Discord ID: 312903261982294016
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It's REAL NIGGA hours who up
I work third shift pls no h8 ;-;
ALL Traditionalist Worker Party members are invited to the GCK/EK rally in Dadeville, Al this Saturday btw.
Third shift is where it's at boi.
Hey, at least DeNugent's pipe-smoking vids cause ASMR.
I will adopt said cat.
I'm like Dr. Pierce.
Cat master race.
Doggos are honourary.
Rats are smart.
They dindu nuffin.
But anyway, if any of you can come to our/their rally, please do ๐
I'll be giving an angerey sermon.
Bruh I like pigeons stahp.
He's not NS but a lot of his vids fall in our area.
He's got one where he goes on about the miracle of LSD that's a little weird.
The best one is on how women ruin civilisation if emancipated.
Patriarchy is divinely instituted.
Ding ding ding.
Based Dharma.
Kali did nothing wrong.
I am.
In addition to being an Anglo-Catholic.
I'm somewhere in Longshanks area.
No popery.
Jesuits must burn.
> Obligatory REMOVE KEBAB post inb4.
Praise the sun.
> sun worship is implictly white.
That countryball tho.
I commented "Poland still cannot into space" on one of their nationalist vids and it caused a shitstorm lmao.
Like I just assumed everyone knew the meme.
But apparently I'm a Nazi-Larper and a Russian agent or something.
Apparently so xD
Ironic considering all the Slavophiles around these parts.
Lol Groundskeeper Willie nationalism.
BOI we need a cast on TRS with these bantz.
With the Chairman being friendos with Enoch now it shouldn't be too hard.
Retake Constantinople.
Dissolve Turkey.
Let the Armenians sit on war crimes trials against them.
Assuming it would be possible to purchase the Confederate statue that was removed, I think the WN community should pool a fund to that end.
My faceberg account got zucc'd for 7 days and my backup account got disabled after 10 minutes.
I feel like personally ovening entire poritons of the planet rn.
One degenerate Thot in particular.
The one who reported me.
Hi backstreetgoy-TN :p
Alright lads, I have a third backup set up, name is Gabriel Gotazuc and the pic is of Milton Freidman.
You know because irony.
^ Watched it an hour ago, CyberNazi is my aesthetic โค
I remember getting in trouble at school when I was 14 for drawing swastikas and TRIDENTS.
Good morning comrades ๐
What's the deal with the mulatto saying he's TWP and appointed by the Chairman?
I figured as much. I didn't see anyone in the comments calling it so I did under my Fash Forever account.
This is the sort of thing that could easily be spread around as "evidence" that we're fakes. Perhaps it was even intended as such, or maybe he's just over-enthusiastic and none too bright.
Negro Milo.
I long for the good-ole-days when it was illegal.
Normies seem to forget that was the law in every state of this country up until only a few decades ago.
In Alabama it only became legal in 1999 I believe.
That reminds me of Napoleon's emancipatin of the Jews.
Why TF did he do that?!?!?!????
That damned wall isn't even part of the old temple.
It's the remains of a Roman fort.
The ritual signs their souls over to the Jews, at least in my eyes.
It seals the deal.
I told him he had no place speaking on our behalf and he simply replies with "sorry" lol.
I told him to listen to Marcus Garvey's speeches ๐
Sadly Garvey was an antifa ๐ฆ
HOTEP alliance could actually go somewhere though.
So what you be sayin is
We should get the Jews to shove Zionism down black throats until they've had enough.
Yes, it's just at the dialogue stage right now. I don't see us being able to do anything at all together IRL for a very, very long time, and even then the optics would have to be tuned to a decimal point.
Otherwise we'd get purity-spiralling REEEEEEEEEs.
"TWP works with dayum neggurs look they're marchin with em!"
World Alliance of Anti-Semites.
KK vs K
Look at my African-American over here!
"real men hunt their own food in the wild, they don't go to super-markets like obese cucks"
"Nigerians still burn witches and stone queers, we celebrate them"
A docile, domesticated white man with no racial awareness is perhaps the weakest creature on earth.
I'll say this, proximity to more pure Africans has a tendency to breed white nationalism.
Bravo sir.
Thus expands the great Parting of Ways.
I jumped ship when he shot missiles into Syria.
Muh wrathful volcano god -_-
Black and dark Muslims act the same as black and dark anything else's, with the exception of the very devout/trained, they regularly commit sodomy and incest.
The "heart-check" used to be very popular in WN circles, especially the skinheads, naturally.
Serrano: *lifts while denying existence of both the weight and arms clutching it*
Not again ;-;
Damn, I thought this movement was about shitposting and tendies.
Definitely need to be more physically active myself.
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