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2018-10-26 15:37:36 UTC

Talking to them is like talking to a cult at this point

2018-10-26 15:37:48 UTC

There never was any reference to begin with. It's completely isolated from everything

2018-10-26 15:37:53 UTC


2018-10-26 15:37:59 UTC

Keep up the meme wars

2018-10-26 15:38:02 UTC

Donโ€™t let up

2018-10-26 15:38:10 UTC

We canโ€™t give in soldier

2018-10-26 15:38:23 UTC

Not even an inch

2018-10-26 15:38:54 UTC

Girls dont like two pump chumps always memba dat

2018-10-26 15:39:24 UTC

We must fight on

2018-10-26 15:39:54 UTC

Girls donโ€™t like being broken up with period

2018-10-26 15:40:01 UTC

They go bat shit insane

2018-10-26 15:40:13 UTC

If your college expells you or does somethig public to you, put out some kind of public statement on your Twitter, personal Insta, YouTube, or anything else you might give to a job interviewer that explains what happened and what you meant by the event @Matt-Kill723

2018-10-26 15:40:17 UTC

I"m a loner I dgaf

2018-10-26 15:40:23 UTC

I thoght trump was a racis

2018-10-26 15:40:36 UTC

2018-10-26 15:40:55 UTC

the former president of my country (sri lanka) was just elected prime minister without having a election
apparently there is a civil unrest or something is going on
apparently there were some evidence found of a assassination attempt against the current president of the country

2018-10-26 15:40:58 UTC

I have seriously only 1 female bestfriend becasue of this crap, the rest are my bois

2018-10-26 15:41:18 UTC

For real I got rid of all my female friends other than my gf

2018-10-26 15:41:24 UTC

I have multiple female friends

2018-10-26 15:41:34 UTC

And a good girlfriend

2018-10-26 15:41:43 UTC

Here's a starting primer if you really want to take is seriously.

2018-10-26 15:42:26 UTC

I dont have girls as friends

2018-10-26 15:42:29 UTC

@Dennafen OPSEC is exactly right

2018-10-26 15:42:39 UTC

Cuz either we fucking or we fucking

2018-10-26 15:42:56 UTC

Thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m saying

2018-10-26 15:43:18 UTC

You canโ€™t be friends with females who are brainwashed by leftist ideology

2018-10-26 15:43:25 UTC

Iโ€™ve tried multiple times it never works

2018-10-26 15:43:44 UTC

I tried once

2018-10-26 15:43:48 UTC

Also i dont have to worry about being #metooโ€™d

2018-10-26 15:44:08 UTC

Every man has to worry

2018-10-26 15:44:13 UTC

Got branded a rapist for no reason after a year or two of a healthy friendship

2018-10-26 15:44:42 UTC

You donโ€™t even have to be proven to have been in the same room at all and can still be a rapist

2018-10-26 15:45:19 UTC

Just donโ€™t associate with these types let them die alone

2018-10-26 15:45:23 UTC

And miserable

2018-10-26 15:45:42 UTC

Thereโ€™s no saving them

2018-10-26 15:47:42 UTC

I was wrong about the bomber

2018-10-26 15:47:45 UTC


2018-10-26 15:49:33 UTC

Oh shit, you're right, he is from florida.......

2018-10-26 15:49:47 UTC


2018-10-26 15:50:08 UTC

Elon Musk is shitposting at near lightspeed, and FLORIDA MAN was the bomber.

2018-10-26 15:50:17 UTC

This FUCKING timeline.

2018-10-26 15:52:57 UTC


2018-10-26 15:53:04 UTC

I love this universe

2018-10-26 15:56:33 UTC

As I was saying yesterday, when alone with a woman, I tend to audio record the time spent as a precautionary measure. Scary times when self surveillance is a requirement to cover one's livelihood.

