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2018-10-24 22:15:19 UTC

the state worked with businesses to eliminate competition, that's not unusual

2018-10-24 22:34:42 UTC

the mises article is blatant propaganda, claiming that *any* government interference, even mild spending for job creation, would inevitably lead to socialism. it also called the nazi's economic policy effectively keynesian, despite keynesian economics being the standard in most developed nations, without leading to socialism (and the nazis privatising a hell of a lot more than keynesianism would support)

the historylearningsite article is very interesting, although it makes no mention of nationalisation or socialism

now, the final link is what satisfies me the most. it mentions the specific industries that the state controlled (mining and arms industry, anything directly related to rearmament), and describes how the government cooperated with businesses like IG Farben (my university's namesake)

2018-10-24 22:34:43 UTC

sup with the bombs?

2018-10-24 22:36:29 UTC

It claims that interference leads to more interference, and it does. Further, one mode of fascist thought was effectively akin to fattening up a pig before eating it- wherein you bolster the private market before turning around and effectively harvesting it

2018-10-24 22:36:47 UTC

CIA planing something something ridicilous.@Baal

2018-10-24 22:37:30 UTC


2018-10-24 22:38:35 UTC

first time i've heard of that description of fascist economics lol
but that would sound neither capitalist nor socialist imo

2018-10-24 22:40:48 UTC

and afaic it's not government interference in the economy that makes further interference necessary, but the existence of an economy in the first place
an economy can only exist with state enforcement. there cannot be an economy without government interference, it's simply a matter of whom the interference favours, and how much

2018-10-24 22:40:51 UTC

As described ideally, Nazis would look at current American oversight in its economy and say "Eh, close enough."

2018-10-24 22:41:33 UTC

They would ideally want more oversight, but its workable.

2018-10-24 22:41:52 UTC

Socialism is just a transitionary state between capitalism and communism in which a dictatorship assumes control of the market "on behalf of the people" ultimately

2018-10-24 22:42:18 UTC

But there's also a school of thought that holds socialism as the end goal

2018-10-24 22:42:54 UTC

the US likes the private sector, and mostly focuses on military, so maaaybe the nazis would nod with approval
but they also wanted total war, which the US hasn't had in a while afaik @Bookworm

2018-10-24 22:43:34 UTC

I'm just saying, we have the biggest, best funded military in the world.

2018-10-24 22:43:44 UTC

Kind of criminal we haven't expanded our borders in half a century.

2018-10-24 22:43:56 UTC

marxists see socialism (dictatorship of the proletariat) as a transition to communism (stateless, moneyless, classless society), aye

2018-10-24 22:44:23 UTC

Right, so what makes that different from a fascist end state that controls the economy centrally?

2018-10-24 22:44:31 UTC

where would you expand? Mexico or Canada? Eastern Russia? some more impoverished islands? @Bookworm

2018-10-24 22:44:34 UTC

It's done for the glory of the nation, or for the volk

2018-10-24 22:44:56 UTC

Africa. Almost no international oversight, rich natural resources, resistance would be almost nonexistent.

2018-10-24 22:45:19 UTC


2018-10-24 22:46:29 UTC

@Beemann socialism in the marxist sense has no private ownership of the means of production
in other words, no private business, no private property, only personal and state property

2018-10-24 22:46:49 UTC

that's completely opposed to the nazi's pursuit of privatisation

2018-10-24 22:46:51 UTC

USSR had private property and wages

2018-10-24 22:46:59 UTC

The point is to transition

2018-10-24 22:47:03 UTC

that's why they called themselves state capitalist

2018-10-24 22:47:32 UTC

The USSR called themselves socialist

2018-10-24 22:48:24 UTC

why you stick to terms they used to describe them selfs?
instead of focusing in reality what it was and how things worked?

