Discord ID: 221774073024348162
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You went from 399 to free trash waifu BOI
Example video is Best diamond no life insurance when see that best jewelry 1
SomeOrdinaryGamers covered it that is where I discovered it
Where are the gay traps?
Tommy knew the law and trying to be a free speech warrior is a hack so I am glad he is in jail also the privacy of the case matters so fuck him he let child groomers walk no question
Neither does defending a man who let child groomer walk
Then keep the case private so justice can be done
So judge wanted closed...BUT FUCK THE JUDGE RIGHT
We are offended on behalf of everyone not like sjws
Everyone for justice and the people who say not to be offended on others behalf
So the chld gromming case means nothing @Ivanfr
George Soroes is keeping it secret people open your eyes!
The BBC commented on BBC and called it a threat
45 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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