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2020-12-05 03:56:29 UTC


2020-12-05 03:56:32 UTC


2020-12-05 03:56:35 UTC

They have in practice invalidated the 1st amendment. But they will argue you can go elsewhere to express yourself. Elsewhere no one will listen.

2020-12-05 03:56:41 UTC

the number quoted above is an example of scientic notation... not the calculated odds of it occuring

2020-12-05 03:56:48 UTC

Google, FB, et. al. should be free to do all the stupid things they want to do to experiment with and manipulate people on their platforms.

We The People should be smart enough not to empower them, and delegate our sovereignty to people that would abuse us in these ways.

Regardless of the circumstances, the government has no business in this discussion, in my opinion. 230 should stand.

2020-12-05 03:57:05 UTC

What I can't believe is the way they fabricated these covid PCR tests, and death records due to covid. Apparently if you commit suicide while infected with covid, you died of covid-19.

2020-12-05 03:57:17 UTC

Well whatever robs channel any youtubers

2020-12-05 03:57:25 UTC

Google is not the government. Facebook is not the government. Twitter is not the government. The Bill of Rights applies to government. ONLY.

2020-12-05 03:57:30 UTC

@Maw All you have to do is become a good Clintonite and now you can work at FB Safety.

2020-12-05 03:57:56 UTC

I vehemently dislike Clinton, in the nicest words possible.

2020-12-05 03:58:02 UTC
2020-12-05 03:58:06 UTC

There you go. They need to be regulated because they in practice "govern" free speech.

2020-12-05 03:58:10 UTC

So 200k people didn't die from covid, it was more like 6% of that so an estimate of that is around 12-15k

2020-12-05 03:58:12 UTC


2020-12-05 03:58:22 UTC

and you shouldn't because they didn't fabricate them

2020-12-05 03:58:35 UTC

Suicides happening now wether they have Covid or not are probably counted as Covid. Honestly Covid has made people desperate

2020-12-05 03:58:36 UTC

They absolutely did.

2020-12-05 03:59:09 UTC

@pinkie2 Exactly

2020-12-05 03:59:27 UTC

@pinkie2 Covid isn't what made people desperate.

2020-12-05 03:59:40 UTC

If you think FB, Twitter, et. al. "govern" free speech, then what you're really saying is that the government should control platforms such as FB, Twitter, Discord, etc, in order to provide a public space for people to have dialog, is that right?

2020-12-05 03:59:40 UTC

@jfindley, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-12-05 04:00:12 UTC

It is if you combine it with the BLM movement and all of this "Trump is a racist" propaganda.

2020-12-05 04:00:12 UTC

@Raven Evermore, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-05 04:00:51 UTC

nonsense ... over 350k excess deaths this year, only about 260k counted as Covid

2020-12-05 04:01:06 UTC

You have a better chance of flipping a coin 250 times and it landing on heads 250 times than all of the statistical anomolies that occurred this election. The probability of the above occurring is 5.52715x10^76 : 1

2020-12-05 04:01:30 UTC

A safe space on twitter for difference of opinion is just the first step towards completely silencing all Republicans. For now Trump is only in the way of all of this socialism.

2020-12-05 04:01:57 UTC

@jfindley No. I hold that those licensed to do business, to control and govern other people's lives, should be obligated under the same restrictions as government, as they are a governing authority, to treat employees and customers with the same security of Unalienable Rights required by the Constitution.

2020-12-05 04:02:01 UTC

Depression even if not infected with Covid are probably being counted as Covid. I donโ€™t necessarily agree suicides and depression without Covid infection should be counted as Covid. In history we need to see what Covid did to suicide and depression as compared to before and after Covid

2020-12-05 04:02:03 UTC

and yes, I used Wolfram for the calculation

2020-12-05 04:02:26 UTC

Wolfram used to be good.

2020-12-05 04:02:29 UTC

That's debatable... In fact, had a discussion on this earlier. It must be a talking point now.

2020-12-05 04:02:32 UTC

Lockdowns caused suicides, not covid

2020-12-05 04:02:36 UTC

That makes no sense...

2020-12-05 04:02:36 UTC

Then it sort of slowly turned into a massive paywall.

2020-12-05 04:03:37 UTC

I remember using it to help me with certain things in my calculus homework.

2020-12-05 04:03:45 UTC

just name ten statistical anomalies then ... no seriously I'm interested in looking at them

2020-12-05 04:03:46 UTC

When I wasn't understanding certain processes fully.

