
Discord ID: 771201221145919499

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2020-12-04 17:36:58 UTC

I do think there are many likely explanations that aren't criminal. I actually think this would be way more likely than anything criminal, especially given the Mueller investigation didn't turn anything up. I didn't expect to see a line item labeled "PAYMENTS TO PUTIN" lol. I thought it could be that maybe he had a couple bad years, maybe he wasn't quite as rich as he led on, etc. I wouldn't care about any of this. But the tax thing has been a massive cloud and source of friction for him so I do believe he would just release them and be done with it if they were as "perfect" as he described.

2020-12-04 17:37:45 UTC

That isn't remotely true. Obama arrested and prosecuted more whistleblowers than all other presidents COMBINED. Obama went after the phone records of the press to get their sources. @JD~Jordan

2020-12-04 17:38:14 UTC

The person you're replying to is not persuaded by facts or logic lol

2020-12-04 17:38:15 UTC

@JonasRobert, you just advanced to level 7!

2020-12-04 17:39:15 UTC

It chaps my hide when people say that 45 isn't transparent or "is against free speech". I don't think he's gone after a single whistleblower or the press other than mean tweets.

2020-12-04 17:39:23 UTC

@JonasRobert Trump admits that he has lost well over a billion dollars since becoming president, and he doesn't care, as rebuilding America as a great nation is his priority. Trump has made the People paramount to anything else, that is why he is such a threat to the Establishment. He wants the Power back in the hands of the People.

2020-12-04 17:39:35 UTC

Anyone that is not full on True Believer Cultist has to acknowledge there is a reason he refuses to release his tax returns. The only 3 I can think of are:
1. It could be something criminal
2. He is not nearly as rich as he says he is
3. He does not want us to see his ties to lots of Russian Mafia sorts, his ties to Moscow and China.

2020-12-04 17:39:57 UTC

He has been promising to release them since 2016... he never intended to

2020-12-04 17:40:12 UTC

But I appreciate you being intellectualy honest here... Truly I do

2020-12-04 17:40:19 UTC
2020-12-04 17:40:38 UTC

I totally agree, I'm just pointing out that the guy you're replying to will literally ignore all forms of evidence that challenge his/her preconceived notions lol

2020-12-04 17:40:58 UTC

If he were doing something criminal, the IRS would have already found it.
There could be merit to 2
The only family that has documented proof of ties with Russia and China are the Bidens

2020-12-04 17:41:43 UTC

Who is to say they havent found it?

2020-12-04 17:42:05 UTC

now, apply this same logic to the election lol.........

2020-12-04 17:42:16 UTC


2020-12-04 17:42:36 UTC

@JD~Jordan From 2016 on, or 2017, Trumps taxes are under audit and cannot legally be released until the audit is complete. If there is something criminal, the IRS would find it, and they haven't. Further, Trump admits he has lost a fortune since becoming president. He doesn't hide this fact.

2020-12-04 17:42:48 UTC

Because he would have been RIGHTFULLY impeached if they had found something. @JD~Jordan

2020-12-04 17:42:55 UTC

i dont understand why you would have a problem with rich people geting into politics and no problem with poor people geting into politics and becoming Rich. one of these are not like the other...

2020-12-04 17:43:08 UTC

Omg SuitcaseGate? How many of these speculative fantasies will be enough? Every single time with these guys: *This* is the one.


2020-12-04 17:43:18 UTC

And that is an absolute falsehood. We know for an absolute fact that Trump has ties to Russia that he has denied, checking accounts in China. His daughter got 25 Chinese Trademarks just day before Trump lifted the ban on that chinese tech company that had been banned due to them stealing American information

2020-12-04 17:43:44 UTC


2020-12-04 17:45:12 UTC

Someone should do a FOIA request for all logs on all devices related to ballot requesting infrastructure from 01-01-2010 to 11-30-2020 and all ip addresses for mail-in ballot requesters for the date range stated above in states where mail in ballots are able to be requested.

2020-12-04 17:45:24 UTC

@JD~Jordan Do you think it would be possible to slightly decrease topics that are not about the election? I do find these other subjects interesting but this section is specifically labeled <#771201221145919499> ya kno?

2020-12-04 17:46:12 UTC

@JD~Jordan the business she shut down?

2020-12-04 17:46:12 UTC

@Govcast IRL, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-04 17:46:25 UTC

myself and another person have posted the videos of the woman handing off a usb, and her filming herself alone with a bunch of ballots, but the links keep getting pushed off screen by tax return and other off topic chats lol

2020-12-04 17:46:55 UTC

@JD~Jordan we also know for an absolute fact that Joe took hunter on air force 2 to china to finish up a deal. How is that legal?

2020-12-04 17:47:19 UTC

Not that I am aware of this just happened this year.... What business are you talking about ?

2020-12-04 17:47:35 UTC

or the non-profit that lost how much money from the trumps due to misinformation from the MSM?

