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2017-05-11 18:50:14 UTC

I'll post the Jewgle Translate page as I expect no one here has an idiomatic command of Deutsch, sadly not even myself. Still relearning it

2017-05-11 18:50:53 UTC

The gist of it is "Make migrant lives easier" by allowing them to share a ride on your previously-paid fare, so a 2-for-1 thing only during weekend evenings or somesuch. I forget the limitation on it

2017-05-11 18:51:19 UTC

The way they're marketing it is insidious though: young German girls and (the implication of) crusty middle-aged Muhammads

2017-05-11 18:51:44 UTC

"Do you *want* more Ficki Ficki, German authorities? Because that's how you get more Ficki Ficki."

2017-05-11 18:56:19 UTC

Yeah typical horseshit

2017-05-11 18:56:32 UTC

German government wants their people to die and be raped

2017-05-11 18:56:40 UTC

Ours isn't much better

2017-05-11 19:05:16 UTC

Invaders don't really comprehend public transport, this is probably just poor Germans trying to get some of their own euros back.

2017-05-11 19:05:54 UTC

Heard of several cases of niggers starting some fucking zulu war ritual in the metro/train as the conductor tries to kick them out for not having tickets which they're too dumb to realize they need.

2017-05-11 19:57:10 UTC

Hey there. How's everyone doing today?

2017-05-11 19:59:08 UTC

Im good. Been busy.

2017-05-11 20:00:37 UTC

Same, actually. Studying for my board exams. I was just listening to Heimbach on Chris Cantwell's show, really great show, I haven't listened to him since I left libertarianism, haha

2017-05-11 20:03:25 UTC

That one guy that came on was a dick

2017-05-11 20:04:07 UTC

His fanbase is, generally speaking, trash from my experience

2017-05-11 20:04:33 UTC

Thats why he needs us to join in

2017-05-11 20:05:06 UTC

Never listened, MStaff said someone dissed Savitri Devi in the show ๐Ÿ˜ก

2017-05-11 20:05:54 UTC

Damn. ๐Ÿ˜ 

2017-05-11 20:06:51 UTC

Yeah. They're very "muh capitalism" tier conservative there, Rothbard was "fucking based jew" kinda stuff. Most of them want to throw us out of helicopters, I'd imagine

2017-05-11 20:07:07 UTC

Yeah some guy sounded like he had a personal issue with Matt, was nitpicking his argument

2017-05-11 20:07:11 UTC

Libertarianism not even once.

2017-05-11 20:07:22 UTC

@Holsura or probably believes that NS = Leftism...

2017-05-11 20:07:26 UTC

They are whiny bitches, yeah I never went there either

2017-05-11 20:07:40 UTC

Thank God a great chunk of e-libertarians have either died or converted to NS. Chans used to be choke full of those fags back in the day.

2017-05-11 20:08:17 UTC

Back when Ron Paul was still relevant.

2017-05-11 20:08:46 UTC

Their subreddits have a lot of dank me-me's about how trash National Socialism, and "National Capitalism" is the way to go lol

2017-05-11 20:09:00 UTC

(((capitalism))) and (((free economy)))

2017-05-11 20:09:56 UTC


2017-05-11 20:09:59 UTC

I do admit I still visit r/anarcho_capitalism every so often, for the funnies. It's like a warzone between Cantwell fans and "classical" ancaps

2017-05-11 20:10:53 UTC

(((go compete in the market there goy, you'll have so much money to spend on tendies and diamond-encrusted dildos!)))

2017-05-11 20:11:00 UTC

I always got a total defeatist vibe from libertarians. Like organizing and total victory were hopeless, the best they can hope for is defending their own back yard while the mudflood drowns everything else and their kids get raped if they wander off their property without an armalite.

2017-05-11 20:12:03 UTC

No doubt. I've never been to a libertarian event, even when I was an ancap, but god do they look boring, like it's totally pointless

2017-05-11 20:12:11 UTC


2017-05-11 20:12:32 UTC

"ayn rand was fucking based rite guis?"