2018-10-24 22:48:27 UTC

they wanted to transition to socialism through a short state capitalist period
they called themselves communist, *ideologically*, but that doesn't reflect what their state looked like

2018-10-24 22:48:50 UTC

State capitalism is the people's republic of markets

2018-10-24 22:49:05 UTC


2018-10-24 22:49:10 UTC


2018-10-24 22:49:15 UTC

except without markets

2018-10-24 22:50:02 UTC

And without republics

2018-10-24 22:51:22 UTC


2018-10-24 22:52:07 UTC

gonna head off to sleep now
nice talking ๐Ÿ‘‹

2018-10-24 23:54:31 UTC

Hereโ€™s the Vox article Tim covered today. Archived and ready to share .
โ€œ A menโ€™s right activist sued a womenโ€™s beer event โ€œ by Rebecca Jennings on Vox

This article criticizes an activist for suing business owners that discriminate based on gender. They lionized a woman raising money to fight against victims of discrimination based on Californiaโ€™s laws. It also claims that civil rights were just about cutting down white, cis, heterosexual, men.

2018-10-25 00:05:34 UTC

I hope that all the talk of gender equality can actually be used to promote men's rights.

2018-10-25 00:05:52 UTC

We have paid lip service to it long enough.

2018-10-25 00:06:50 UTC

people say toxic masculinity is a problem but frankly i don't see it

2018-10-25 00:07:02 UTC

you know what toxic masculinity gave us

2018-10-25 00:07:10 UTC

over-the-top action films from the 1980s

2018-10-25 00:07:19 UTC

pretty good

2018-10-25 00:08:23 UTC

If toxic masculinity is real, is toxic femininity?<:TimThink:482277772497125378>

2018-10-25 00:08:39 UTC

that would be uh

2018-10-25 00:09:18 UTC

butch lesbians?

2018-10-25 00:09:25 UTC


2018-10-25 00:11:37 UTC


2018-10-25 00:11:52 UTC

and soy boys.

2018-10-25 00:12:11 UTC

the nanny state

2018-10-25 00:12:19 UTC

no playing outside

2018-10-25 00:12:40 UTC

so britain

2018-10-25 00:12:47 UTC

no wait

2018-10-25 00:12:55 UTC

south korea's shadow government

2018-10-25 00:13:04 UTC

elite women controlling a supposed president

2018-10-25 00:13:12 UTC

now there's toxic femininity

2018-10-25 00:13:31 UTC

hence why porn is banned there for no good reason

2018-10-25 00:24:05 UTC

โ€œ Conspiracy theories about Soros arenโ€™t just false. Theyโ€™re anti-Semitic โ€œ by Talia Lavin on Washington Post

WP claims that the criticism of how George Soros uses his wealth and connections to manipulate politics around the world for his globalist agenda is anti-Semitic just because heโ€™s Jewish.

2018-10-25 00:26:47 UTC

oy vey, you cant criticize chosen people.
you dirty goym

2018-10-25 00:28:28 UTC

Shit! Am I banned from Israel now?!?

2018-10-25 00:32:37 UTC

Well, let's be frank here, there's literally no proof that he's actively manipulating politics around the world, so much as being a political philantropist. And if he was, he's doing a really shit job at it.

2018-10-25 00:32:50 UTC

you are under arrest for using basic logic and reasoning.
shoud have listened chosen people.

2018-10-25 00:34:33 UTC

If you cant see by now that the Jews play both sides of the field and fucking with everyone you need to open your eyes. ๐Ÿ‘€

2018-10-25 00:35:11 UTC

Ok that should put me on some list

2018-10-25 00:35:55 UTC


2018-10-25 00:36:00 UTC

called it

2018-10-25 00:36:08 UTC

I honestly can't tell if this is serious anti-semitism, or just straight up trolling xD

2018-10-25 00:36:15 UTC

i'm 1/15th jewish

2018-10-25 00:36:23 UTC

you are fake news

2018-10-25 00:36:30 UTC

not allowed in the inner circle

2018-10-25 00:37:07 UTC

2018-10-25 00:38:37 UTC

I had a Jewish ancestor 5-10 generations ago.

Give me my fucking duel citizenship!

2018-10-25 00:38:57 UTC


2018-10-25 00:39:07 UTC

Iโ€™m calling the ADL

2018-10-25 00:43:45 UTC

2018-10-25 00:47:08 UTC

>visit another country to get stoned

2018-10-25 00:47:10 UTC

>come back home

2018-10-25 00:47:26 UTC

>25 to life for breaking local law in another country where it's legal

2018-10-25 00:47:43 UTC

both koreas are equally a mess

2018-10-25 00:50:01 UTC

Really? I think that's a bit disingenuous to say South Korea is as messed up as North Korea.

