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2018-08-27 08:36:43 UTC

yeah, people waking up to reason which is cool

2018-08-27 08:40:38 UTC

Yeah, I can relate to a lot of these stories. Its good that people are speaking out.
Makes us feel less alone.

2018-08-27 08:43:16 UTC

This one is actually really good, very relevant

2018-08-27 08:43:31 UTC

whats your thoughts on this guys story bud? @spursfan82

2018-08-27 08:53:15 UTC

Brilliant. The left are so obsessed with not being racist that they can't see how racist they actually are by infantilising blacks/"minorities"

2018-08-27 08:57:14 UTC

yeah, the ignorance right? It's good to see these guys coming around with reason, and this guy really summed it pretty damn well. He is cool, calm and rational, hope we start seeing a massive walkaway trend from the left here in SA as well... Can dream right?

2018-08-27 08:59:50 UTC

I think it will take some time.
It will eventually reach SA.

2018-08-27 09:01:04 UTC

โ˜๐Ÿป This deals with a similar topic. And features Willem's new pal Jesse Lee Peterson

2018-08-27 09:09:05 UTC

Yeah Jesse Lee is pretty bad ass, like how people assume he will relate to their bullshit ideology, and then he sides with the objective reason and facts lol.

2018-08-27 09:13:08 UTC

9:28 "I'm sorry to hear that"

2018-08-27 09:13:11 UTC

killed me lol

2018-08-27 09:13:45 UTC

he is so savage sometimes

2018-08-27 09:16:57 UTC


2018-08-27 09:23:29 UTC

I love how exposes all the holes in her ideology just by asking really simple questions...

2018-08-27 09:31:43 UTC

thats the great thing about being consistent with your reasoning, you dont chop and change your opinion and mind on things that end up cornering you, like in this video that woman states she is a proud product of affirmitive action, then at the 20min mark, when it's made obvious, she questions, do black people get in on affirmative action, and I am like? woman, you just claimed to be a proud product thereof lol... this is the problem with liberalism that i have noticed, they chop and change their positions throwing consistency out the window, it's illogic to be inconsistent... but yeah, really love how he takes something, then goes full circle in a conversation in a few minutes getting them on the side of criticising their own ideological motivations lol and then "Im sorry to hear that" turns into "halleluja"

2018-08-27 09:38:47 UTC

Lol. It's funny when they fumble over their own views.
But I think its important not to pounce on them with a "gotcha", as it will just make them wanna double-down.

Anyway, what is it with guys named "Peterson" eh?

2018-08-27 09:47:08 UTC

I dont think anyone really bothers to call out gotcha, it's best to smile and let them realize it themselves... their facial expressions can tell when they realize it, but also if not, others around them will notice it likely

2018-08-27 09:52:40 UTC

@spursfan82 You ever seen Brad around? I remember he use to participate in our youtube comments as well

2018-08-27 09:59:06 UTC

Nope, just in the comments now and again.

2018-08-27 10:00:49 UTC

I'm hardly on youtube comments anymore, rare that i would now post anything on youtube, because either someone else already says what i want to say, or i find an opportunity to give someone something to think about

2018-08-27 12:14:13 UTC

2018-08-27 12:15:10 UTC

not sure about the rules here, would this suffice as snuff?

2018-08-27 14:10:56 UTC


2018-08-27 14:10:58 UTC

Mooi man

2018-08-27 14:14:11 UTC

GG @KoninginTanja, you just advanced to level 1!

2018-08-27 15:25:10 UTC

first world problems

2018-08-27 15:41:51 UTC

"Female student debt is a thing because more women are now attending college" Oh fuck me I can't stand some of these fucking femnazi wingnuts..I really can't....Student debt is a thing for absolutely everyone who attends college..not just for the women, love.. >.< Definitely First World Problems. @Sheamus

2018-08-27 15:47:49 UTC

@Sheamus These Americans need to come live in SA...I'd love to be bitching about student debt instead of a possible civil war ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-08-27 15:55:06 UTC

Lol exactly.. And these are the twits that are trying to influence the outcome of our lives over here with their rhetoric. We are but a game being played for political entertainment.