2017-05-11 20:12:35 UTC

The enemies of our people want us weak. With Marxism, they make us weak individually so that it matters not if we unite our forces. Through libertarianism, they insure that the strong among us stay isolated rather than uniting their powers and posing a threat.

2017-05-11 20:12:37 UTC


2017-05-11 20:13:02 UTC

Exactly, you'll always need a strong state to protect from jews

2017-05-11 20:13:22 UTC

And outside countries

2017-05-11 20:13:35 UTC

Like GLR said, doesn't matter how big government, but how "good" government.

2017-05-11 20:13:43 UTC

@Kombat-Unit Shit I believe that Capitalism produces so much '(((prosperity)))' to the point where people dont care about the future of their race.

2017-05-11 20:14:24 UTC

That's true. It makes lots of stuff, but at the cost of enslaving the people to a parasitic class? And destroying the whole of their identity? Nah, I'm good fam

2017-05-11 20:14:27 UTC

And that (((Communism))) only seeks to exploit every person of their labor.

2017-05-11 20:15:42 UTC

Case in point (((Communist China))). Where (((Mao))) forced men and women to do slave labor during the '(((Great Leap Forward)))'

2017-05-11 20:16:51 UTC

The goal of Capitalism is ultimately to work and make profit until such a point when you don't have to work, work is an obstacle to be overcome on the path to having material wealth that can be enjoyed and thus decadence sets in. The Bourgeoisie achieved this goal to the envy of the Proletariat that decided that it was robbed of its take and thus rose up to claim that wealth for itself. It is only logical that with the advancement of technology ideas like "fully automated luxury communism" would appear, proving Spengler right: Marx hated work, making him in that sense no different from capitalists, as that scenario is the dream of every capitalist as well.

2017-05-11 20:17:51 UTC

Spengler and Yockey wrote about the subject, and how criticism of capitalism was really the same as criticism of capitalism.

2017-05-11 20:18:34 UTC

Not to mention that these (((Corporate Interests))) peddles (((Communism))) and degeneracy to increase their customer block ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

2017-05-11 20:21:48 UTC


2017-05-11 20:22:17 UTC

Wonderful TL;DR version if you're not interested in reading like 600 pages of IMPERIUM.

2017-05-11 20:22:41 UTC

brb cig

2017-05-11 20:26:26 UTC

I like that t

2017-05-11 20:29:01 UTC

I don't know how anyone honest with themselves can disagree with that

2017-05-11 20:49:53 UTC

I'll definitely have to read that sometime. I'd love to have a simple copypasta to send to Libertarians when I'm in some argument with them on an alt-right forum.

2017-05-11 20:50:48 UTC

Oh I listened to W. L. Pierce on how The (((Jews))) are regretting their immigration policies ๐Ÿ˜‚

2017-05-11 20:51:21 UTC

I just wished they removed all libertarians from ds. I call them out constantly.

2017-05-11 20:51:29 UTC


2017-05-11 20:51:59 UTC

Their stupid jewish individualism

2017-05-11 20:52:31 UTC

I mostly get them on v/Identitarian, and they're insufferable sometimes. I can see why people call the alt-right Jewish sometimes haha

2017-05-11 21:28:11 UTC

โค Fuck Victory Day

2017-05-11 21:29:17 UTC
2017-05-11 21:57:39 UTC

@tom (twp) I think you're talking about Hadding calling into Cantwell's show. He comes off as a contrarian tool, but then again he's also a blog owner:

2017-05-11 21:58:24 UTC

I personally can't stand him but to each their own, I suppose. Grudging respect to him for naming the Jew I guess.