2018-10-26 15:57:42 UTC

@ArdBoy your fucked up , you just assumed the bomberโ€™s gender thats dehumanizing bro even cnn corrected themselves

2018-10-26 16:00:37 UTC

Someone would have to be real dumb to put their real name on a return address containing an explosive device

2018-10-26 16:01:57 UTC

they r saying that the printer has a code in the text you cant see

2018-10-26 16:02:02 UTC

he got ratted out by his printer

2018-10-26 16:02:18 UTC

#2 is a trap

2018-10-26 16:02:20 UTC

Good old unique printer identification

2018-10-26 16:02:27 UTC


2018-10-26 16:02:40 UTC

Don't people watch detective shows anymore?

2018-10-26 16:02:50 UTC

Printers put secret watermarks on a page?

2018-10-26 16:02:52 UTC


2018-10-26 16:02:55 UTC


2018-10-26 16:03:11 UTC

Every printer has a unique printer signature

2018-10-26 16:03:44 UTC

Damn boomers canโ€™t even make a bomb right

2018-10-26 16:04:52 UTC

The printer thing was in a different story earlier this year. Something in Europe I think. A hate speech flyer they were trying to track.

2018-10-26 16:07:22 UTC

cesar sayoc

2018-10-26 16:09:10 UTC

He must be one of that multiracial white suprematists

2018-10-26 16:11:16 UTC

registered republican it looks like

2018-10-26 16:11:29 UTC


2018-10-26 16:11:46 UTC

A whole bunch of Republicans are gonna be angry

2018-10-26 16:11:56 UTC

Mmmhmm, definitely him.

2018-10-26 16:11:58 UTC

Especially the reactionaries

2018-10-26 16:11:59 UTC


2018-10-26 16:12:03 UTC

Can confirm. Am angry.

2018-10-26 16:12:09 UTC

The white nazi supremacists strike again!! <:NPC:500042527231967262>

2018-10-26 16:12:44 UTC

@Timcast well i'm ok admitting i was wrong. man thats going to light CNN up today

2018-10-26 16:12:49 UTC


2018-10-26 16:12:56 UTC

Why would he do that

2018-10-26 16:13:00 UTC


2018-10-26 16:13:04 UTC

Midterm elections

2018-10-26 16:13:04 UTC

because crazies

2018-10-26 16:13:06 UTC is apparently of Pilipino descent if names mean anything

2018-10-26 16:13:41 UTC

@TylerC he is not crazy enough to not be able to make 20 bombs and send them. So there must be reason

2018-10-26 16:13:54 UTC

'crazy' is the easy answer imo

2018-10-26 16:14:01 UTC

Fucking retarded boomers ruin everything

2018-10-26 16:14:21 UTC

@JohnOakman i get what you are saying, but anyone willing to send bombs is pretty mentally unstable all around

2018-10-26 16:15:02 UTC

But a fucking second, why would he send bombs when the Republicans are about to win while the guy is a proud republican uh

2018-10-26 16:15:19 UTC

Too much speculation for any of us to know

2018-10-26 16:15:23 UTC


2018-10-26 16:15:24 UTC

@JohnOakman because he thinks he is "helping"

2018-10-26 16:15:31 UTC

No I don't think so

2018-10-26 16:16:05 UTC

What's the evidence so far?

2018-10-26 16:16:06 UTC

It's so stupid imo that I can't think so

2018-10-26 16:16:10 UTC

We need a crazy person with a bunch of string, thumbtacks, maps, and photographs to make any sense out of it all

2018-10-26 16:16:26 UTC

well we can all think till we are blue in the face, doent change the fact that it takes an insane person to send those

2018-10-26 16:16:33 UTC

@willc and we need the perfect dumb person to make the perfect fake explosives

2018-10-26 16:16:45 UTC

it looks like thast what we got

2018-10-26 16:16:46 UTC

I mean, you can think whatever you want at this point

2018-10-26 16:16:58 UTC

thats my point exactly lol

2018-10-26 16:17:03 UTC

speculation for days

2018-10-26 16:17:16 UTC

Maybe it's democrats using the guy, maybe he is doing that on it's own, maybe he hate trump, etc

2018-10-26 16:17:28 UTC


2018-10-26 16:17:38 UTC

we all speculated pretty readily on a false flag

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