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2018-12-05 16:51:14 UTC

every country has half of the people are below average

2018-12-05 16:51:22 UTC

even western ones

2018-12-05 16:51:36 UTC

50/50 chance we have a bunch in here

2018-12-05 16:51:59 UTC

if you sacrifice the unskilled people. you sacrifice your middle class

2018-12-05 16:52:36 UTC

you can say you are WHOLLY DEPEND on your Chinese Gods to produce cheap goods to stay competitive

2018-12-05 16:52:43 UTC

but you sacrifice your weakest citizens

2018-12-05 16:53:03 UTC

so low skilled labor gets unemployed, and middle skilled labor gets paid poor skilled wages

2018-12-05 16:53:41 UTC

if you drop a few million low skilled/ no language skilled people on the EU

2018-12-05 16:53:45 UTC

the system will snap in half

2018-12-05 16:54:10 UTC

just like health care that nobody talks about

2018-12-05 16:54:20 UTC

almost no drugs are made in the EU

2018-12-05 16:54:28 UTC

cause of low profit, and high regulation

2018-12-05 16:54:46 UTC

so the health care system is reliant on US innovation to stay competitive

2018-12-05 16:55:10 UTC

if the US were to impose tariffs on medical products the EU socialized system would also break.

2018-12-05 16:58:43 UTC

that's why Sweden hasn't really grown in a decade https://tradingeconomics.com/sweden/gdp-growth?continent=g20

2018-12-05 16:59:44 UTC

now drop that on a population of around 10 million. What could possibly go wrong?"

2018-12-05 17:01:47 UTC


2018-12-05 17:03:46 UTC


2018-12-05 17:26:18 UTC

"Every country has half the people below average"
That's called statistics
>unskilled = middle class
Not really
If you wanna talk about why economies and why they're fucked, look to legislation m8. Why inflation is consistent, why costs for labour and living are so high, how the power and money consolidation happens

2018-12-05 17:48:05 UTC


2018-12-05 18:10:15 UTC

China is cheaper, even with shipping costs and tariffs, because costs in the US are too high

2018-12-05 18:10:30 UTC

Because the goal in the west is, in effect, artificial growth

2018-12-05 18:13:38 UTC

Oh, c'mon, 'costs in the US are too high' is complete rubbish.

2018-12-05 18:13:44 UTC

Saving money is discouraged, buying on credit is incentivized. Hiring locally is discouraged, outsourcing is incentivized

2018-12-05 18:13:53 UTC

How so?

2018-12-05 18:14:59 UTC

If it costs more to hire an American to produce for Americans than it does to outsource to a country halfway around the world and ship everything to/from there, and people will still buy your product, who is going to hire Americans?

2018-12-05 18:16:30 UTC

My answer to that hypothetical is to either ban offshoring or raise tariffs sky-high.

2018-12-05 18:17:06 UTC

But you've conceded my point then

2018-12-05 18:17:33 UTC

There are some things that china are just well placed to produce. Most of that is tech stuff. And thats partly resources they owned inside their borders, and ones they have "secured" outside it.

2018-12-05 18:18:29 UTC

There are also things that China does a shit job of producing at what would generally be considered acceptable standards in the west, but it hasn't caused people to buy local ๐Ÿค”

2018-12-05 18:19:02 UTC

'Buy American' isn't being marketed very effectively.

2018-12-05 18:19:21 UTC

How much cheap steel and lead paint does it take to cause domestic purchasing? Apparently a substantial amount

2018-12-05 18:19:35 UTC

Who isn't marketing it effectively?

2018-12-05 18:20:27 UTC

Consumers have to be informed about cheap steel and lead paint if they're ever going to avoid it.

2018-12-05 18:20:47 UTC

They are, frequently

2018-12-05 18:20:57 UTC

How so?

2018-12-05 18:21:11 UTC

There are news stories about lead paint every time people find out about it

2018-12-05 18:21:29 UTC

That's obviously not effective marketing.

2018-12-05 18:21:34 UTC

People stop buying that specific product for a while and then go back to those companies later if they boycotted at all

2018-12-05 18:21:55 UTC

Again, whose marketing?

2018-12-05 18:22:57 UTC

American companies or governments.

2018-12-05 18:25:15 UTC

It's now up to the government to advertise for companies? And domestic production does get put front and center on sites/storefronts where it is utilized, however they make less money than companies that pay cents on the dollar for their products (because Chinese labour, even with the cost of shipping, is far cheaper than an ever increasing minimum wage and the various taxes and expenses small businesses are burdened with, which is also why we see so many companies utilizing tax havens)

2018-12-05 18:27:46 UTC

Actually screw advertising. If demand for Chinese cheap steal and lead paint is as inelastic as you claim then we can and should be imposing ridiculously high tariffs on them.

2018-12-05 18:27:58 UTC

Whys that?

2018-12-05 18:28:35 UTC

Because it's easy revenue.

