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2018-05-24 16:16:32 UTC

Which is a major drain in resources.

2018-05-24 16:18:43 UTC

a data collection firm like Discord

2018-05-24 16:21:40 UTC

Like all free sites

2018-05-24 16:23:12 UTC

Or you can have the YT that we have. A very rich company that realizes how important a site like YT is and writes off the cost as a charity.

2018-05-24 16:23:47 UTC

They don't write it off as charity. It's overhead fr advertising.

2018-05-24 16:23:50 UTC


2018-05-24 16:23:58 UTC

A company could.

2018-05-24 16:24:33 UTC

YouTube isn't important. We had tv and still do.

2018-05-24 16:25:01 UTC

It's only popular because it is free, and people can make a living off it

2018-05-24 16:25:20 UTC

But it's free because we are not the customer. Companies are

2018-05-24 16:25:50 UTC

Which is why it keeps shooting it's creators because it's customers are being finicky

2018-05-24 16:27:37 UTC

You have to pay to use the air waves. YT is important because it is free for everyone. TV has gate keepers. Thats why I think it would be good for a company to realize the good that YT brings and take it on as a charity. No need to worry about hit pieces. Although I'm not sure how long theses pieces will have any effect.

2018-05-24 16:35:12 UTC

youtube has gatekeepers

2018-05-24 16:35:53 UTC

Where are the gay traps?

2018-05-24 16:36:20 UTC

It's Thursday. They take Thursdays off. Come back tomorrow.

2018-05-24 16:37:18 UTC

YT has Gatekeepers. I didn't say it was perfect put a private company is the best way to run it. You can't have it ran by a government.

2018-05-24 16:37:21 UTC

2018-05-24 16:37:31 UTC

the only real way to not have gatekeepers is either through having lots of competition, or by decentralization. Which should be an option with block chain. make creators pay for storage of their videos. "want 50 gb for data? give me 50 gb on your machine. uninstall the app? fine, your channel goes down by how much space that machine gave me"

2018-05-24 16:38:03 UTC

put all the cost on the people using the system

2018-05-24 16:38:45 UTC

then there is no gate keepers.

2018-05-24 16:39:46 UTC

actually, i wonder....

2018-05-24 16:39:52 UTC

That is the other way to do it. But even a system like that runs into the gate keeper issue. There is maintainance of the coding and I'm all for free expression but I don't want to be chipping into a site that allows child porn on it.

2018-05-24 16:40:40 UTC

maintenance of open source stuff is usually done by the people who use it.

2018-05-24 16:42:27 UTC

YT is the second biggest search engine in the western world. I think it's to big to be run by bedroom coders.

2018-05-24 16:44:36 UTC

first off: its google, not really youtube.
second: you underestimate the power of open source

2018-05-24 16:45:51 UTC

O might be underestimating it. Google is #1 YT is #2

2018-05-24 16:45:56 UTC


2018-05-24 16:46:30 UTC

they are the same company

2018-05-24 16:46:45 UTC

probably by now very similar algorithms

2018-05-24 16:46:51 UTC

thats why i say google

2018-05-24 16:46:58 UTC

or really Alphabet

2018-05-24 16:52:51 UTC

Thats like saying Amazon and Twitch are the same company. Yes they are working close but when ppl 'google' something you aren't looking it up on YT. They are separate entities with separate teams.

2018-05-24 16:54:44 UTC

well, more like if i search youtube i don't find it on google. but i will find youtube on google

2018-05-24 16:55:49 UTC

so i count them as one in the same in the sense that i wouldn't be surprised if googles algorithm is built into youtubes, with just a limit to youtube only results.

2018-05-24 17:01:33 UTC

That's fair enough but that's not how most ppl use or view the two sites.

2018-05-24 17:31:51 UTC

He said it!

2018-05-24 17:31:54 UTC

The absolute madman!

2018-05-24 17:45:46 UTC

Primarch Elon Musk of the Tesla Marines?

2018-05-24 17:46:03 UTC

God Emperor Trumps lost son?

2018-05-24 17:46:40 UTC

2018-05-24 17:47:37 UTC

pharmacy: "yeah, it will take me like 2 minutes to fill this bottle.... but i'm gonna take 6 hours and charge 1000 bucks per hour"

2018-05-24 17:53:33 UTC

but hey, its the tax break giving this to the 1% that ruins america

2018-05-24 17:53:57 UTC

the 1% that ruins america? you mean politicians?

2018-05-24 17:54:11 UTC

i was being a sjw ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-05-24 17:55:02 UTC

this is just a cut case of pharma monopoly that the government is playing along to,

Because with that amount of money you charge, you can buy congress

2018-05-24 18:06:18 UTC

jar-jar horsedog

2018-05-24 18:07:49 UTC

Zeta: If that's you you need to tell them you can't pay asap

2018-05-24 18:08:01 UTC


2018-05-24 18:08:04 UTC


2018-05-24 19:11:10 UTC

Yeah. It's not me.

