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2018-10-15 00:22:21 UTC

@Sam Amari Like if these people TRULY cared about the climate why don't they just Skype?

2018-10-15 00:22:36 UTC

Why do you need to fly 10+ times a year to discuss the decline of the climate.

2018-10-15 00:22:48 UTC

Almost everyone alive is a hypocrite in that sense

2018-10-15 00:23:03 UTC

Like every sports team flies around 150 times a year on a private jet

2018-10-15 00:23:24 UTC

Yeah... like... I personally never fly because I truly do want to affect change. I drove 2 days to visit friends on west coast instead of flying.

2018-10-15 00:23:30 UTC

And how would you hold them to account?

2018-10-15 00:23:31 UTC


2018-10-15 00:23:40 UTC
2018-10-15 00:23:55 UTC

Yeah, but I'm a fatalist about this shit. You're not going to affect anything personally even if you flew every single day

2018-10-15 00:23:55 UTC

In the 1970's all the "scientists" and experts were telling us "we are going into an ice age, the USA had better wake up.......there will be food wars, a billion people could die....this was all going to happen by 1990

2018-10-15 00:23:56 UTC

Increase taxes too much and the people will revolt

2018-10-15 00:24:09 UTC

Ah man. I was hoping you weren't a denier Mod

2018-10-15 00:24:43 UTC

so....before humans.....when the earth did have climate change....and were not around to cause did it happen????

2018-10-15 00:24:54 UTC

I am skeptic

2018-10-15 00:24:55 UTC

The old "oh, the scientists were off about their predictions" doesn't at all disprove any of the phenomenon i posted above

2018-10-15 00:25:49 UTC

I believe and know we need to be good stewards of the planet....but no one here is going to live in the dark, live on "rationed' electricity and be told you cannot drive or go somewhere because "you exceeded you footprint for the month"

2018-10-15 00:25:49 UTC

aight i cant do this. i wonder how me skeptics became believers down in Florida this weekend xD

2018-10-15 00:25:59 UTC


2018-10-15 00:26:18 UTC

There were hurricanes in Florida way, way before people settled there

2018-10-15 00:27:23 UTC

sure it does. Scientists told us this was fact and used "science" to talk down to anyone who did not toe the line. I mean, the best minds in the world at one time believed the earth was flat....

2018-10-15 00:32:17 UTC

Even if doomsday comes, you should become the kind of man who rises to the challenge and be happy in spite of it all, I thought thats what this community was about, but Im reading some very different directions here. #concerned

2018-10-15 00:33:20 UTC

this community is about not co-habitating and not getting married. dont tell me how to view the world beyond that

2018-10-15 00:33:35 UTC

There were only 4 billion people on the planet in 1975. Its double that now. Of course disasters like a hurricane, a wildfire, or flood are going to cause more damage now versus then........there are twice as many people...and the news in instantaneous........even in the 1970's.....a disaster might happen and it would take a day or two to figure out what had happened.........and the media.....never lacking to elaborate and embelish on human tragedy always uses climate change, global warming, Trump, pollution in the ocean, the polar bears to make a point

2018-10-15 00:33:42 UTC

Then Im in the wrong place, fare thee well

2018-10-15 00:34:59 UTC

if you're right, great! everythings fine! keep consuming as normal, taking big flights, spending long nights playing video games and driving hummers!

2018-10-15 00:35:21 UTC

if you're wrong, we're dead. why even err toward the side of "we'll be fine" when there's so much evidence that we wont

2018-10-15 00:35:34 UTC

simple optimism bias

2018-10-15 00:35:41 UTC

just world fallacy

2018-10-15 00:37:12 UTC

I'm not doing any of that.....I cannot afford that lifestyle, and wouldn't even if I could..........but no one in the USA, espcially the "scientists" who purport only quasi tested theories and in the span of the earths age.....we have only been measuring climate in general for 200 years give or take...........they have made some bold assertions many times since I was a boy, and all of them have been wrong.

2018-10-15 00:37:39 UTC

maybe read the "Major Climate Report Describes a Strong Risk of Crisis as Early as 2040" New York Times article

2018-10-15 00:37:52 UTC

or the "As The UN Warns Of Climate Catastrophe By 2030, The EU Is Pulling Back Climate Ambition" forbes article

2018-10-15 00:38:13 UTC

In the 1970's the same article would read "Major Climate Report.........By 1990"

2018-10-15 00:38:36 UTC

dude just because people are off on fucking predictions doesnt mean anything

2018-10-15 00:38:51 UTC

thats the weakest argument ive ever heard and im sad to know you're an actual like seasoned adult who thinks that

2018-10-15 00:39:30 UTC

duuhhh the scientist said there would be flying cars by nooow!!!

2018-10-15 00:41:27 UTC

I went to an environmental college for undergrad. My college is voted the "greenest" and best "in environmentalism" by the Sierra Club. Some of the nonsense they purported as "science" and "fact" back in 1989 actually is pretty false and untrue....doesn't mean we should do more to be better stewards and protect. It doesn't mean we should stop new technologies.......but fearmongering unger the guise of science does science itself a HUGE disservice

2018-10-15 00:41:51 UTC

No, TV said there would be flying cars. WE have the science actually to to them now

2018-10-15 00:41:57 UTC

and have for a bit

2018-10-15 00:42:01 UTC

At this point I'll probably just stop talking about climate change in this discord. I'm disappointed to know that the MGTOW community doesn't take issues on a case by case basis and seems to just fully go along with American right-wing thinking. Like, there's no room for someone who thinks Kavanaugh is innocent and also thinks climate change is an extreme threat. You have to be a lib or conservative.

