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2020-12-05 03:40:31 UTC

@pinkie2 If they were ran through multiple times, hand counts would fix this no?

2020-12-05 03:40:37 UTC

catch-22 ... until you count them you don't know what they are

2020-12-05 03:40:41 UTC

They see who is on the ballot right?

2020-12-05 03:40:46 UTC

What about the state secretaries denying access to machines, ballots, etc. How do you explain that. And if courts ever orther them to provide access then you may get what you want.

2020-12-05 03:40:51 UTC

@HappyHappyHappy Privacy sleeve.

2020-12-05 03:40:54 UTC

Oh right

2020-12-05 03:40:58 UTC

Maybe we should ship the votes overseas to be counted....

2020-12-05 03:40:58 UTC

not supposed to

2020-12-05 03:41:49 UTC

Because they're likely defensive as to think that the other party is going to be dishonest.

2020-12-05 03:41:54 UTC

@Maw a remote with paper ballots in certain counties within the 6 states with cameras everywhere and security

2020-12-05 03:41:58 UTC

Yep, Biden is as pure as the blond hairs on his legs. He is without sin and has done nothing wrong in his life. Never plagerized or cheated. Y'all are mistaken.

2020-12-05 03:42:02 UTC

Well then after the envelope is gone and they see who it's for the need to send it to an opposing counter so they will be impartial

2020-12-05 03:42:12 UTC

Making up fraud is Trumps most successful business venture in his life ๐Ÿ˜ถ

2020-12-05 03:42:24 UTC

@HappyHappyHappy what you're looking for is that two folks count each ballot, one from each party ... as I understand this is the way it was done for the GA hand recount

2020-12-05 03:42:26 UTC

Revote, not remote. Visually impairment

2020-12-05 03:42:27 UTC

That sounds like the lamest excuse ever. They can easily have a camera for each side. Not that they will be left alone with the stuff either.

2020-12-05 03:42:46 UTC

From now on, we will require all vote counting to be done by people in string bikinis to ensure there are no shenanigans.

2020-12-05 03:43:02 UTC

I need to go do some reading of all this goodness shared here. Have a good night all!

2020-12-05 03:43:02 UTC

@ChairmanOfTheBored, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-12-05 03:43:03 UTC

You have to remember, in their mind this isn't Trump trying to win cases, it's to gather a huge public gathering around their claims.

2020-12-05 03:43:11 UTC

Naked Voting could be a prime time show.

2020-12-05 03:43:19 UTC


2020-12-05 03:43:22 UTC

Video on on some lady dropped who recorded herself going into the backroom (believe this is michigan) (if anyone could find more info on it, but wanted to get eyes on it)

2020-12-05 03:43:43 UTC

sounds like Wal-Mart

2020-12-05 03:43:47 UTC

That is Ruby Freeman

2020-12-05 03:43:53 UTC

Ah cool

2020-12-05 03:43:59 UTC

Thanks Bey!

2020-12-05 03:43:59 UTC

@Dedkraken Trump did not makeup the affidavits and witnesses that signed them

2020-12-05 03:44:03 UTC

I think Trump was trying to win cases until his good lawyers said theres nothing here sir.

2020-12-05 03:44:08 UTC

@meglide Not any walmarts near here.

2020-12-05 03:44:18 UTC

In my mind common sense says there's something they're trying to hide.

2020-12-05 03:44:49 UTC

Common sense may not be the correct solution all the time, you understand that yeah? There are many disproven myths around.

2020-12-05 03:44:53 UTC

@pinkie2 just got people riled up and paranoid and told them everything you see must be fraud for months

2020-12-05 03:45:11 UTC

After watching the MSM lie for 4 years, NO trust left.

2020-12-05 03:45:12 UTC

The common sense that the earth was flat at one point, for example.

2020-12-05 03:45:20 UTC

I never said so. But I trust more any dark alley dealer than any politician.

2020-12-05 03:45:43 UTC

I don't trust any media, including the RWM.

2020-12-05 03:45:54 UTC

They all lie, they all talk in hyperbole.

2020-12-05 03:46:18 UTC

Given the complete lack of chain of custody, and the ability to fabricate ballots, I would not find it unreasonable to think that some time after the complete vote total that was going to be committed to, a set of additional ballots to match that vote total wouldn't be a deliverable item toward that end.

e.g., if you finish off the election period with 100 votes for A and 73 for B, and need to raise B to 120 votes to kinda give a buffer of fraud there, then re-scanning ballots to the tune of 47 or so extra votes for B would be a relatively simple thing to do...

Then you just need to introduce an additional 47 ballots to make up the difference.

Real total votes: 173
Total votes with fraud: 220

2020-12-05 03:46:20 UTC

Hype isn't a lie, though. It is allegory to effect.

2020-12-05 03:46:45 UTC

Just a little bending of truth.

2020-12-05 03:46:47 UTC

if the earth was flat, cats would have pushed everything off it by now

2020-12-05 03:46:55 UTC
2020-12-05 03:47:31 UTC

Many have a difficult time believing that, in the same election, a person got the most votes in history, won the fewest counties in history, did worse than Hillary in all locations except specific cities in 6 states, etc, and did it all while not campaigning.

2020-12-05 03:47:32 UTC

@Maw Cherry concentrate isn't a lie. Hyperbole is a concentrate, ๐Ÿ˜‰

2020-12-05 03:47:48 UTC

Lol it's unbelievable to me that people think the world is flat... where is the evidence! ๐Ÿ˜‚

2020-12-05 03:48:04 UTC

The root of this mess is just that those damn ballots don't have any security built in. If $100 dollar bills with all the artifacts they have can be fake just imagine what a motivated fraudster can do with ballots and the silly US Mail.