2018-05-24 19:11:37 UTC

Alright, guys. I'm a few hours away from dinner.

2018-05-24 19:12:05 UTC

I have 2 undocumented votes for searing

2018-05-24 19:13:37 UTC

grill, cut up, put curry sauce/curry ketchup on it, serve with french fries

2018-05-24 19:14:46 UTC

Can't. Too many carbohydrates. I'm trying to keep this keto

2018-05-24 19:14:51 UTC


2018-05-24 19:14:59 UTC

I can go up to the fries point

2018-05-24 19:16:37 UTC

german bratwurst ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-05-24 21:59:36 UTC
"Both in and out of character I think that all property is theft," we know Kotaku us shit but...wut

2018-05-24 22:00:29 UTC

What kind of D&D group switches DMs at the midpoint of a campaign?

2018-05-24 22:01:09 UTC

And how can an entire D&D group not establish the definition of theft?

2018-05-24 22:01:20 UTC


2018-05-24 22:01:33 UTC

Right? Like, without property there IS no theft

2018-05-24 22:01:46 UTC


2018-05-24 22:02:20 UTC

I mean, I think in context that really means private property

2018-05-24 22:02:26 UTC

I haven't seen a group play more than a few days without beating several dead horses into the ground on trivial matters, this could def been one of 'em.

2018-05-24 22:02:30 UTC

But I wonder if they would let me chill in their house uninvited

2018-05-24 22:03:41 UTC

Maybe you misunderstand property in relation to economy. No one *wants* to give up anything willingly.. they'd rather have it all. But sometimes you must.

2018-05-24 22:04:22 UTC

In order to get better things you'll like more, per say

2018-05-24 22:04:35 UTC

I think the dumbest moral decision my group's been presented with was the time I asked the party to vote on whether to unkill someone

2018-05-24 22:05:15 UTC

And the consequences therein.

2018-05-24 22:10:47 UTC

holy shit

that was painful to read

2018-05-24 22:14:38 UTC

especially when she wrote one of the characters was inspired by Zero-Two from DITF.

just... why? It's seems so out of place. poor/lazy character design is a huge peeve of mine
is it just a pink-haired girl? there's no giant robots in dnd so there's not much you can carry over from there

2018-05-24 22:16:51 UTC

Poor/ lazy writing is all sjws have. It's part of the reason their comics don't sell.

2018-05-24 22:17:06 UTC

Besides hating on their primary demographic

2018-05-24 22:18:05 UTC

cis. white. males.

2018-05-24 22:18:46 UTC


2018-05-24 22:19:36 UTC

seen here

2018-05-24 22:40:41 UTC

that last sentence tells you everything you need to know

2018-05-24 22:41:07 UTC

also i would probably only play with this group if i had cyanide on hand

2018-05-24 22:44:28 UTC

i dont think changing dms mid game is a bad thing, i mean it gives new experince to an upcoming dm which is always good. at worst its unorthidox. some things not to do though
play as assholes
be an sjw
play characters from another game in D&D
side with the villian, then try to kill the villian, then side with the ok people, then think about killing the ok people

2018-05-24 22:45:07 UTC

I dunno, looks like it would be pretty fun to mess with them and explain why nobles should be able to charge tolls for a bridge that they most likely funded/built and maintain

2018-05-24 22:46:06 UTC

of course, could just end in being kicked out of the game if the GM's a cuck

2018-05-24 23:02:58 UTC

actually, i think this is a perfect metaphor for how things would and do look under socialism and communism "You goup of people! these people are your evil oppressors, lets kill them! *kills people* Oh my god! these people are evil people too! *kills people* Perfect, now we have utopia!"

2018-05-24 23:09:52 UTC

well except the times it didint happin like that. more so ends that way with communism than socialism as well

2018-05-24 23:13:42 UTC

2018-05-25 00:28:28 UTC


2018-05-25 00:28:48 UTC

I'm pretty sure that Zero Two reference was just for SEO

2018-05-25 00:29:08 UTC

To bait the clicks

2018-05-25 00:32:49 UTC

funny how popular anime is with sjws, despite it almost always being completely antithetical to their beliefs.

2018-05-25 00:34:15 UTC

especially My Hero Academia, which is basically pro-capitalist propaganda

2018-05-25 01:06:56 UTC

2018-05-25 01:39:41 UTC

2018-05-25 01:42:22 UTC

the knife apparently. damn london

2018-05-25 01:53:29 UTC

Guess which city has Stop-and-Frisk?

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