2018-12-05 18:28:41 UTC


2018-12-05 18:29:25 UTC

Easier revenue than personal income tax.

2018-12-05 18:29:25 UTC

They just move production to Vietnam. It's not like it'll come back here

2018-12-05 18:29:51 UTC

And we just tariff imports from Vietnam.

2018-12-05 18:29:53 UTC

Okay, but you're not providing justification. You're just bitching

2018-12-05 18:30:09 UTC

Let's just tariff the entire third world?

2018-12-05 18:30:20 UTC


2018-12-05 18:30:28 UTC

Tariffs on China makes sense because they are an economic competitor.

2018-12-05 18:30:37 UTC

Vietnam isn't.

2018-12-05 18:31:02 UTC

Everybody who buys or sells something is an economic competitor.

2018-12-05 18:31:17 UTC

Don't play semantics. It's childish

2018-12-05 18:31:20 UTC

>let's have our industry be non competitive because it isn't competitive now

2018-12-05 18:31:36 UTC

You know what is meant in that statement

2018-12-05 18:32:06 UTC

I'm speaking textbook economics. I don't know what dialect you're speaking.

2018-12-05 18:32:13 UTC

Nigger please

2018-12-05 18:32:23 UTC


2018-12-05 18:32:34 UTC

You're speaking "I read a single book about economics"

2018-12-05 18:32:55 UTC

My car was stolen by a black guy @oprahsminge

2018-12-05 18:32:58 UTC

You prick

2018-12-05 18:33:09 UTC
2018-12-05 18:33:09 UTC

You're speaking in terms of heavy interventionism because the economy isn't working the way you like lol

2018-12-05 18:33:18 UTC

A lot more than one. And they all define economic activity in the same competitive terms.

2018-12-05 18:33:42 UTC

Whatever you say bud.

2018-12-05 18:33:50 UTC

>I don't care what is causing the problem, just tax everyone lol

2018-12-05 18:34:16 UTC


2018-12-05 18:34:20 UTC

Because that works

2018-12-05 18:35:21 UTC

Who wants our industry to be non-competitive?

2018-12-05 18:35:32 UTC

You apparently

2018-12-05 18:35:50 UTC

We are losing to China because we are not competitive

2018-12-05 18:35:57 UTC

I want as much domestic competition as possible.

2018-12-05 18:36:04 UTC

Thus the solution isn't to preserve non competitiveness via protectionism

2018-12-05 18:36:17 UTC

It's to figure out why we aren't competitive

2018-12-05 18:36:58 UTC

You wanna make people competitive by taking their money?

2018-12-05 18:37:13 UTC

What the fuck

2018-12-05 18:37:22 UTC

What you mean is that we're losing a competition with China that we shouldn't even be engaged in.

2018-12-05 18:37:31 UTC

On what basis?

2018-12-05 18:37:45 UTC

America does not produce everything it needs, nor is it feasible for it to do so

2018-12-05 18:37:52 UTC

You dont like global trade?

2018-12-05 18:39:19 UTC

Competition with the third world to see who can be the most third-world is a fool's game that we shouldn't be playing.

2018-12-05 18:39:49 UTC

1. You're going to drastically increase the cost of goods
2. You're going to have to heavily industrialize more of your country by a substantial amount, without sufficient monetary inventive existing organically
3. You're probably still not going to have good domestic competition due to the way taxation, lobbying etc works

2018-12-05 18:39:54 UTC

The purpose is to trade not become like the third world

2018-12-05 18:40:12 UTC

That and China isn't third world

2018-12-05 18:40:22 UTC

That makes trade with the third world even stupider then, Make.

2018-12-05 18:40:30 UTC

Thats a problem with the intellectual state not trade LOL

2018-12-05 18:41:25 UTC

1. Third world = political affiliation. China is not third world
2. Trade with other nations is beneficial for both nations

2018-12-05 18:42:14 UTC

China is absolutely third-world. The wage differential between China and the US proves that.

2018-12-05 18:42:52 UTC

China is 2nd world. Please read about what First, Second and Third world mean. Wage differential is not the key factor lol

2018-12-05 18:42:53 UTC

It's not beneficial across-the-board for either nation.

2018-12-05 18:43:04 UTC

By what standard is something 3rd world?

2018-12-05 18:43:22 UTC

Fine, I'll call China a shithole instead.

2018-12-05 18:43:25 UTC

1-3 World is Cold War Alliance terminology

2018-12-05 18:44:12 UTC

It's one of the richest countries in the world, and if the US fucks up it will likely become the dominant power

2018-12-05 18:44:32 UTC

Which is why the idea of shifting production to another country was floated

2018-12-05 18:45:31 UTC

lol, dominant in what exactly?

2018-12-05 18:46:12 UTC

China produces most of what the West consumes, has fucktons of money and is currently using that economic power to sway/coerce smaller countries

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