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2018-09-11 13:48:20 UTC

Go Go Go you can do it ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-09-11 14:04:32 UTC

It started as me taking a piss at renaldo(cuz he has 4 degrees meme) and julia (who said she was just a mediocre graphics designer) and i joined them cuz julia complaint about Renaldo being friends with a "white nationalist".

2018-09-11 14:06:55 UTC

@Meerkat_RSA funny she hasn't answered @Willem Petzer question what is a white nationalist....but then again waiting for a intelligent answer from Julia.... Generations will come and go before that :-)

2018-09-11 14:09:43 UTC


2018-09-11 14:10:08 UTC

I plan was to post it and come back to it in my next study break. But i didn't think she reply so fast. So will check again in 45 minutes.

2018-09-11 14:11:56 UTC

@Meerkat_RSA yeah you need to be patient with Julia might take a while to come up with a meaningful response ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-09-11 14:12:39 UTC

She will google it <:4Degrees:480048431126151170>

2018-09-11 14:13:30 UTC

@BlackWidow in Julia's case thank goodness then for Google assist ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-09-11 14:14:10 UTC

lol @ true ne

2018-09-11 14:16:51 UTC

Willem hoekom is jou yt channel so still ? is jy besig met groot goed ?

2018-09-11 14:17:14 UTC
2018-09-11 14:48:49 UTC

2018-09-11 15:00:58 UTC

She hasn't replied yet. LOL

2018-09-11 15:15:02 UTC

This discord is dying isn't it... I don't have to scroll more than once to end up where i left off a few days ago lol

2018-09-11 15:18:53 UTC

@Apollo yeah I'm still going through them but I've just noticed I don't have to scroll for ages to catch up lol. It use to be more active. I'm just stating my observation lol

2018-09-11 16:47:11 UTC


2018-09-11 16:47:25 UTC

That Boer Testimony thing is probs popping off

2018-09-11 17:11:34 UTC

yeah it's rather productive there actually

2018-09-11 18:08:01 UTC

@Meerkat_RSA that is fucking hilarious

2018-09-11 18:08:43 UTC


2018-09-11 18:09:11 UTC

@Sheamus The channel is not dying, people on here just have jobs so can't be as active as a student discord ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-09-11 18:28:29 UTC

2018-09-11 18:33:03 UTC

@Rendier careful he might hit

2018-09-11 18:33:09 UTC

2018-09-11 18:35:36 UTC


2018-09-11 18:46:04 UTC

Only in South Africa

2018-09-11 18:49:26 UTC

I will find the lost city of orania one day

2018-09-11 18:52:11 UTC

hah Julia Eccles, the "mediocre graphic designer":

2018-09-11 19:04:30 UTC

2018-09-11 19:42:46 UTC

Must i troll miss universe?

2018-09-11 19:45:43 UTC

There was a dank meme about her before she was miss south Africa. She was called a ass kisser by a meme page of our school after she visited us. And then she complain and the school purged the admins of the page and had like a investigation on how the inner circle where. So i am going to repost the meme and tag her.

2018-09-11 19:55:16 UTC

she made a similar one about a white male tennis player and no one cared

2018-09-11 19:55:21 UTC

Fuck i shared the cartoon on my class group before i even seen the article

2018-09-11 19:55:44 UTC

@Rendier can't chat, busy with work but I'll listen to the kak praat. Btw, where do you get your cbd?

2018-09-11 19:57:22 UTC

@Rendier What do you think of Phumiziles behaviour on twitter. Shouldnt the DA stop her?

2018-09-11 20:05:28 UTC

hi all I am listening ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-09-11 20:45:13 UTC


2018-09-11 20:54:20 UTC

@Rendier yeah I guess working is as good a reason than one could hope for.

2018-09-11 20:58:16 UTC

2018-09-12 08:24:04 UTC

2018-09-12 09:49:49 UTC

That's totally @WuldGoGayForLauren's meme

2018-09-12 09:50:22 UTC

and now we know how old @WuldGoGayForLauren is

2018-09-12 10:33:43 UTC

@everyone Please join @Willem Petzer Facebook group and add members

2018-09-12 10:40:18 UTC

I wonder how the group will stay online?

2018-09-12 12:18:34 UTC

2018-09-12 12:19:25 UTC


2018-09-12 12:23:44 UTC

Well I'm on board with we can easily get armed and defend ourselves, this needs to become a priority.

