Mike RI

@PF-8894 RocketChat ID: 3YnvMyvYPtTRjvfS3

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Just so you know the wedding went very well and the speech was a huge success so I made God the family and our forefathers proud I think thanks in large part to the org building me up into a more solid man. Thanks for the encouragement Tyler.

As for the trip to NH which sounds friggin awesome I unfortunately won't be able to attend as I have to rake the leaves in my mother's yard to prepare for winter. Its funny I was actually thinking about some of you guys to help we probably could have filmed it and it would have made a great activism video but I snooze I lose. Bit the mention I also really need to work next Saturday morning to make up for bit working this one because of the wedding. Money is getting to low. I really wanted to do one of these camping trips up north with my bros that sucks that I'll miss it but

I just Flyered Wood River Fishing Dock in Wyoming, RI -1/1

Nice work guys

Hey Norm well here's an official welcome even though we have already met. Feel free to reach out if you got any questions about anything bro. I'll do my best to help where j can

Welcome to the org brother! Glad to have you if you have any questions or need any advice feel free to ask and I'll do my best to help where I can!

Welcome to the brotherhood Marcus! Good choice joining the cause dude if you have any questions or need any advice feel free to ask!

Welcome to the org Leo glad to have ya! If you ever need any advice or have any questions let me know!

Hey Logan welcome to the family glad to have you bro! If you have any questions or need to know something feel free to ask and I'll do my best to help!

Welcome John good choice joining the good fight! Great to have you bro If you ever have any questions feel free to ask!

Hey Joseph welcome to the org glad you joined you made a good choice dude! If you ever have any questions or need some advice feel free to ask and I'll do my best to help

Welcome to the org Norman great to have you bro! Looking forward to seeing big things from you if you ever have any questions feels free to ask and I'll do my best to answer dude

Hey Taylor great to have you in the fight bro! If you ever have any questions or need advice about something feel free to ask

Hey John welcome to the family bud glad to have ya if you ever need any help or advice feel free to ask me and I'll do my best to help where I can!

Hey Aaron great to have you bro welcome! Good decision to join! If you ever have any questions feel free to ask dude

Welcome to the club James! Great to have you with us! Feel free to ask me if you have any questions about anything org related and I'll do my best to answer

Hey bro welcome aboard glad to have you Brian. If you ever need help anything don't be afraid to reach out and ask! I'll do my best to help where I can

Welcome to the nations cause Leo great to have you on board looking forward to seeing what you got out there! If you have any questions don't be afraid to reach out and I'll do my best to help!

Arthur great to have you in the org dude! You made the right choice! If you ever need any help or advice on something feel free to ask me and I'll do my best to help where I can

Hey George welcome to the family great to have you dude! If you ever have any questions or need some advice feel free to ask and I'll try my best to help

Hey Jackson welcome to the org bud great to have you if you every have any questions don't be shy to ask I'll do my best to help where I can

Hey Charles welcome on board bro glad to have you. If you ever need any advice or help feel free to reach out and ask!

Hey Ethan glad to have you in the good fight dude! If you ever need any help or advice with anything feel free to reach out and I will do my best to help

Hey Logan welcome to our brotherhood dude! Glad to have you make us proud out there. If you ever need any advice or help feel free to reach out to me and ask!

Welcome Mark! Great to have you fighting for our nations cause with us! If you have any questions or need of advice feel free to ask and I'll do my best to deliver bro

Hey Robert welcome aboard the ride bro great to have you. If you ever have any questions or need of advice don't be shy feel free to reach out and ask

I don't think this is going to be a thing for much longer tbh but we will see

Hey Thomas I hope all is well with you just wanted you to know that I complied with the announcement. As far as how things are going with my organizing I have to say its been a bit slower the last few weeks because of low amounts of promat and lots of family stuff. That being said I finally got experience making banners and I got even more experience putting up posters in pretty busy environments with no issues. I have also better my time management during my sticker runs which is something I wanted to work on and I also have been keeping a steady habit of running every week now. I'm still reading about the same amount as I have been and the family is still doing good. I'll be attending the December event as well looking forward to seeing everyone again.

