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2018-06-18 15:31:31 UTC

3.375 million

2018-06-18 15:31:37 UTC

Wow! Maybe the SPLC will chill with their constant slander.

2018-06-18 15:31:50 UTC

It only took them how many years to make this correction?

2018-06-18 15:33:05 UTC

wonder how that works... suing an american entity from britain

2018-06-18 15:33:14 UTC

Oh just two years

2018-06-18 15:34:15 UTC

Dang, the board of directors looks majorly white

2018-06-18 15:35:34 UTC

The real mindjob is that those who (knowingly or not) believe in post-modernist principles believe that all reality is socially constructed. And what's worse is that they cannot be proven wrong.

2018-06-18 15:36:32 UTC

I mean, everything you know about external reality is built up from sensory information, and you cannot trust that your senses actually interact with an objective reality.

2018-06-18 15:36:45 UTC

Sensory data can be wrong.

2018-06-18 15:37:01 UTC

There's lot of scientific proof for concepts like Sexual Dimorphism

2018-06-18 15:37:03 UTC

And the knowledge you have about your sensory organs in in turn gathered from sensory information.

2018-06-18 15:37:08 UTC

Nah thats the best part about it

2018-06-18 15:37:17 UTC

Post-modernism rejects the notion of scientific proof.

2018-06-18 15:37:34 UTC

Science is a social construct used to oppress people.

2018-06-18 15:37:50 UTC

if anyone starts telling you that any group is opprssed or the oppressor you should immideately redirect the conversation to post modernism

2018-06-18 15:39:08 UTC

If they agree with it then you can argue that their sensory data is wrong due to their priviliege altering it

2018-06-18 15:50:49 UTC

What timeline are we living in?

2018-06-18 15:57:41 UTC

The one the mainstream continuity abandoned because it makes no sense

2018-06-18 16:10:30 UTC

I wonder what the real reason tommy robinson left quilliam is

2018-06-18 16:13:22 UTC

"Science is only right until it isn't. At best you can use it as a model if it works but you may never fully understand the reason things work and all that changes when new factors are introduced into the mix. Riding sciences dick is cringe"

right, more reason my kids are being homeschooled.

2018-06-18 16:33:18 UTC

Given how post-modernism is usually applied, you have to love the irony that Kant's original purpose seems to have been to defend religious beliefs from modern skeptics. He would've been better off to leave them to it.

2018-06-18 16:36:25 UTC

something tells me this sketch is exactly how the future will be like

2018-06-18 16:42:28 UTC

apparently trump's making the space force

2018-06-18 16:53:33 UTC

oh... "This video contains content from BBC worldwide, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds" .. bitch I paid for that content

2018-06-18 16:54:07 UTC

get opera lol

2018-06-18 17:08:35 UTC

In 40 years, the navy will have more spaceships than the space force.

2018-06-18 17:33:05 UTC

if someone wants to try and explain to me how affirmative action based on race is not racist: i'm over here waiting for a good laugh. Also... XX / XY is important because medicine. Also... why is the SPLC even still a thing and has not gone the way of gawker yet?

2018-06-18 17:35:15 UTC

Just ask them, do they wanna die of complications for the sake of something some blog told you

2018-06-18 17:36:23 UTC

well they are about to lose 3m so they may go the way of gawker

2018-06-18 17:38:52 UTC


2018-06-18 17:39:00 UTC

Dont they get way more in funding?

2018-06-18 17:39:28 UTC

maybe they have soros money, in which case they will never die

2018-06-18 17:40:50 UTC

Still, its a canary I guess

2018-06-18 17:41:00 UTC

If they realise someones willing to take them to task, better cut losses

2018-06-18 17:41:10 UTC

No ones gonna pay them for pissing powerful people off

2018-06-18 17:44:53 UTC

why hasnt someone filed an FTC violation against stripe

2018-06-18 17:45:16 UTC

someone educate me, whats FTC? Fair trade commision?

2018-06-18 17:46:03 UTC

federal trade commission

2018-06-18 17:46:23 UTC

im not familiar with stripe

2018-06-18 17:46:51 UTC

stripe is the payment processor that shut down makersupport and now freestrtr

2018-06-18 17:46:57 UTC

among others

2018-06-18 17:49:43 UTC

didnt stripe get told by their backers tho? not stripe itself that made bad decisions?

2018-06-18 17:50:44 UTC

Its true, they're targeting firms that support free speech (or for the purpose of argument, freedom of expression, 1st A) and purposefully slowing or straight out shutting down their payment processing procedures. If there are other pay proc companies out there I'm sure these targeted companies would have switched.. but is there?