2020-12-04 17:47:59 UTC

Chinese takeout 25 times. There has to be something nefarious going on with that.

2020-12-04 17:48:31 UTC

Well. I dont know that he did take Hunter to China. Even if he did its hardly evidence of it being illegal. Lots of people ride with Presidents on those flights and not just press and the administration.

If you claim its illegal find me the law

2020-12-04 17:48:32 UTC

Ivanka's fashion business shut down last year because she wanted to focus on politics. Please, educate yourself before screaming nonsense. @JD~Jordan
She said she might go back into the fashion industry when it's all said and done, but for now it's politics.

2020-12-04 17:49:11 UTC

Ivanka must be getting in touch with her CCP handlers and the takeout is a cover.

2020-12-04 17:49:49 UTC

My understanding is that POTUS-E can walk in, fire and gut departments to his heart's content and bury whatever he likes. What's good for the goose...

Sorry for your luck.

2020-12-04 17:50:05 UTC

awe chit think thats the big one that will impeach him he likes some Foreign overothers!

2020-12-04 17:51:12 UTC

@JD~Jordan So Joe took Hunter to china to procure $1.5B. His old business partner claims that a certain percentage was for the "big guy"

2020-12-04 17:51:28 UTC

Dude, its not illegal for her to have Chinese Trademarks. The manner in which she aquirred them is what is disconcerting.

2020-12-04 17:51:29 UTC

Pad Thai over Pizza what a Bad Orange Man!

2020-12-04 17:52:14 UTC

We're going to lock up everybody in Washington for there malfeasance? Bring it.

Lock them up...

2020-12-04 17:52:49 UTC

I find it hilarious that when someone brings up something about a leftwing politician, their response is almost always, "but orange man bad! Look here, look what he did!"

2020-12-04 17:53:12 UTC

actually, they set a precedent. If they try to stop that investigation all hell will break loose.

2020-12-04 17:53:26 UTC

We should start with all living presidents for war crimes

2020-12-04 17:53:43 UTC

But...but...Hilary's emails. Spare me the outrage.

2020-12-04 17:54:20 UTC

@Zuluzeit have you ever held a government clearance?

2020-12-04 17:54:34 UTC

I did not have sexual relations with that woman!

2020-12-04 17:54:35 UTC

That incident is illegal and you know it. Even after a court order for the data, it was intentionally destroyed to cover up the activity.

2020-12-04 17:54:56 UTC

Talking about precedent, chief. Not whataboutisms.

2020-12-04 17:55:06 UTC

what does it matter at this point?

2020-12-04 17:55:16 UTC

> @Zuluzeit have you ever held a government clearance?
@busillis Nope. Held security clearances though.

2020-12-04 17:55:28 UTC

I don't care if it is a Democrat *or* a Republican, if they are violating the law, they should be held accountable.

2020-12-04 17:55:57 UTC

Did you see the article from the AJC where Raffensberger explains (weeks ago) that they reviewed the tapes, interviewed all involved, noted that an independent observer was present (which is all that is required) and determined that there was nothing fraudulent or illegal? The suitcases are apparently used to securely store naked ballots until they can be tabulated. The workers that left were the ones that were separating the ballots from the envelopes and they were, obviously, ahead of the tabulators.

2020-12-04 17:56:21 UTC

That ship sailed. Executive privilege. Just not your preferred monarch. Again, sorry for your luck.

2020-12-04 17:56:59 UTC

if we did that we would not have any government left. Dont get me wrong i am all for that just saying...

2020-12-04 17:57:42 UTC

You'd still have Mike Pence. If there were ever one who never did anything illegal, it's that guy.

2020-12-04 17:57:55 UTC


2020-12-04 17:58:40 UTC

The rest of them you can bury. No loss.

2020-12-04 17:58:51 UTC

What she did was illegal. In fact, Comey changed the wording to his statement so as to not incriminate her from gross negligence to extremely careless.

2020-12-04 17:59:19 UTC

What would have happened if you took that material to your home and the wrong person found out?

2020-12-04 17:59:33 UTC

one time in preschool he took the other boys Crayon now we are just arguing semantics @Zuluzeit

2020-12-04 17:59:44 UTC

Court martial, probably.

2020-12-04 18:01:08 UTC

@ShittyKitty hahaha I bet he apologized and made amends. He's the boy scoutiest boy scout that ever scouted. Not a fan of his zealotry but he's decent through and through.

2020-12-04 18:01:11 UTC

exactly, and what happened to her? Big nothing.

2020-12-04 18:02:21 UTC

I've seen it linked, but this doesn't counter my point.

2020-12-04 18:02:42 UTC

"Looks fishy but don't jump to conclusions"

2020-12-04 18:04:39 UTC

This is me trying to teach people that cognitive bias == bad, and especially so when you're trying to perform investigations.