2020-12-05 04:03:48 UTC

I say government should regulate them to the extent they can't censor anyone and use "terms of service" as an excuse. In other words the government must guarantee -everyone- not only the government grants the rights of from the bill. Either by regulation or split them so that alternative outlets are real and viable.

2020-12-05 04:04:01 UTC

@jfindley It makes complete and total sense. When you have power over others you must be obligated to restrain your behavior just as government must restrain itself to secure our Unalienable Rights. Corporations are governing authorities.

2020-12-05 04:04:07 UTC

Remember what they did to Mama Bell.

2020-12-05 04:04:14 UTC

Yes agreed lockdowns did but either way suicide cases without Covid are probably in the count. They inflate Covid numbers although I agree Covid is very dangerous

2020-12-05 04:04:51 UTC

In any case, I don't think Twitter or Facebook should have the right to protect themselves under a certain section for businesses when they are in fact more like publishers now deciding what we are allowed to say.

2020-12-05 04:05:07 UTC

Ok, I can see some common ground on this issue. Would you venture to say that the ability to type messages that can be read by others, on a given platform, is analogous to having a phone or in-person conversation with that same person(s)?

2020-12-05 04:05:27 UTC

even if the odds are as low as 10^25 : 1 the number, 10^25 exceeds the estimated age of the universe, in seconds, which is a range between 10^22 to 10^24

2020-12-05 04:05:50 UTC

Unix time is fun.

2020-12-05 04:06:05 UTC

The suicide rate in the US has steadily risen each year over the past 12 years, if I remember correctly. It's a phenomenon that many psychologists have been studying for a while. It's something that is profoundly sad and disturbing.

2020-12-05 04:06:18 UTC

@jfindley I would agree with the phone conversation analogy, though it is somewhat a party line.

2020-12-05 04:06:39 UTC


2020-12-05 04:06:47 UTC

There is a recent event where an elderly person is seeking euthenasia because of the lock down

2020-12-05 04:07:06 UTC

@jfindley Party line meaning multiple people listen and speak on the same phone line. You might not be old enough to remember when that was normal.

2020-12-05 04:07:06 UTC

The problem is the election has yet to even be decided and you get censored if you say Biden isn't the president or anything at all about fraud. That in itself is misinformation, because technically Biden is not president yet.

2020-12-05 04:07:39 UTC


2020-12-05 04:07:43 UTC

Hahaha, I'm not *that* old, but I'm a telco programmer. I've worked on PBXs that're older than I am.

2020-12-05 04:07:54 UTC

I remember the time before push button phones

2020-12-05 04:07:59 UTC

They are trying to decide both what you are allowed to say and what others are allowed to see. In practice they ostracise dissident voices. Therefore acting in anti democratic ways.

2020-12-05 04:08:03 UTC

That's terrible... I hope they get the help they need.

2020-12-05 04:08:22 UTC

What? Phones have buttons?

2020-12-05 04:08:54 UTC

Well they already have a solution if you don't want to see it, it's called the "block" option.

2020-12-05 04:09:18 UTC

Just what a flight attendant from a cheapo airline told me when I pointed out to her the window had cracks.

2020-12-05 04:09:28 UTC

@Bey. I understand. I myself am loosing my vision, have several disabling chronic illnesses, and am alone at home. I can see why people want euthanasia. I donโ€™t personally believe that way. But life can be so hard even without Covid and lockdowns

2020-12-05 04:09:37 UTC

Prior to the dual tones used in telephones today, making a call was initiated by a series of pulses. You could even dial a phone without using the rotary dial simply by tapping the number out on the switch on the handset carriage.

2020-12-05 04:10:06 UTC

Except they are deciding what you should not see and blocking content without telling you or the content author.

2020-12-05 04:10:32 UTC

Technically, the telcos are doing that, too, with spam blocking features...

2020-12-05 04:11:31 UTC


2020-12-05 04:11:34 UTC

@WaffleWaffle. Iโ€™m with you. They impose themselves in your own party line conversation. Me and my party line of 5000, plus my FB is private

2020-12-05 04:11:39 UTC

and they shouldn't do that unless it's something that is outright illegal like inciting violence, child pornography, basically really offensive, or illegal extremes. Election fraud isn't one of those things.

2020-12-05 04:11:48 UTC

Night all.

2020-12-05 04:12:15 UTC


2020-12-05 04:12:28 UTC

Unless you are telling someone to comit fraud but that goes back to what I said about censoring illegal things

2020-12-05 04:12:55 UTC

Exactly. They allow flat-earthers, snake oil sellers and astrologists to spread their nonsense but election fraud is not. Ridiculous!