2018-06-18 17:51:32 UTC

someone ask stripe to bake them a gay wedding cake

2018-06-18 17:55:42 UTC

NAh, Ask them to paint the pope blowing muhhamed

2018-06-18 18:22:05 UTC

With respect to the space force, it's kind of inevitable. So many space-based reconnaissance platforms, space-based communications platforms, the need for on-station antisatellite weapons, and space-based interceptors. The US Navy is already bitching that they're having to dedicate a large chunk of their surface ships to anti-ballistic missile missions, and they're not getting enough new ships to increase their overall numbers as older ones are getting retired. One solution would be to move to space-based missile interceptors or at least space-based radars. That way you don't have to have a half a dozen AEGIS ships basically parked off of NK 365 days a year.

2018-06-18 18:24:02 UTC

And now that SpaceX has reduced the cost per pound to orbit so much, so many space-based military systems have become feasible.

2018-06-18 18:24:20 UTC

Someones gonna have to make a start

2018-06-18 18:24:30 UTC

Either US or someone less trustworthy

2018-06-18 18:24:40 UTC

Imagine the globalists making a base on mars

2018-06-18 18:40:54 UTC

Space based weapons systems are a complete waste of money. The moment we have viable lasers these satellites are sitting ducks. Also your have the problem of making space unworkable. Space dust is deadly to space craft and if we turn our lower to mid orbital zone in to a scrap yard having such things as a space station becomes 100x more expensive.

2018-06-18 18:42:36 UTC

In short it is far to expensive. It's like training a sniper and dressing him in a glow in the dark paint tutu.

2018-06-18 19:12:54 UTC


2018-06-18 19:13:10 UTC

I dont want there to be migran camps or holding facilities in the US

2018-06-18 19:13:14 UTC

just don't fucking come

2018-06-18 19:13:37 UTC

I'm sorry you drew the short straw

2018-06-18 19:14:11 UTC

but its just not our responsibility to take care of everyone in the world

2018-06-18 19:14:40 UTC

these people do not understand ILLEGAL IMMGIRATION vs LAWFUL IMMIGRATION

2018-06-18 19:14:56 UTC

how can they be that dense

2018-06-18 19:21:08 UTC

They understand it and are being intentionally confusing

2018-06-18 19:21:15 UTC


2018-06-18 19:21:32 UTC

it was a rhetorical question honestly

2018-06-18 19:21:38 UTC

there are those that do not understand it

2018-06-18 19:23:43 UTC

there seems to be this cycle of dogwhistle mentality

2018-06-18 19:24:44 UTC

you dont believe or verify what the other person says or means

2018-06-18 19:24:51 UTC


2018-06-18 19:24:52 UTC


2018-06-18 19:25:01 UTC

old news i Know but haven't seen it here

2018-06-18 19:25:29 UTC

anyone that benefits over the destruction of others is a sick individual

2018-06-18 19:26:26 UTC

thats what makes the blind hatred of trump dangerous

2018-06-18 19:27:11 UTC

there is a morality in which you might let something happen just to make trump look bad

2018-06-18 19:27:26 UTC

or just straight up corruption

2018-06-18 19:27:40 UTC

makes it harder to figure out

2018-06-18 19:40:48 UTC

@LotheronPrime so basically all politicians?

2018-06-18 19:40:58 UTC

not all, but basically

2018-06-18 19:41:12 UTC

some situations are more egregious than others though

2018-06-18 19:41:27 UTC

without a doubt

2018-06-18 19:43:08 UTC

Well comey is now under investigation for leaking classified info

2018-06-18 19:43:44 UTC

not sure if anything will come of it but, still hilarious

2018-06-18 20:08:47 UTC
2018-06-18 20:10:42 UTC


2018-06-18 20:19:56 UTC

...did Tim just say "and other activists" when describing his past situation with the SPLC?

2018-06-18 20:22:36 UTC

I wouldn't think of it as an issue, but people bite at the smallest things these days

2018-06-18 20:41:31 UTC

Youtuber Law > says Fairbanks lawsuit won't work
SPLC > settles lawsuit over same matter against Nawaz
I wonder why its different.. being called a white supremacist, or anti-islamist? Both get death threats. Must mean Islam is more serious about death (ie not a religion of peace)

2018-06-18 20:58:19 UTC

Guess he should have lost that arm in Afghanistan, too. That would've solved all of this.

2018-06-18 20:59:25 UTC

that was so fucked up

2018-06-18 20:59:31 UTC

people are insane

2018-06-18 21:01:12 UTC

Typo, her last name is Lavin and her twitter is now private

2018-06-18 21:03:32 UTC

im trying to make a political compass shirt but not sure what to make

2018-06-18 21:03:51 UTC

2018-06-18 21:03:57 UTC


2018-06-18 21:04:49 UTC

Instead of quadrants, make an actual compass, with "Far right" wrapping around and ending up next to "Far left"

2018-06-18 21:18:30 UTC

mark the center with "Liberal"

and then put everything around it in all directions as "far right"

Since they consider people on the left far right too simply for disagreeing

2018-06-18 21:21:05 UTC

Or if you just want a political compass one

Make one with a beanie representative in each quadrant, mimicing the stereotype

2018-06-18 21:21:35 UTC

what do you think would happen if I made shirts taht said "stalin did nothing wrong"

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