2020-12-05 03:48:09 UTC

@Whithers If I sold you diluted booze despite telling you I'm selling you booze, you'd call me a con-man!

2020-12-05 03:48:16 UTC

Rightfully so.

2020-12-05 03:48:42 UTC

Yes they should have 2 opposing sides ready waiting for when ballot is opened. If they dont already they need it for ga ru offs

2020-12-05 03:48:44 UTC

Yes... Diluted booze is a wicked practice!

2020-12-05 03:48:57 UTC

You can't keep saying interesting things when I'm trying to leave lol

2020-12-05 03:49:00 UTC

and was able to, in a 90 minute span of time, get 570,000 votes compared to 3,200 by his opponent in the same time span.

2020-12-05 03:49:01 UTC

The other root of this mess is CNN. Thank God for James O'Keefe

2020-12-05 03:49:25 UTC

@Maw Hyperbole isn't diluted though. If you sold me a shot of whiskey and it turned out to be 200 proof, I wouldn't call you a con-man - I would fall down drunk.

2020-12-05 03:49:39 UTC

I looked for data about winning the lowest county thing but couldn't find it. I've heard it reported multiple times, I'm not doubting it's true, but any idea where I can find the data??

2020-12-05 03:49:48 UTC

You mean, like this?

2020-12-05 03:49:49 UTC

@Whithers Also false advertising still.

2020-12-05 03:49:50 UTC

ok, I'll stop.... sleepy anyway LOL

2020-12-05 03:50:06 UTC

Though the outcome was better than the alternative.

2020-12-05 03:50:16 UTC

I'm not agreeing with you but that's a good one

2020-12-05 03:50:32 UTC

@Bey. Iโ€™m with you!

2020-12-05 03:50:35 UTC

Corn whiskey, moonshine, 200 proof. It's all good as an antiseptic.

2020-12-05 03:50:38 UTC

The other root of this is "freedom of speech" is granted to massive media and how difficult it is to compete in that space.

2020-12-05 03:50:38 UTC

@WaffleWaffle, you just advanced to level 8!

2020-12-05 03:51:06 UTC

We cannot take away the free press, as much as I hate their ability to lie.

2020-12-05 03:51:29 UTC

Yes ruby Freeman is one of the lady's in surveillance video from tonight

2020-12-05 03:51:33 UTC

Have a good weekend!

2020-12-05 03:51:36 UTC

Back in the day almost anyone could print political pamphlets. Try to do that in the internet age with google and facebook controlling access to eyes.

2020-12-05 03:51:36 UTC

We can the unfree press.... Stop supporting them.

2020-12-05 03:51:37 UTC

So true. Speaking of Facebook. Did you guys hear that Trump is suing them? Something about immigrant workers working for them possibly illegally?

2020-12-05 03:51:38 UTC

@Raven Evermore, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-05 03:51:50 UTC

@pinkie2 Have a good weekend yourself as well!

2020-12-05 03:51:55 UTC

When calculating the odds of everything that happened this election, the number you derive at is so large it exceeds the number of atoms in the observable universe over 8,000 times.

2020-12-05 03:52:18 UTC

Build back better!

2020-12-05 03:52:38 UTC

Great resets don't work XD

2020-12-05 03:52:38 UTC

All Hail the Great Reset!

2020-12-05 03:52:52 UTC

I'd like to see the back of the envelope you actually performed these calculations on

2020-12-05 03:53:12 UTC

I'd like to see the great reset of antifa LOL.

2020-12-05 03:53:13 UTC

No not take away the "free press" but take away the control of views. Google and Facebook should not be allowed to have "terms of use", censoring algorithms, shadow banning, etc.

2020-12-05 03:53:32 UTC

@Maw If you yell fire in a crowded theater it is completely legal if there is fire in a crowded theater. It is legally within the standard bounds to require the truth from journalists. But it means holding them to the same standard as everyone else when they commit libel and slander instead of granting them "qualified immunity" because they are journalists.

2020-12-05 03:53:35 UTC

Yes I heard that one as well. It's all very Wild

2020-12-05 03:53:36 UTC

@HappyHappyHappy, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-12-05 03:53:43 UTC

I have mixed feelings about S230.

2020-12-05 03:53:48 UTC

you don't need that much paper, you can use scientific notation, i.e., 3.14159265x10^2381

2020-12-05 03:53:53 UTC

Reset the dems

2020-12-05 03:53:54 UTC

@pinkie2, you just advanced to level 5!

2020-12-05 03:54:18 UTC


2020-12-05 03:54:33 UTC

Seriously Trump is very smart if he did find something to sue Facebook for. They are a major threat to the first amendment.

2020-12-05 03:54:45 UTC

@Bey That is a very large pie.

2020-12-05 03:54:56 UTC

that's the number ... I want to see the calculations

2020-12-05 03:55:14 UTC

S230 is just a straw man. Massive media needs regulations so they can't interfere with free speech.

2020-12-05 03:55:15 UTC

@Maw 230 certainly could be better written. From what I understand the idea is to repeal and replace it with something that covers the problems of modern tech.

2020-12-05 03:55:27 UTC

it is estimated that the there are between 10^78 to 10^82 atoms in the known, observable universe, and the odds exceed this number by a great deal.

2020-12-05 03:55:42 UTC

Yes that could also affect your channel if not written properly

2020-12-05 03:56:18 UTC

I own no physical stake or stock in the channel, I'm just a humble moderator.

2020-12-05 03:56:19 UTC

@Bey I think what happened in this election happens in most elections we just weren't ever paying this much attention before

2020-12-05 03:56:22 UTC

I just put people in the gulag.

2020-12-05 03:56:27 UTC

I mean.

2020-12-05 03:56:28 UTC


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