2018-10-25 00:52:48 UTC


2018-10-25 00:52:50 UTC

but like

2018-10-25 00:52:55 UTC

there is no way south korea is first world

2018-10-25 00:52:58 UTC

second world at best

2018-10-25 00:53:35 UTC

their people are oppressed but not in the totalitarian fashion of their northern brother

2018-10-25 01:08:04 UTC

How are South Koreans oppressed?

2018-10-25 01:11:07 UTC

besides the porn ban and getting arrested for smoking weed in a foreign country

2018-10-25 01:11:12 UTC

slavery is still a thing

2018-10-25 01:11:30 UTC

the elderly and mentally challenged get abducted to work on remote island rice farms

2018-10-25 01:11:45 UTC

younger people have more restricted internet access

2018-10-25 01:12:00 UTC

as in they have a cyber curfew

2018-10-25 01:12:37 UTC

electric fans have timers installed because they genuinely believe you can die from having a fan on overnight while you sleep

2018-10-25 01:13:00 UTC

celebrity stalkers are 10x worse than the ones in america

2018-10-25 01:13:11 UTC

you might come home and find a fan broke in and is waiting to kill you

2018-10-25 01:13:31 UTC

or on occasion, perform on stage with your babypop band and then someone walks on stage and casually tries to kidnap you

2018-10-25 01:13:54 UTC

it's a real mess

2018-10-25 01:14:43 UTC

oh yeah and their homeless problem that makes LA's look like a joke

2018-10-25 01:21:19 UTC

Why would you kidnap the elderly to work on rice farms?

2018-10-25 01:21:23 UTC

That's just inefficient.

2018-10-25 01:22:31 UTC

free labor and also because welfare programs are a very recent thing

2018-10-25 01:22:49 UTC

so taking them elsewhere guarantees no free money for being old

2018-10-25 01:27:11 UTC

I don't get the impression that everyone making claims against Soros are somehow anti semetic. Are some? Yeah probably. Then again, if he's a giant piece of shit, do I care if some people who blame him for shit are anti semetic?

2018-10-25 01:28:05 UTC

He is absolutely a committed globalist who clearly dislikes borders for nation's since they prevent him from attaining cheaper labor.

2018-10-25 01:29:33 UTC

I don't even think it's about money anymore.

2018-10-25 01:29:50 UTC

No one sinks a billion dollars on a less than 100 percent chance for profits. That takes ideology.

2018-10-25 01:31:32 UTC

george is probably a demented old man attempting to bring down the world by himself as a prank

2018-10-25 01:31:50 UTC

Turns out he's a committed channer

2018-10-25 01:32:05 UTC

He's been the guy posting "1488" this whole time

2018-10-25 01:32:17 UTC

Wouldn't be out of character for him given his past

2018-10-25 01:32:58 UTC

At his funeral it'll be a video of him saying goodbye and then evidence of all the ops he did. He was OG trolling. He did it for the lulz

2018-10-25 02:39:08 UTC

Also, see Atkins posts earlier dissecting how poorly made the bomb was.

2018-10-25 02:39:39 UTC

With the photos. You really don't have to be an explosives expert to tell what's wrong with them.

2018-10-25 02:42:51 UTC

a pipebomb is really easy to make, if you're actually trying to make one

2018-10-25 02:43:36 UTC

hardest component to acquire would be a blasting cap or commercial detonator

2018-10-25 02:44:07 UTC

but if your main charge is black powder you can improvise one using easily available components.

2018-10-25 02:45:24 UTC

we're talking hobby shop stuff.

2018-10-25 02:48:32 UTC

actually you could probably cobble something together using steel wool

2018-10-25 02:51:54 UTC

If you have any practical experience in something like thermodynamics or chemistry and can't figure something like this should get a refund on your education. It's not hard.

2018-10-25 02:52:12 UTC

30 years ago, high school students did this stuff all the time.

2018-10-25 02:59:07 UTC

high order explosives tend to require actual detonators. while it would be possible for an amateur chemist to concoct something that could initiate something like that, it would be very, very dangerous. Fulminate group chems are dangerous as hell.

2018-10-25 02:59:32 UTC

I meant, just make a pipe bomb that goes boom. Not a terribly good one.

