Message from PF-8894
RocketChat ID: vNKnn9PXiDntie6YD
Ok so Action report this week is my goal was 1 and I met that goal and Flyered Wyoming, RI. I also met up with henry to provide for the treasury and buy some promat to last me a little while anyway on Sunday night. So my goal this up coming week will be 4. I didn't run this week because I have a killer wore throat right now and all that cold nose inhaling at night oosh I don't even wanna think about how it'd feel right now should be good by next week though I'm sure. I am also still reading the same 2 books and have been monitoring the Cville trial still. Wrote a letter with my wife to Chris Cantwell to show our support. I'm not ganna be able to make it this weekend but Iwill of course be out stickering with that time so no worries there. And I did what I've been told is a really good job giving a speech as my brothers best man for his wedding aswell and I owe my courage and better public speaking in large part to this organizations help improving my character in many ways and the support of my brothers in it.