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2017-05-11 23:40:17 UTC

It also resets your sugar cravings. So, if you get in the physical habit of sugar every day, this gives your brain a reset.

2017-05-11 23:40:49 UTC


2017-05-11 23:41:40 UTC

i think it is an awesome year

2017-05-11 23:42:04 UTC

lots of work

2017-05-11 23:43:08 UTC

have more children like Matt

2017-05-11 23:43:45 UTC

and organize and wake up our people

2017-05-11 23:44:28 UTC

Gotta go. โœ‹

2017-05-11 23:44:47 UTC

me too

2017-05-12 00:33:58 UTC

Heil Hitler from WV

2017-05-12 00:34:47 UTC

I'm trying to get the book club locals to organize and recruit.

2017-05-12 07:13:30 UTC

@MStaff An apt comparison, perhaps, might be that Devi isn't necessarily a strict Paul analog but perhaps a combination of apostle and prophet; telling of Hitler who came before and predicting Kalki's arrival.

2017-05-12 13:12:23 UTC

@Cipher apostle/prophet/priestess would be an apt description yes. With that I would like to share with every one 'GERMANY AWAKE!' by Dietrich Eckhart...
"Storm, Storm, Storm!
Chime the bells from tower to tower!
Chime, that sparks begin to emit,
Judah appears to win the Reich,
Chime, that the rope reddens bloody,
Around nothing but burning & martyring & killing.
Chime storm, that the earth rears up
Under the thunder of the rescuing revenge.
Woe to the folk that today still dreams,
Germany, awake!

Storm, Storm, Storm!
Chime the bells from tower to tower!
Chime the men, the oldsters, the boys,
Chime the sleepers from their rooms,
Chime the girls down the stairs,
Chime the mothers across from the cradles,
Thunder they should & jar the air,
Rage, rage in the thunder of revenge.
Chime the dead from their crypt,
Germany, awake!"

2017-05-12 13:59:43 UTC

Morning gentlemen, anyone got any plans for the weekend?

2017-05-12 15:37:51 UTC

Work out, eat healthy, read. Build a better self, conquer the inner jew in preparation for the external struggle with the actual jew.

2017-05-12 15:47:28 UTC

Amen brother

2017-05-12 15:57:15 UTC

Good morning everyone

2017-05-12 16:02:48 UTC

Cold showers

2017-05-12 16:04:39 UTC


2017-05-12 16:31:18 UTC

Someone say "showers?"

2017-05-12 18:59:57 UTC

Info on SPLC & ADL tactics on this program.

2017-05-12 19:03:19 UTC

Thanks! Gonna watch.

2017-05-13 02:57:03 UTC

Watch "How I became a "self-hating Jew"" on YouTube

2017-05-13 02:57:32 UTC

Check this out! A (((Kike))) calling out other (((Kikes)))!

2017-05-13 06:31:20 UTC

A rat ratting out rats. How ironic.

2017-05-13 06:44:59 UTC


2017-05-13 11:12:35 UTC


2017-05-13 12:13:41 UTC

"Under the tremendous impression of this free and conscious individual act, which thus emerges from the uniformity of the impulsive and collective activity of the genus, the genuine human soul now develops into a very solitary being (even as compared with those of the other beasts of prey) with the proud and pensive look of one knowing his own destiny, with an unrestrained sense of power in the fist habituated to deeds, a foe to everyone, killing, hating, resolved to conquer or die. This soul is profounder and more passionate than that of any animal whatsoever. It stands in irreconcilable opposition to the whole world, from which it's own creativeness has separated it. It is the soul of a rebel." -Oswald Spengler

2017-05-13 13:29:02 UTC

Morning gents

2017-05-13 13:29:14 UTC

Good quote

2017-05-13 16:31:10 UTC

Footage from Charlottesville is on Red Ice radion live atm, Augustus Invictus has Boston on jew book for those interested

2017-05-14 02:41:52 UTC

Saw that episode! Loved it ๐Ÿ˜‡

2017-05-14 02:48:07 UTC

Paul Elam of the manosphere talks jooooooos, the best way he knows how.

2017-05-14 02:49:00 UTC

Help rip his goys a new asshole in the comments.

2017-05-14 02:49:11 UTC

Also I find it funny that (((Zionist))) Terror Groups were integrated to form The (((IDF))) and I will ๐Ÿ˜‚

2017-05-14 02:49:49 UTC

Since (((Isra-hell))) claims to be "(((AGAINST TERROR GOYS!)))"

2017-05-14 02:50:28 UTC

Yet (((its military))) was created by the leftovers from... ACTUAL TERROR GROUPS!

2017-05-14 02:50:28 UTC

Time for weaponized autism

2017-05-14 02:50:37 UTC

Anyone down at the Spencer event today have any pictures?

2017-05-14 02:50:51 UTC

@Skirnir42 Ill join you!

2017-05-14 02:51:19 UTC

I love seeing all the folks waking up and not taking anymore shite, even when in the face of faith shattering arguments.