2018-10-25 02:59:34 UTC

It's why the people who work in IED factories tend not to have all their fingers.

2018-10-25 02:59:40 UTC

This one is just that bad.

2018-10-25 02:59:50 UTC

Yeah this one was obviously not a serious attempt.

2018-10-25 02:59:56 UTC

It's meant to look scary.

2018-10-25 03:00:05 UTC

Or was an attempt by someone who clearly didn't understand explosives.

2018-10-25 03:00:27 UTC

Which, for example, rules out the 3%ers or minutemen immediately.

2018-10-25 03:00:42 UTC

Or people in the army

2018-10-25 03:00:44 UTC


2018-10-25 03:02:34 UTC

Let's just say, it's not the people CNN has been saying would try something like this over the past couple years (before Trump even). They actually know what they'd be doing.

2018-10-25 03:04:06 UTC

So if in a couple weeks the FBI says it was someone like that. We know something is wrong.

2018-10-25 03:05:39 UTC

I hope it doesn't take that long. The media will get their preferred narrative straight by tomorrow morning and it'll be nothing but claims of right wing violence until the election. It's the counter to the "Jobs not Mobs" slogan.

2018-10-25 03:05:55 UTC

Unfortunately, I think it just might.

2018-10-25 03:06:52 UTC

I got a feeling what really is going to happen is this will be used to further censor social media and attack right-leaning outlets.

2018-10-25 03:07:02 UTC

Even before we know what is going on.

2018-10-25 03:43:08 UTC


2018-10-25 03:43:13 UTC

I called it!

2018-10-25 03:43:20 UTC

They are not even TRYING. IT's not an honest mistake.

2018-10-25 03:43:22 UTC

It's a bluff

2018-10-25 03:43:45 UTC

The powder is harmless. It's not someone messing up, it's someone who is not TRYING to harm anyone.

2018-10-25 03:43:49 UTC

This is for effect.

2018-10-25 03:44:20 UTC

And it's probably a Democrat sending those who wants to give Dems a platform to score victim points, because it will just be buried post election.

2018-10-25 03:44:30 UTC

I wouldn't jump anywhere close to that conclusion yet.

2018-10-25 03:44:40 UTC

We just don't know who's behind it.

2018-10-25 03:44:45 UTC

It's not a conclusion - it's a bet

2018-10-25 03:44:47 UTC

Only that the bombs are rather incompetently made.

2018-10-25 03:44:57 UTC

Ok. Fine, you can make bets.

2018-10-25 03:45:08 UTC

Yes, and I will bet all my memes on this!

2018-10-25 03:45:10 UTC


2018-10-25 03:45:17 UTC

We shall see. I fully expect the secret service and FBI are already all over this.

2018-10-25 03:45:34 UTC

Yes, as long as it's convenient, I'm sure.

2018-10-25 03:45:52 UTC

Then, it gets memory holed, like Paddock.

2018-10-25 03:46:17 UTC

No, you're talking about a threat to several major political figures.

2018-10-25 03:46:38 UTC

If it's something that's convenient for the Democrat narrative, we can't keep it out of the news cycle, like that Hogg sperg.

2018-10-25 03:46:41 UTC

The FBI is investigating. Now if they actually turn up anything, or if the media actually reports on what they find may be another story.

2018-10-25 03:46:48 UTC

But they are definitely investigating.

2018-10-25 03:46:50 UTC

If it's bad for Dems, it's gone within 24 hours.

2018-10-25 03:47:19 UTC

Right ...

2018-10-25 04:04:58 UTC

Juust like how things that are bad for the GOP get lost in the right-wing media space.

2018-10-25 04:41:24 UTC

Also from your own linked article "As these conspiracies spread, liberal voices were just as quick to pin the blame on Republicans, without knowing anything about the bomber's identity or motives"

2018-10-25 04:43:30 UTC

also a package was sent to the white house but i guess no one wants to talk about that

2018-10-25 04:44:36 UTC

Apparently that was #fakenews

2018-10-25 04:44:43 UTC

There was a retraction on that.

