 04:15:40 UTC

Yeah but PA is a state

2017-03-28 04:15:46 UTC

Not a living entity

2017-03-28 04:16:02 UTC

Pennsylvania will be known as the capital of racism if I have anything to say about it.

2017-03-28 04:16:25 UTC

I will do my best to contribute to such a glorious goal

2017-03-28 04:17:27 UTC

I heard there was a nazi rally on Saturday so they are already ahead bigly.

2017-03-28 04:17:40 UTC

In Harrisburg?

2017-03-28 04:18:03 UTC

Lol in Philly

2017-03-28 04:18:43 UTC

I heard it from the daily stormer so it must be true

2017-03-28 04:20:20 UTC

"The Pennsylvanian is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a Keystoner, Yankee, Hick, Shittsburger, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Pennsylvanian and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: โ€œIโ€™ve been found out.โ€ " - Goebbels

2017-03-28 04:21:45 UTC


2017-03-28 04:26:37 UTC

@Koba you're a pennsylvanian

2017-03-28 04:38:15 UTC

Lol Ive been up that road

2017-03-28 04:40:23 UTC

aint none of these roads got shit on the stairway to heaven on Sand Hill at Fort Benning

2017-03-28 04:43:09 UTC


2017-03-28 04:43:16 UTC


2017-03-28 04:51:11 UTC

Justifiable homicide. I didn't see any sandwiches in her hand

2017-03-28 04:52:39 UTC

Need me a race war like this ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ฉ

2017-03-28 04:55:17 UTC


2017-03-28 04:55:20 UTC


2017-03-28 04:55:23 UTC


2017-03-28 04:55:27 UTC

yes it is degenerate

2017-03-28 04:55:33 UTC


2017-03-28 04:55:54 UTC

why? it's implicitly alt right

2017-03-28 04:56:41 UTC

How do you know she's a gook?

2017-03-28 04:56:44 UTC

Looks black to me

2017-03-28 04:57:06 UTC

nigga, watch the video

2017-03-28 04:58:08 UTC

her voice sounds like an americanized gook

2017-03-28 04:58:28 UTC

and she looks like a fucking fat geisha

2017-03-28 04:58:48 UTC

how can you not see she's a gook?

2017-03-28 05:00:37 UTC

We didn't give up on the imperial system. You guys surrenered to the metric overlords

2017-03-28 05:01:04 UTC

(((metric overlords)))

2017-03-28 05:13:52 UTC

2017-03-28 05:14:49 UTC


2017-03-28 05:16:44 UTC

2017-03-28 05:16:49 UTC

It was a joke

2017-03-28 05:17:07 UTC

2017-03-28 05:26:20 UTC

2017-03-28 05:38:34 UTC

Mozart - Piano Concerto 23

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