2018-08-27 15:58:57 UTC

It's sexual harassment to say hi to women now apparently LOL

2018-08-27 16:16:07 UTC

Yeah remember watching that craziness unfold lol.. I'm glad people recognise this.

2018-08-27 16:16:38 UTC

@ZombieQueen This some Hugh Mugnus shit...Americans are something else๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-08-27 16:17:10 UTC

Woman is beyond unstable..

2018-08-27 16:17:11 UTC

GG @ZombieQueen, you just advanced to level 18!

2018-08-27 16:19:54 UTC

@Sheamus Bru oppression Olympics๐Ÿ˜‚ It's like they wake up and have a meeting about what they can be offended by today

2018-08-27 16:24:00 UTC

That's one thing that I can't agree with when it comes to stuff like "Women's Lib" in college..some things I can agree with, but I feel like rather them educating these people and inform them of the past, and how we can make a better future for ourselves, they pump out professional victims, and tell them that people having preferences is sexist or discriminatory, video games are a proponent of violence against women, there are no differences between men and women and they all have the exact same human capabilties, etc....It's....the opposite of empowering in my opinions..It's a shame..

2018-08-27 16:25:45 UTC

That's just my strange opinion though lol..

2018-08-27 16:29:31 UTC

@Darkseid honestly, i would like to see one of those skits made, an sjw waking up with that enthusiasm to take offense at something, and then go out to protest it, and come home calling it a day...

2018-08-27 16:32:05 UTC

@ZombieQueen People are told that they're owed something that's why...This participation medal movement, is what essentially created, "Generation Bitch", in that sense I'm happy I'm born in SA really puts things into perspective about what I should be bitching about

2018-08-27 16:34:13 UTC

Agreed... Need to explore some more of those walkaway videos

2018-08-27 16:35:40 UTC

@Sheamus Probably get mass flagged๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-08-27 16:36:23 UTC

@Darkseid lol wonder if we will see any local walkaway videos

2018-08-27 16:38:05 UTC

@Sheamus I think the problem here is, rational people don't have a platform, its mostly the 2 extremes

2018-08-27 16:38:21 UTC

@Sheamus Cause that sells papers and gets views

2018-08-27 16:40:44 UTC

@Darkseid But this is the problem init...

2018-08-27 16:42:30 UTC

@Sheamus Yeah most of us are trying to contribute to society just trying to live a normal life...In the mean time, EFF supporters, who are largely unemployed, get all the press they need cause they spend their weeks planning their next protest

2018-08-27 16:46:51 UTC

@Darkseid Nothing better to do, idle hands are the devild playground.

2018-08-27 16:49:15 UTC

@Sheamus Hands aren't going to be filled any time soon

2018-08-27 16:54:32 UTC

@Darkseid Not at the rate they are promising free shit, they wont be making an honest living by stretch of the imagination

2018-08-27 16:58:21 UTC

@Sheamus EFF is doing the same thing anc did...promises they will never be able to keep..
History repeats itself

2018-08-27 17:01:18 UTC

@Darkseid lol dont forget BLF lol

2018-08-27 17:05:24 UTC

@Sheamus They're a dead meme ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-08-27 17:19:15 UTC


2018-08-27 17:53:57 UTC

2018-08-27 17:55:48 UTC


2018-08-27 20:21:41 UTC

This is how some woman explained inequality; whahahahahahahahahaha

2018-08-27 20:30:44 UTC


2018-08-27 20:35:52 UTC

oh man I really feel sorry for that lady going the wrong way on the moving walkway

2018-08-27 20:36:58 UTC

@KoninginTanja Yeah... funny thing is that while it is accurate, I bet it is used for entirely different reason than the obvious objective truth.... I bet it is implied that the woman is forced to use that escalator, but we all know she chose that one