2018-10-25 05:07:30 UTC

womp womp

2018-10-25 05:31:36 UTC

ooga booga

2018-10-25 05:41:05 UTC

Well this is interesting. Apparently Republicans (76%) and Democrats (44%) are more satisfied with American Democracy than independents (39%). Also interesting, the institution the Democrats trust most: *Amazon.*

Largest partisan gaps are The Executive Branch, Religion, Banks (right more trusting) and the Press, Universities and the FBI (left more trusting).

Also, the left dislikes "major companies" but has alot more faith in Google than the right.

2018-10-25 05:42:58 UTC

The amazon results are a little weird. I'm not sure how to parse that.

2018-10-25 05:43:50 UTC

Except to say that apparently you can crush your competition and get several times larger than Walmart and the left...will..apparently... What is GOING ON with this world?

2018-10-25 05:45:35 UTC

The question must have been worded weird or something.

2018-10-25 06:03:41 UTC

44% of Dems are satisfied with the state of democracy in the US? that's more than expected, but still low
funny how they love Google and Amazon :P

2018-10-25 06:16:08 UTC

The company that knows everything about you and crushes all their competition by making sure no one learns of them and the company that has actually gotten 3x bigger than Walmart, treats their workers even worse and made local governments grovel and beg for HQ2.

Somehow both are more trustworthy for your average left-of-center voter than your average business.

It's weird.

2018-10-25 06:28:10 UTC

i wonder what how the question was phased about amazon

2018-10-25 06:31:09 UTC

like is the confidence in said business just a matter of if you think it will fail or succeed

2018-10-25 06:31:34 UTC

because i don't think anybody here is expecting amazon to fail, not a matter of liking it or not

2018-10-25 06:31:46 UTC

I will say I trust Amazon to get me my 24 hour packages reliably ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-10-25 06:34:08 UTC

*We asked respondents to indicate their level of confidence in 20 U.S. institutions.

The military, Google, and Amazon universally inspire a great deal of confidence. Political parties, Congress, and Facebook inspire low levels of confidence.

However, several stark differences in confidence in institutions emerge between respondents based on partisan affiliation.*

2018-10-25 06:34:38 UTC


2018-10-25 06:50:16 UTC

@pratel have you seen the xray photo? The bomb sent to cnn wasn't just incompetently made. There is zero chance that a person would tape down wires attached to nothing for anything other than aesthetic purposes.

2018-10-25 06:50:32 UTC

Oh yeah, I was commenting on it with Atkins.

2018-10-25 06:50:43 UTC

It was mindbogglingly bad.

2018-10-25 06:51:27 UTC

It made some of those joke ones look legit

2018-10-25 14:30:31 UTC

WE SHALL NOT REMEMBER THEM? Fury as Student Union boss vows to DEFACE war memorial

2018-10-25 14:56:57 UTC


2018-10-25 14:57:50 UTC
2018-10-25 15:01:52 UTC

Biden and De Niro are shit bags, but I would never try to kill them.

2018-10-25 15:01:56 UTC


2018-10-25 15:57:24 UTC

it doesn't say WHY she wants to deface the mural, does it? it was shortly mentioned, something along the lines of white men? but not clearly disclosed

2018-10-25 15:57:29 UTC


2018-10-25 15:57:51 UTC

i'm talking about the Express article

2018-10-25 15:58:13 UTC

i thought it was the most recent message ๐Ÿ˜…

2018-10-25 15:59:21 UTC

We should make monuments that are just dongs

2018-10-25 15:59:31 UTC

And place them outside of feminist classrooms

2018-10-25 16:00:54 UTC

"(ch)Ode to Joy"

2018-10-25 16:02:50 UTC

feminist classrooms? ๐Ÿค” do those exist? :p

2018-10-25 16:07:13 UTC

gender studies, i guess

2018-10-25 16:12:31 UTC

@Yuki I guess her reason was because they were white men

2018-10-25 16:13:45 UTC

โ€œMy intention was to promote strong, female leadership and not the eradication and disrespect of history."

2018-10-25 16:14:19 UTC

Except how does eradicating a mural that has men indicate strong female leadership?

2018-10-25 16:15:06 UTC

Surely, she could advocate that women consider signing up fr the army to give their lives for the sake of others,that would be leadership

2018-10-25 16:25:30 UTC

Women don't want to contribute. They just want the glory.

2018-10-25 16:25:50 UTC

And when they are done using men, they will happily eradicate their accomplishments.