2018-10-15 00:42:14 UTC

I am not a right winger

2018-10-15 00:42:22 UTC

I didn't vote for Trump

2018-10-15 00:42:31 UTC

The Republicans are democrat lite

2018-10-15 00:43:50 UTC

I voted Jill Stein. I voted for a fucking woman. I don't regret it because she was better than the daddys boi who inherited millions of dollars and acts like a self made man and the witch hillary

2018-10-15 00:43:53 UTC

I think Kavanaugh is terrible.........and the metoo thing aside.......even if that didn't come up.........didn't like the guy

2018-10-15 00:44:33 UTC

Yeah he's going to be a horribly conseravtive judge for sure and always vote for big business and shit, but he definitely didn't do anything wrong to that vocal fry-voiced banshee woman

2018-10-15 00:44:49 UTC


2018-10-15 00:45:38 UTC

Any way I gotta go. I'll try to get less passionate about my climate change issues, ill try to avoid them altogether. this chat is great and i dont want to create animosity. i just feel very strongly about that issue.

2018-10-15 00:46:20 UTC

That's fine. I am gald you have a cause......but people will disagree, and that doesn't mean they are a right winger though ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-10-15 00:47:31 UTC

yeah i gotta not assume that. because im not a left winger cuz i believe in it.

2018-10-15 00:47:38 UTC

so, good talk to realize that

2018-10-15 00:47:44 UTC

its cool

2018-10-15 00:47:54 UTC

see ya man. sorry for getting a little heated

2018-10-15 00:48:08 UTC

no offense taken. Be safe young buck

2018-10-15 01:18:52 UTC

2018-10-15 02:38:50 UTC
2018-10-15 02:41:57 UTC

@Sam Amari its fine to be heated and debate. its not like you were trolling and baiting people into debates. debates happen. your good

2018-10-15 02:58:27 UTC

just dont disparage ahri....

2018-10-15 03:00:28 UTC

Who's ahri?

2018-10-15 03:00:48 UTC

.................... **thats it **

2018-10-15 03:00:53 UTC


2018-10-15 03:00:55 UTC

shes my waifu

2018-10-15 03:05:09 UTC

Whos online?

2018-10-15 03:05:15 UTC

definately not me

2018-10-15 03:05:35 UTC

Lmao!!! Hop on voice chat man...

2018-10-15 03:06:05 UTC

maybe i will maybe i wont

2018-10-15 03:06:17 UTC

It looks like you did.

2018-10-15 03:06:24 UTC

i guess i did

2018-10-15 03:06:45 UTC

Why do I want to waste $60 on a shit game like Black Ops 4. I desperately need a decent fps.

2018-10-15 03:07:26 UTC

quake champions?

2018-10-15 03:07:38 UTC

Oh! I need to look into that.

2018-10-15 03:07:44 UTC

its free

2018-10-15 03:08:56 UTC

Downloading ๐Ÿ˜„

2018-10-15 03:28:26 UTC

Theres a part of me that wants to vc, but theres a bigger part kf me that wants nothing to do with @Roughneck Riggs

2018-10-15 03:28:53 UTC

What's wrong with @Roughneck Riggs?

2018-10-15 03:29:01 UTC

I need to buy a mic, lol.

2018-10-15 03:29:27 UTC


2018-10-15 03:29:30 UTC

were just chillin

2018-10-15 03:29:58 UTC
2018-10-15 03:41:07 UTC

anime babes is 2d. i mean 3d is not disallowed. but no thots

2018-10-15 03:41:17 UTC

so like 3d anime

2018-10-15 03:42:11 UTC

**no. thots.allowed.**

2018-10-15 03:46:30 UTC

@9574 oh no its retarded <:wukeb49cwjly:480186120160804883>

2018-10-15 03:46:43 UTC

well. the women has a wayyy better time because she has a pussy. guys dont. they have money. but if he has a wife already then he aint got anymore money

2018-10-15 03:46:56 UTC

this is like basic stuff

2018-10-15 03:47:25 UTC


2018-10-15 03:48:35 UTC

aight well thanks for that

2018-10-15 03:48:37 UTC

Stop feeding the thots gentlemen

2018-10-15 03:48:37 UTC

oh yea and

2018-10-15 03:48:41 UTC

Don't do it

2018-10-15 03:48:43 UTC

I've never broken in a relationship, It was the girls that broke my heart, via unfaithfulness, while I've always stayed true. How can I come to terms with 40+ years of this

2018-10-15 03:48:43 UTC


2018-10-15 03:48:50 UTC

You have more valuable things to do with your time

2018-10-15 03:49:31 UTC


2018-10-15 03:49:39 UTC

thots get **the pimp hand**

2018-10-15 03:50:47 UTC

At least this server has a no thots rule unlike TFM's server.

2018-10-15 03:51:11 UTC

its a waste of time

2018-10-15 03:51:15 UTC

Giving thots a space in the name of free speech, SMH.

2018-10-15 03:51:33 UTC

they all say the same things: im not like that so marry me wahh

2018-10-15 03:51:33 UTC

I did Point that out to the guys on that server

2018-10-15 03:51:54 UTC

A lot of them just justify it as not wanting to be stuck in an echo chamber

685,872 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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