2017-05-11 22:14:39 UTC

I flipped through his blog, & I posted one of his articles above, it's not terrible. However I will never get over A) his combative approach to Matt on the show when it was totally uncalled for & B) his dismissal of Savitri Devi as a solid source of canon law for NS doctrine... in fact that single comment about Savitri has stuck with me for DAYS. I've been trying to come up with an adequate comparison for you Christians, we can't exactly say that Savitri was like Paul bc GLR might better fit that description, & We can't call her Mary bc she was not the virgin mother of AH. Needless to say his comment bothered the fuck out of me & made me WANT to hate his blog, given all that, the fact that I couldn't hate what I did read says something to me. I'm forced to reevaluate, he may serve a purpose & We don't all have to agree on everything... my latest book purchases arrived today... incoming spam of pictures....

2017-05-11 22:14:54 UTC

2017-05-11 22:15:03 UTC

2017-05-11 22:15:10 UTC

2017-05-11 22:15:16 UTC

2017-05-11 22:15:35 UTC

2017-05-11 22:15:43 UTC

2017-05-11 22:15:50 UTC

2017-05-11 22:16:03 UTC

2017-05-11 22:16:30 UTC

2017-05-11 22:16:38 UTC

My current commute material

2017-05-11 22:17:26 UTC


2017-05-11 22:17:52 UTC

Ordered this last night

2017-05-11 22:17:57 UTC

2017-05-11 22:18:53 UTC

Looks like it might be a good one.

2017-05-11 22:19:34 UTC

These should keep me busy for a little bit.

2017-05-11 22:21:15 UTC

Indeed. Ive got alot more myself. Always try to overload lol

2017-05-11 22:22:53 UTC

Me too. I just hit a dead spot, I was tearing through them but slowed down when I picked up THE RACIAL LOYALIST MANIFESTO by MATT HALE. So I decided to try & get back into the swing with some different stuff

2017-05-11 22:24:38 UTC

I knew some Church of the Creator guys as a kid. Once had Nature's Great Religion. Its now on Audio on their site.

2017-05-11 22:26:02 UTC

Yeah I've listened to some of their stuff on line, I've exchanged letters with Matt in the last couple of months, I owe him a letter, just got busy with the rally

2017-05-11 22:26:35 UTC

He hasn't lost his focus or resolve.

2017-05-11 22:30:46 UTC

I wondered if you might have known some of those guys given your location. I looked into their organization... I guess the final thing that threw me off was what I read in Siege. Plus others in the movement don't seem to big on Creativity. Not totally sure why... it does seem to draw the more militant types from what I have seen... which is not a terrible thing in my humble opinion, every movement/cause needs a militant arm prepared for action.

2017-05-11 22:31:54 UTC

But flying the Creator flag does seem to invite trouble...

2017-05-11 22:34:30 UTC

Yea honestly the ones I met were very prone to alot of criminal shit. It didnt help anything.

2017-05-11 22:35:09 UTC

And then youre the pussy when you may not have the "resolve" to go burn niggers' houses down lol

2017-05-11 22:35:57 UTC

Yeah. This is the impression I got.

2017-05-11 23:19:25 UTC

good evening

2017-05-11 23:21:21 UTC

thanks for the books suggestion mstaff

2017-05-11 23:28:35 UTC

Where my Nazi's at? (Yeah, I know, it's a Jew slur.)

2017-05-11 23:31:45 UTC

hows it going JTThrasher?

2017-05-11 23:32:42 UTC

Good. Just finished a 24 hr fast, kids are being kids, trying to relax. You?

2017-05-11 23:34:40 UTC

im good, almost finished another work week, awesome

2017-05-11 23:35:38 UTC

you were fasting, what for?

2017-05-11 23:37:53 UTC

Health, to lose weight, give my system time to clean itself out, and it helps combat nicotine cravings ( I like cigars) Intermittent fasting , 2 times a week for 24 hrs, on non-consecutive days.

2017-05-11 23:38:18 UTC


2017-05-11 23:38:56 UTC

this year is going to be awesome

2017-05-11 23:39:52 UTC

lots of work and things to do

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