2020-12-04 18:05:28 UTC

I don't think we all get a full picture of what happened - especially, in this case. Back in the day, I sold, set up, and configured email servers for many companies. I can tell you that none of the chief executives had any clue about the specifics of the implementation. As Secretary of State, Clinton was the head of an organization with 70,000 employees in practically every country in the world. You can't run an organization of that size without having to trust and delegate. It just can't be done. So, I think it is entirely possible that she trusted that the server was put in place legally and that someone who worked for her, when it was discovered that it was possibly not tried to cover their own tracks. In that case, she may be guilty of trusting the wrong technical person, but trying to make that distinction to the public is futile. People see what they want to see. It was investigated, they likely came to the same conclusion.

2020-12-04 18:05:37 UTC

heh, every time I see "==" I think of the C/C++ programming language.

2020-12-04 18:06:12 UTC

As you should.

2020-12-04 18:07:24 UTC

But it's actually more a reference to JS's type system in which `==` is a non-strict comparison and in the case above is actually true, rather than a strict comparison of `===` where that statement is false.

2020-12-04 18:07:30 UTC

yea one question @TaLoN132 why did a non-profit make mucho monies in 2014-2016 and remind me how much it made last yr?

2020-12-04 18:08:06 UTC

@TaLoN132 it's kind of difficult to claim "mistake" or not done to hide evidence when court subpoenaed cell phones were destroyed with a hammer.

2020-12-04 18:08:12 UTC

I like it... I was about to make a similar point in that "it only looks fishy, because you expect fraud". If it wasn't such a fraught circumstance, people might have looked at them and said, "poor shlubs, they have to stay late and work while everyone else gets to go home and sleep."

2020-12-04 18:08:30 UTC


2020-12-04 18:09:17 UTC

or a "mistake" that occurred recently when the court subpoenaed the phones from the FBI and then, they were all wiped. oops?

2020-12-04 18:09:35 UTC

yea because all non-profit library's make Billions then i guess @TaLoN132 seems legit

2020-12-04 18:11:01 UTC

I would like to know more about that... Do you have a link?

2020-12-04 18:11:38 UTC

yea the book Clinton cash you can get in on Amazon

2020-12-04 18:12:17 UTC

Before Trump & After Trump

2020-12-04 18:12:40 UTC

or did that get Pre-debunked as the election in Ga did?

2020-12-04 18:13:11 UTC

Has anybody ever done any work with a maypole?

2020-12-04 18:13:22 UTC

So has anyone been following this paying for pardons stuff? I have a hard time believing that Trump is actually involved.

What I believe is happening is that someone in Trumps Administration is telling people:
"Hey, if you give me $$$$ I will convince Trump to pardon your son."

I just have a hard time imagining that Trump could be so stupid as to try to sell pardons. I absolutely believe he is morally repugnant enough to do it. I just dont think he is that dumb.

2020-12-04 18:14:23 UTC

yea Putin would help him do et then JD

2020-12-04 18:14:26 UTC
2020-12-04 18:15:18 UTC

or does that just work for Hunter?

2020-12-04 18:15:19 UTC

I live near the Nixon Library... and not too far from the Reagan Library... I have been to the Carter Library and the JFK Library and Museum, too. They all have incredible resources. The Clinton foundation is a charitable organization that enjoys a tax exempt status. They publish their financials.

2020-12-04 18:15:21 UTC

The trumpism is eating into your brain. Of course he's that stupid.

2020-12-04 18:16:18 UTC

LOL... Im no Trumpster. I really do not like him.

2020-12-04 18:17:04 UTC

"Georgia Secretary of State Partially Bends The Knee, Acknowledges โ€˜Ballots Were Counted Unlawfully And In Secretโ€™"

2020-12-04 18:17:18 UTC

Typical Trump apologist tactics, I know you believe the whole world takes a knee before your orange Jesus, but that is just not the case.

2020-12-04 18:18:06 UTC

Yea just amazing how much a non-profit can do when she is running for president then cannot afford to keep the lights on when she lost. yea nothing to see there move along...

2020-12-04 18:19:42 UTC

and 99% of it was unlawful but not a big deal you know what you was donating to when the Towle Ban gave the monies to her...

2020-12-04 18:19:59 UTC

Apparently, there is news coming out of Georgia regarding the Trump team having a Dominion machine from Ware County with evidence of Trump votes being switched to Biden.

2020-12-04 18:20:59 UTC

Link @Bey or was that the one they got here in Michigan?

2020-12-04 18:21:32 UTC

if so that is like 2 weeks old news

2020-12-04 18:24:01 UTC
2020-12-04 18:24:08 UTC

Trump will probably pardon the people that bribed for pardons

2020-12-04 18:24:37 UTC

until there is confirmation, I'd take it with a grain of salt

2020-12-04 18:26:31 UTC

yea new lead Thank you @Bey or seems to be thoght that was the one that did the Antrim Co thing in Mich but i will look into it

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