2018-08-28 18:39:06 UTC

look at this i cant believe this! i keep telling everyone the British has it in for us! i mean they freaking started apartheid and look at them now throwing us under the bus

2018-08-28 22:57:23 UTC

@Banting Gamer Teresa cares more for the wellbeing of migrants and prosecution of UK citizens who dare speak out than she cares for the UK and its citizens. Why would she take a stance against the ANC government's policy to allow theft? Someone might say she is a racist, or even worse, say she agrees with Trump. ๐Ÿค”

2018-08-28 23:55:41 UTC
2018-08-29 16:50:21 UTC

........ <:Hmm:480050565167185920>

2018-08-29 16:51:19 UTC

@ZombieQueen Wa kry jy al die kak...

2018-08-29 16:52:43 UTC


2018-08-29 16:54:11 UTC

@ZombieQueen Where do you get all this shit๐Ÿ˜‚ Sorry was speaking to someone in afrikaans and it bled over to discord for a moment

2018-08-29 16:55:33 UTC

Fucking YouTube. Lmfao. I can't believe someone actually proposed that shit... The only thing I can agree with is working from home, and I think that should be a standard for everyone..not just implemented for fat people... It...just makes my brain hurt....

2018-08-29 16:55:57 UTC

2018-08-29 16:57:05 UTC

@ZombieQueen Nah but what does your feed look like to get recommended videos like this ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-08-29 16:59:16 UTC

I kinda hate watch this one chick Amberlynn Reid...she's like 530 "elbees." And that dude Omegon responds to some of her videos and comments on different things..ridiculous policies likes that one in the video...his delivery is hilarious.. @Darkseid

2018-08-29 17:03:27 UTC

@ZombieQueen Hate watching is fun...for a lefty you're pretty right sometimes๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-08-29 17:09:24 UTC

It can be fun ^.^. Not all lefties get offended at absolutely everything. ๐Ÿ˜‚ @Darkseid

2018-08-29 17:10:26 UTC

@ZombieQueen A LOT of you do๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-08-29 17:13:18 UTC

Eh most of my views and ethics are left leaning, but I guess I can be right.? in some aspects too..I just don't see that side like you\y'all can. What are some "right" things that I've said or done thus far? From your perspective..Lol @Darkseid And True story..a lot do unfortunately.

2018-08-29 17:17:04 UTC

@ZombieQueen Firstly you don't seem to buy into the whole identity politics and white is wrong rhetoric the left is going with lately..

2018-08-29 17:32:58 UTC

I just..there are some things I can agree with, and some that I can't. I've never actively fat shamed anyone or made fun or IRL, but I can't support unhealthy body positivity, and this is coming from someone who has never had what you would consider a healthy existence through this life up until about 2 years ago..and have actively tried to change that, but I just can't agree with...."It's ok being that morbidly obese...there's nothing wrong with it..You're so not gonna have an exceedingly shorter lifespan than previous generations.." i mean I could go on and on about that one honestly..but I digress.. Other identity politics that I can't relate day feminism?.. I'm all for 100% equality..but..todays Femnazis? No thank you, rather not be associated.....
I also don't think just because you're\we're white, makes us more insidious or evil than any other race, we've just been pretty successful at ushering in our modern day standards of "civilization." What else? @Darkseid

2018-08-29 17:33:00 UTC


2018-08-29 17:33:24 UTC

Being fat should be protected by law? Wtf even

2018-08-29 17:33:45 UTC

@Sheamus sentiments exactly..

2018-08-29 17:34:13 UTC

So doctors recommending obese people to lose weight will be illegal

2018-08-29 17:34:37 UTC

They should even be allowed to come in a whole hour later than their other fitter or more reasonably sized coworkers apparently..

2018-08-29 17:35:24 UTC

@Sheamus We should try to Red Pill @ZombieQueen

2018-08-29 17:35:41 UTC

See this really is an attempt to take responsibility away from people... It only needs degeneracy, big fat degenerates ๐Ÿ˜

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