But i sense this might be an issue considering "The Black Gun Owners Association of South Africa is challenging the loss of revenue and employment, and is seeking compensation for the loss of income. Furthermore, it is challenging the political motivations of the act as Abios Khoele, chairperson of the Black Gun Owners Association,[8]ย told a press briefing in Johannesburg: "This government is hell-bent on disarming black people because they've made so many service delivery promises to them which they have not fulfilled. They are scared that if blacks are armed they will turn on the government."[9][10]"

2018-09-12 12:24:06 UTC

i feel like they're just disarming law abiding citizens to make their tyranny easier for themselves

2018-09-12 12:24:30 UTC
2018-09-12 12:25:50 UTC

That's the whole point of the 2nd amendment in the US, and guess what? The far left there is also pushing for gun control, I wonder why, kappa

2018-09-12 12:29:38 UTC

I think it's obvias lol though i think they would literally go to war before giving it up, they don't seem to like the left very much, nor their politicians, and clearly wouldn't mind putting them down if need be. At least they have that constitution to defend. We need something like this too honestly, with basic regulations, but no long waiting periods. 6 months is ridiculous, and it can take even longer at times.

2018-09-12 12:38:39 UTC

@Rendier Great video!!!

2018-09-12 12:56:12 UTC

@afm No u dont xd

2018-09-12 13:02:15 UTC

I hope this fucker dont hit me on Friday

2018-09-12 13:06:08 UTC

Manila timelapse

2018-09-12 13:25:25 UTC The real winner here is the guy who sold these people plots of land for R500

2018-09-12 14:14:32 UTC

possible leaked image exposing possible persons behind gun control

2018-09-12 15:54:29 UTC

GG @Father Clarity, you just advanced to level 3!

2018-09-12 15:55:50 UTC

Basic defence...Time to arm yourselves brothers and sisters...we cannot depend on SAPS.

2018-09-12 16:52:13 UTC

how long until fallout-type pipe guns get made by many people?

2018-09-12 16:52:55 UTC

I've wanted to make a fallout-type pipe gun for a very long time, but if I get caught I'll get 5-10 years in prison for it

2018-09-12 16:55:32 UTC


2018-09-12 18:06:18 UTC

Prayers needed as Hurricane Florence is expected to cause hundreds of miles of severe destruction in the southeast US

2018-09-12 18:21:22 UTC


To answer an old question, the United States had 17,250 homicides last year for an average of 47.3 murders per day. So that's about even with South Africa. @Rendier

2018-09-12 18:25:50 UTC

In the United States however, 90% of this is gang members killing other gang members in ghetto areas of large cities. Outside of that element, serious violent street crime is relatively low in America without gangs. In other words, non-gang related violent crimes are not common. So pretty much, if you're young and in a gang in America, it's just as dangerous as South Africa. But if you're not, youre chances of being targeted for violence are next to nothing in most places in America

2018-09-12 18:25:53 UTC

@Darkseid still suspect how new those building materials looked like... still wonder who supplied it

2018-09-12 18:26:12 UTC

@Sheamus Effers probs

2018-09-12 18:52:48 UTC


2018-09-12 19:10:03 UTC

Stream is laggy AF

2018-09-12 19:30:14 UTC

@Mark Faith ek is mal oor jou musiek pappa

2018-09-12 19:31:27 UTC

@Rendier we are Telkom (but infrastruktuur is openserve)

2018-09-12 19:38:54 UTC

@Mark Faith @AndeB Boepens Vark Jack Parow

2018-09-12 19:40:37 UTC

2018-09-12 19:42:00 UTC

whats up guys... why is the connection so KAK or is this just like an SA thing at the moment?

2018-09-12 19:43:07 UTC

i am the netherlands was perfect, the voice just had echo

2018-09-12 20:40:40 UTC

im depressed

2018-09-12 20:40:40 UTC

GG @kandarpa, you just advanced to level 3!

2018-09-12 20:40:47 UTC

oh thank you

2018-09-12 20:41:13 UTC

I must say this server is very very boring

2018-09-12 21:00:59 UTC

@kandarpa yeah it seems a bit dead lately. But I'm sure its just temporary.

2018-09-12 22:13:31 UTC

2018-09-12 22:13:51 UTC

2018-09-12 22:16:06 UTC

2018-09-12 22:16:19 UTC

2018-09-12 22:18:34 UTC

2018-09-12 22:22:49 UTC

2018-09-13 08:31:39 UTC

Came across this, not sure how genuine it is but sounds like the ANC way...

2018-09-13 09:02:09 UTC

@afm RISE UP

2018-09-13 12:44:17 UTC

@Punisher did you highlight it?

2018-09-13 13:24:40 UTC

@Meerkat_RSA no that is how I got the jpeg

2018-09-13 13:39:24 UTC

@Mark Faith You forget.. our population here is 55-60m yours is 300m so ... we are 10x worse

2018-09-13 15:50:46 UTC - no white people? and asking questions about why they wear clay on their face is offensive?

2018-09-13 15:58:14 UTC

so I don't get arrested

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