I am not certain to be honest with you Thomas we have guys coming and going so I'm not sure who is doing what still I know the core group of guys are all going

Alright ya will do

Ohhh no problem dude well welcome back then lol

Looking forward to it dude!

Hell ya dude there isn't anything else around quite like what we have here if your looking for genuine from the ground up american third position nationalism you came to the right org

Do you know if everyone in our network is going to December event? And if not do you need help getting that info by chance?

Oh I haven't confirmed? I confirmed when Vincent was still around that's probably why you don't have it

But I'm confirmed bro

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Ok so Action report this week is my goal was 1 and I met that goal and Flyered Wyoming, RI. I also met up with henry to provide for the treasury and buy some promat to last me a little while anyway on Sunday night. So my goal this up coming week will be 4. I didn't run this week because I have a killer wore throat right now and all that cold nose inhaling at night oosh I don't even wanna think about how it'd feel right now should be good by next week though I'm sure. I am also still reading the same 2 books and have been monitoring the Cville trial still. Wrote a letter with my wife to Chris Cantwell to show our support. I'm not ganna be able to make it this weekend but Iwill of course be out stickering with that time so no worries there. And I did what I've been told is a really good job giving a speech as my brothers best man for his wedding aswell and I owe my courage and better public speaking in large part to this organizations help improving my character in many ways and the support of my brothers in it.

@Phillip MA Sorry to here that Phil will do bro

Ya its like historical fiction all the big events actually happened

But ya that's the book I was talking about I love it

Pretty wild how much stuff they had to learn as they went they we learned to

I've had a theory for a long time that when people in the beoliberao side claims we are at the end of gisotry they aren't wrong but its not a good thing like they claim

It litteraly seems like history stopped after WW2

And the same issues then are still here now

A lot of AH publishing books are old

And I read them and I'm like

Dude this could have been written yesterday

Things are just like reinventing themselves with new skins but this the same old trash underneath

I agree with you I like the idea that history is like a spiral sorta

Good work Josh!

Might be late tonight I am getting dinner with my wife

Will try to be back as fast as possible

  1. Is that Friday Saturday and Sunday after TG?
  1. I have all parts of my uniform & I will probably be ready to go at the earliest 8 or 9pm that Thursday night

Hmm so I have to rake more leaves on Saturday but I have all day Friday off from work and Sunday free so I'll say Friday from 12 to 5 or Sunday from 12 to 5

I will attempt to convince my wife to go



Lmfao I'm working on it she's just not really big on large gatherings and she's not big on getting friendly with other peoples girlfriends lmfao

Appreciate that also bro!

Ya guys I think the idea to have a family event wasn't half bad idea still.

Is resources an issue for that ?

No problem dude and no problem !

@Marshall MA we will pray for her Marshall

I sitckered Social Park in Woonsocket, RI yesterday afternoon -1/4

I just stickered Branch Ave in Providence, RI - 2/4

Hell ya boys


Just stickered Grinnells Beach and Fort Barton in Tiverton, RI- 3/4

Just stickered around Little Compton, RI - 4/4

@NQ - Henry MA @Josh NH @Tyler CT @Bill MA Excellent work guys its to bad I couldn't make it I wanted to do what we did in Mass in Maine so that is awesome guys.

Lmfao when he gets stuff settled in his personal life he will re apply but I think he's ganna put up a fight with the fitness requirements which is a problem for him because he needs to learn to get over his pride with that stuff and stop being a girl

I already had an argument with him at the cigar lounge lmfao

Speaking of which

Let's plan for a wekeens me you him and Phil maybe even Lawrence RI will head down there again

Ya me and Lawrence talk still he's just dealing with his wife's health stuff still

We don't discuss org stuff of course

By the book bill by the book

But he's my friend outside of the org now so from that angle he's holding up alright lol

Ya I gotcha I'm not sure how they square the circle with gray areas I suppose by the book I'm not suppose to talk to Vinny either but I've known him before I joined PF so ya... Obviously I'm ganna talk to him still that's would be kinda messes up lmfao so anyway I was talking to him about the Cville trial last night. Lawrence I mean. He says his wife is on a new medicine right now that is suppose to work better so we will see.

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