2020-12-05 04:12:57 UTC

Omg, this meme is fantastic.

2020-12-05 04:13:03 UTC

Life can be difficult, at times. I myself have chronic illnesses that will end in my own death. Just have to be strong and have faith. You can even read the book of Job for strength, knowing the ordeals that he endured.

2020-12-05 04:13:20 UTC
2020-12-05 04:13:54 UTC

Yeah.... Robocallers call in with a variety of BS messages and the like. I developed filters that would pre-process the call before delivering the call to humans. If the initial content was mostly indicative of a robocaller campaign, it was blocked.

It's a similar thing for numbers that get reported as spam, and carriers like T-mobile and Verizon provide indicators that a call is "likely spam".

2020-12-05 04:14:06 UTC

I stand corrected. It's not ridiculous. It's perverse and malicious. And we are allowing "terms of service" to serve as their excuse.

2020-12-05 04:14:22 UTC

Pretty much

2020-12-05 04:14:22 UTC

@Raven Evermore, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-12-05 04:14:22 UTC

@Bey I have and am going thru the Bible again. Iโ€™ll go to Job. Thanks.

2020-12-05 04:15:12 UTC

I hope Mr Trump and Mr Cruz actually do something about this.

2020-12-05 04:15:49 UTC

Like Mr. Trump issuing an executive order to force Alphabet to sell and split Google and Split facebook and twitter.

2020-12-05 04:16:00 UTC

It needs to be stopped, but the question is how do we stop it other than boycotting them outright or yeah if it's done in court. There has been a couple of senate hearings on them. I hope it amounts to something.

2020-12-05 04:16:16 UTC

We should give them a terms of use that we agree to

2020-12-05 04:16:23 UTC

Seriously though have a Republican a democrat and an impartial party ready to count mail absentee ballots and we be aight from here on out

2020-12-05 04:16:59 UTC

As a lot of the stuff discussed here it's been done before. Dominant phone company mama Bell was split in 7 regional companies.

2020-12-05 04:17:07 UTC

True, but lawmakers who understand the constitution should have a hand in it or like Lindsay Graham said...Better Business Practices

2020-12-05 04:17:14 UTC

@happyhappy I think youโ€™re right but make it federal law

2020-12-05 04:17:39 UTC

That sounds a lot like the start of a bar joke.

2020-12-05 04:18:25 UTC

As far as I'm concerned, it matters not who is elected, as long as the election was fair, free and without fraud.

2020-12-05 04:18:26 UTC

@WaffleWaffle so it can definitely be done or split in some way especially since Hubble, and Parler are platforms now.

2020-12-05 04:18:29 UTC

@Maw I'm like you about S230... The Social Media platforms already censor. We are just talking about the degree of censorship. They went from too little in 2016 to arguably too much in 2020. Removing the protections will force the platforms to police EVERYTHING including personal content. If they want no censorship at all, then it will only be a matter of time before porn takes over.

2020-12-05 04:18:57 UTC

Short of splitting them I'd say just changing the law so that if the want S230 protection they must not interfere with content or its distribution in any way.

2020-12-05 04:19:14 UTC

I know it wonโ€™t happen. But something some change must come from 2020 election and be known as the change that happened in history

2020-12-05 04:19:36 UTC

@WaffleWaffle I'd like to see it split to be honest with you.

2020-12-05 04:20:42 UTC

Split Twitter and FB and throw out the owners

2020-12-05 04:21:08 UTC

@Raven Evermore They won't because they fear Tiktok i.e. China and Europe. Their wish for global dominance blinds them to the domestic enemy.

2020-12-05 04:21:31 UTC

In the meantime I will just spend my time "tweeting" on parler lol. Also, I'll silently curse you tube for labeling stuff as "misinformation" or "the AP called the election for Biden"

2020-12-05 04:21:57 UTC

Donโ€™t let tiktok in. But again thatโ€™s China so theyโ€™re already in

2020-12-05 04:22:37 UTC

Though I'm really thinking something should be done soon. If Trump takes FB to court.... it might actually amount up to them losing a ton of money.

2020-12-05 04:23:32 UTC

Heโ€™s taking them only over hiring people with visas

2020-12-05 04:23:37 UTC

I think the foreigner prefference lawsuite will be extremely difficult to prove and they will come with a lame excuse like financial difficulties.

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