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2018-03-09 09:12:58 UTC

Becase you see whites as a group.

2018-03-09 09:13:03 UTC

No, it doesnโ€™t bother me that they wanna blame white people for their issues. It bothers me that they assume shit about me because of my race, gender, or sexual orientation.

2018-03-09 09:13:19 UTC

I know it was, but this discussion is a mess on several levels too ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-03-09 09:13:22 UTC

Donโ€™t assume you know me just because you know random facts about me

2018-03-09 09:13:49 UTC

I believe that justice based on social groups is a disgusting tool that needs to be abandoned.

2018-03-09 09:14:17 UTC

I don't know you as an individual but we are dealing with collectives.

2018-03-09 09:14:18 UTC

And that's where I fall away from the Alt-Right, because the Alt-Right adopts those policies in reverse, as if defined by it's own enemies.

2018-03-09 09:15:00 UTC

The thing is Rye racial groups are a biological collective.

2018-03-09 09:15:12 UTC

But they are not inherently a social collective.

2018-03-09 09:15:17 UTC

Not automatically.

2018-03-09 09:16:07 UTC

The fact that me and my neighbor share the same skin color doesn't mean anything. We're peers in the same city, same neighborhood, but we're very different.

2018-03-09 09:16:44 UTC

I think the issue here is that One of you, is confusing "biological preference" with "pack mentality"

2018-03-09 09:17:08 UTC

The fact that my neighbor down the street has a different skin color than me doesn't mean anything either, he and I get along better than my other neighbor. He's got a Blue Lives Matter sticker on his van and he's based libertarian as fuck.

2018-03-09 09:17:14 UTC

When (((they))) started to make whites hate themsleves and promote atomized individualism.

2018-03-09 09:17:38 UTC

lots of peopel hate themselves, thats not a trait only white people have

2018-03-09 09:18:09 UTC

I'd argue it's the trait that sets blacks that break out of the collective apart, that they've lost their self-hatred.

2018-03-09 09:18:14 UTC

Rye You have to remeber that race is more then skin colour.

2018-03-09 09:18:14 UTC

one of the traits.

2018-03-09 09:18:16 UTC

and you completely forget
It is the individualism that allows for Capitalism to be a thing, And capitalism is the very thing that made the west the powerhouse it was

2018-03-09 09:18:25 UTC

Aussie, you keep saying that

2018-03-09 09:18:41 UTC

Becase you are ignoring what it is.

2018-03-09 09:18:45 UTC

I just described the black man down the street that I consider a friend, and the white person I live next to that I can't stand.

2018-03-09 09:19:05 UTC

These things only mean something to you

2018-03-09 09:19:08 UTC

until it's inconvenient

2018-03-09 09:19:13 UTC

Yes that's an individual case not an average.

2018-03-09 09:19:15 UTC

Your definitions are fluid, they change on a whim.

2018-03-09 09:19:28 UTC

2018-03-09 09:19:46 UTC

No I don't think we should base things on outliers you do.

2018-03-09 09:20:00 UTC

I don't think we should punish outliers based on averages, you do.

2018-03-09 09:20:09 UTC

I am not a school shooter, despite being white.

2018-03-09 09:20:52 UTC

You're defining things by immutable traits

2018-03-09 09:20:56 UTC

Why should punish the majorty of whites for a small number of blacks?

2018-03-09 09:21:05 UTC

not factoring in choices that individuals make

2018-03-09 09:21:11 UTC

Submitting to a collective

2018-03-09 09:21:12 UTC

we shouldn't, no one is arguing that

2018-03-09 09:21:14 UTC

is an individual choice

2018-03-09 09:21:38 UTC

Yes you are your only thinking with outlires not the average.

2018-03-09 09:22:00 UTC

The only demographic you know is race.

2018-03-09 09:22:03 UTC

That's the problem.

2018-03-09 09:22:15 UTC

Did the individual whites deside to to be replaced?

2018-03-09 09:22:25 UTC

I mean

2018-03-09 09:22:29 UTC

I'm thinking with individuals only

If 1 person commits a crime, his race shouldn't be punished for it
If 99 people commit a crime, and 1 guy is provably innocent, he should not suffer the punishment

2018-03-09 09:23:08 UTC

I know of other demographics but race is the most immprotant one.

2018-03-09 09:23:08 UTC

40% of the members, for instance, of the NRA are non-white.

