Message from PF-3194

RocketChat ID: BG3S8cYSNuxLo6XKm

@Alexander OR and @Frederick OR @Walter ID @Marcus WA @Johnny ID I am requiring a minimum of 4 big actions a month out of your regions moving forward. Create and acquire all necessary supplies to ensure the ease of completing any action. This means making a poster bag, and a stencil bag, keeping stock on paint, banner cloths, and having both of those bags prepped and ready to go. @Ethan WA I want your inventory list complete by this weekend so at our mumble meeting we can show all the others what the inventory list should look like, and an easy one to model. If planning actions only a week ahead isn’t possible due to schedule conflict-ions, plan out two or more weeks in advance. If distance is an issue, meet halfway. @Alexander OR @Walter ID I want bi weekly action reports DM’d to me every second and last weekend of every month. After December 4th our schedules are pretty clear, there’s no major holidays either. We need some steady regular activism. So far the “big action on the main telegram page” idea has been working. Both two applicants saw a recent action in their area. Let’s get er done.