2018-10-25 16:26:44 UTC

Men have spent human history dying for their families, then their tribes, their countries - but women were oppressed.

The only way you can hold on to this kind of narrative for any length of time is in a profoundly sick and twisted society.

2018-10-25 16:28:12 UTC

I wonder how someone with her mindset would react if conscription was for women, and a call for war happened tomorrow where all of her uni friends were killed

2018-10-25 16:29:00 UTC

Would she think it was a good idea to talk about removing a mural that was dedicated in their honour?

2018-10-25 16:30:02 UTC

Of course not, which just baffles me how things like this can become common sentiment, detached from all empathy

2018-10-25 16:30:17 UTC

Pieces of shit who never had to sacrifice are unable to think such thoughts.

2018-10-25 16:32:15 UTC

If it was the First World War again, the likes of her would be the women handing out white feathers.

2018-10-25 16:33:01 UTC

If I had handed a white feather to a boy half my age, so he can die and I can sit my fat ass at home in the meantime, I would no longer be able to look at myself in the mirror. I would projectile vomit at my reflection.

2018-10-25 16:33:13 UTC

I would just suggest that anyone wanting to do a similar thing would read more literature from the era. Theres stuff in All Quiet on the Western Front that gives you a harrowing example of the kinds of things these boys and men went through

2018-10-25 16:33:49 UTC

I have no idea how such women are able to twist their sick mind into such pretzels as to gleefully demand the ultimate sacrifice from men several years their prior.

2018-10-25 16:34:25 UTC

And then, that our society at large has the audacity to turn this onto its head as oppression is a kind of warped that is absolutely dazzling.

2018-10-25 16:35:04 UTC

This is precisely the reason why I get sick every time Tim says he is a feminist, while he has such a rational mind on many other issues.

2018-10-25 16:36:14 UTC

Oh I'm all for a kind of feminism that makes the playing field level, as in there would be equal demands upon men and women to defend their country

2018-10-25 16:36:20 UTC

I'm sure Tim is for the female draft.

2018-10-25 16:36:30 UTC

But it's not level.

2018-10-25 16:36:53 UTC

It has never been and it will never been. Even when the letter of the law makes us equal, look at the sentencing bias, it's 60% on average.

2018-10-25 16:36:54 UTC

Women have rights, Men have responsiblities

2018-10-25 16:37:02 UTC

Women do not even get HALF the sentences men get.

2018-10-25 16:37:09 UTC

Yeah, but you can have a way of thinking and wanting things to be that dont line up with sciety

2018-10-25 16:37:45 UTC

The day women are held equally responsible is the day we've finally achieved equality, but one can only dream

2018-10-25 16:38:00 UTC

I'm sure Tim is for strict educational control to enforce cultural norms of equality into society.

2018-10-25 16:38:24 UTC

Maybe. I just know that I will never, ever apply a term like feminist to myself, that has such a disgusting stench and has been steeped in hypocrisy for more than a century.

2018-10-25 16:38:42 UTC

I'd rather cut my tongue out.

2018-10-25 16:39:24 UTC

@Undead Mockingbird I know what youre saying, and many who disagree with feminism as it is would argue that its just not the right kind of feminsim

2018-10-25 16:39:44 UTC

The right kind of feminism does not exist.

2018-10-25 16:39:55 UTC

Will women ever give their lives to defend their countries?

2018-10-25 16:40:09 UTC

Our biology is not conducive to that.

2018-10-25 16:40:15 UTC

As a concept, and an idea it certainly does

2018-10-25 16:40:15 UTC

Personally, I don't know why you'd advocate for equality for a group that is objectively inferior.

2018-10-25 16:40:24 UTC

As long as we are humans, we will be sexually dimorphic.

2018-10-25 16:40:34 UTC

What's next, infant suffrage?

2018-10-25 16:40:57 UTC

They are inferior only physically not in other aspects

2018-10-25 16:40:58 UTC

Do this test:

2018-10-25 16:41:12 UTC

If we really believed in equality, we would not separate sports by gender.

2018-10-25 16:41:41 UTC

If you really believed in meritocracy, and can tell me with a straight face that you are committed to it, then everything would be meritocratic.

2018-10-25 16:42:00 UTC

Why segregate boxing if it was all about merit and genders are equal?

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