2018-03-09 09:23:30 UTC

and NRA members account for less crime in the United States

2018-03-09 09:23:35 UTC

than even our police.

2018-03-09 09:23:46 UTC

Ok lads It's getting late down Here So i'm going to bed now.

2018-03-09 09:23:54 UTC


2018-03-09 09:24:03 UTC

sweet dreams

2018-03-09 09:24:12 UTC

I may be confusing that with concealed carry, but NRA members are notoriously safe individuals as well.

2018-03-09 09:24:43 UTC

Well its ausland. As manly as they are, they sure have a cucked government.

2018-03-09 09:25:49 UTC

the entire western government is kind of cucked for a while now

2018-03-09 09:26:00 UTC

... does he really go to bed at 8:25...?

2018-03-09 09:26:19 UTC

we don't know where he lives

2018-03-09 09:26:56 UTC

And well, what does he do for a living?

2018-03-09 09:27:02 UTC

Presumably somewhere in Australia.

2018-03-09 09:27:05 UTC


2018-03-09 09:27:05 UTC

I swear hes always on when I am.

2018-03-09 09:27:12 UTC

thinking in collectives!

2018-03-09 09:27:25 UTC

and well, most of you are on when i am!

2018-03-09 09:27:36 UTC

Maybe he's got school in the morning. *shrug*

2018-03-09 09:27:36 UTC

I shouldn't be awake.

2018-03-09 09:27:48 UTC

must have somethign to do with people only sleeping for ~8 hours, and being awake to talk for 16, lots of overlappage

2018-03-09 09:27:55 UTC

sleep is for the weak

2018-03-09 09:28:14 UTC

i sure could go for more sleep, but its 10:27 in the morning

2018-03-09 09:28:30 UTC

I work nights, so I can sleep in.

2018-03-09 09:28:52 UTC

I'm self-employed, so I work when I want.

2018-03-09 09:29:17 UTC

i got an exam that requires me to wake up at 6:00 on monday, i can't afford to move my sleep pattern to wake at 11

2018-03-09 09:30:08 UTC

I'm trying to save up to start work in a trade, more than likely automotive. Atm I'm just working anything I can get -- typically janitorial work.

2018-03-09 09:31:25 UTC

blame the mexicans!

2018-03-09 09:31:27 UTC


2018-03-09 09:31:46 UTC

Nah, I made suboptimal plays when I first went into college.

2018-03-09 09:31:58 UTC

Jumped around too much.

2018-03-09 09:32:02 UTC

I just code....

2018-03-09 09:32:44 UTC

i code also
but my code is not like other codes

2018-03-09 09:33:05 UTC

my code is white people code๐Ÿ˜

2018-03-09 09:33:20 UTC

Normal people code*

2018-03-09 09:33:28 UTC


2018-03-09 09:34:13 UTC

I'm not smart enough to innovate or start my own business lol.

2018-03-09 09:34:29 UTC

Mrrh, not necessarily true.

2018-03-09 09:35:04 UTC

Starting a business doesn't just mean like building the next Uber or anything like that

2018-03-09 09:35:37 UTC

I mean, I'm working to build an Internet Radio Station. Had to learn a LOT of bullshit to get as far as I've gotten so far..

2018-03-09 09:35:57 UTC

but I could just as easily learn a trade and build a business around that trade.

2018-03-09 09:36:26 UTC

Welcome to RyyyyYEEEEeeeeCaaaaaaast, i'm here all evening, lets have our first caller

2018-03-09 09:36:32 UTC

Well... I kinda did that too... the radio station's funded by a drone mapping business...

2018-03-09 09:36:43 UTC

Actually, that joke's played out anyway.

2018-03-09 09:36:51 UTC


2018-03-09 09:36:53 UTC

Although I kinda like the icon I made...

2018-03-09 09:38:03 UTC

There we go.

2018-03-09 09:38:06 UTC

no? one sec.

2018-03-09 09:38:45 UTC


2018-03-09 09:39:08 UTC

I'll miss my old Tim Pool beanie avatar.

2018-03-09 09:40:26 UTC

Oh good, I've still got this picture, too.

2018-03-09 09:40:36 UTC


2018-03-09 09:40:45 UTC

My favorite reaction image.

2018-03-09 09:40:53 UTC

I cleared out my entire collection but that one.

2018-03-09 09:42:12 UTC

that was my reaction face

2018-03-09 09:47:57 UTC

There we go. Nice background this time.

2018-03-09 09:59:35 UTC


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