2017-05-14 02:51:30 UTC

Just got a ducky-script for getting passwords to my e mail.

2017-05-14 02:52:05 UTC

Now I gotta get the actual Rubber Duckies via a source where they only cost 3 bucks.

2017-05-14 02:54:02 UTC

Poor Jews dindu nuffin but usury, pedophilia, and create subversive internationalist movements.

2017-05-14 02:54:45 UTC

@Skirnir42 dont forget funding reactionary groups! Or Faux Nationalist groups!

2017-05-14 02:54:54 UTC

Like the (((Alt Lite)))...

2017-05-14 06:10:31 UTC

I know it is late but I have to post this here. Read it and be inspired.

2017-05-14 13:32:48 UTC

So many people mud shark in my city it is nasty

2017-05-14 13:35:45 UTC

Same ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

2017-05-14 13:36:29 UTC

Think this gal I knew who was a drug addict also mud sharked.

2017-05-14 13:36:39 UTC

Specifically w/ her dealer.

2017-05-14 13:50:52 UTC

Surprisingly I met a girl on Friday which didn't mind the swastika on my wall

2017-05-14 13:51:19 UTC


2017-05-14 13:51:34 UTC

Ive yet to meet that kind of gal.

2017-05-14 13:52:38 UTC

Yet most of the gals here in Vegas are either druggies, whores or absolute scum (for instance there is an Antifa chapter in my city).

2017-05-14 13:53:35 UTC

It's rare, I find that the more I've been reading the stormer and other fascist materials and putting them into practice the more easily I find women

2017-05-14 13:53:49 UTC

I've never been to Vegas

2017-05-14 13:55:38 UTC

Imagine living in a city that is smack dab in the middle of a desert, combined w/ a Mestizo and Nig population as well as foul as hell odors (from the construction and Strip Sewage) and a healthy dose of crime as far as the eye can see.

2017-05-14 13:56:20 UTC

You have my pity.

2017-05-14 13:56:22 UTC

If you think you cant escape crime where you are from, think again, because Vegas has that in spades.

2017-05-14 13:57:14 UTC

I live in N. Vegas and I know from my past and now that there are murders, gangs and LOTS of drug dealing.

2017-05-14 13:58:12 UTC

Well, choke full of junkies here as well. There was an attempted quintuple killing that went down in a party nearby just few days ago, had seen like half of the people involved. Small fucking world.

2017-05-14 13:58:30 UTC

junkie biz

2017-05-14 13:59:21 UTC

This is why I'm a nazi.

2017-05-14 13:59:47 UTC

Shit I was considering at one point (before adopting National Socialism as my ideology) of becoming a foreign fighter.

2017-05-14 14:00:21 UTC

Now I see that it is my duty to clean Vegas of The Spook and Mestizo plague...

2017-05-14 14:00:30 UTC


2017-05-14 14:00:51 UTC

Yeah, that's what pilled me as well. Just getting so fucking tired of every day wallowing in that filth.

2017-05-14 14:01:58 UTC

And establish a "Little Croatia" in Las Vegas (alongside a "Little Japan" for the Japanese population).

2017-05-14 14:03:25 UTC

Had a friend who wanted to name his kid Ante after Pavelic.

2017-05-14 14:03:39 UTC

๐Ÿ‘ =U=

2017-05-14 14:03:57 UTC

Vegas sounds like hell

2017-05-14 14:04:12 UTC

It certainly is.

2017-05-14 14:04:18 UTC

Most big cities were

2017-05-14 14:04:20 UTC


2017-05-14 14:04:26 UTC

Fucking hate it but I have to endure it.

2017-05-14 14:06:28 UTC

Anywho. I have been designing my own guns.

2017-05-14 14:06:56 UTC

Specifically blowback operated pistol caliber guns.

2017-05-14 14:07:29 UTC

2017-05-14 14:33:32 UTC

Kombat what is some good fash death metal

2017-05-14 14:34:44 UTC

I've not listened to much

2017-05-14 14:46:54 UTC

I don't listen to a whole lot of death metal, more industrial/black metal. At heart I'm an electronics guy though.

2017-05-14 14:50:40 UTC

I can recommend Turmion Kรคtilรถt though. I have listened to them for almost a decade, and they manage to stay fresh admirably, each album has a bit different sound.

2017-05-14 14:52:13 UTC

Sybreed and Fear of Domination are fine too I guess.

2017-05-14 14:52:53 UTC

Pandemonium by the same band is great too.

2017-05-14 14:54:11 UTC

Thanks brother

2017-05-14 14:54:28 UTC

Anything you listen to that has fash themes

2017-05-14 14:55:31 UTC

Think I posted Two Runes already, but what the hell

2017-05-14 14:57:11 UTC


2017-05-14 15:05:34 UTC

Almost everything I listen to has fash themes ๐Ÿค”

2017-05-14 15:06:32 UTC

One of my favs by TK

2017-05-14 15:12:10 UTC

Not metal but industrial still:

Perfect War, Legion, Society, Heart of America and all its remixes, FGFC820 just has too many good ones

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