Message from @EuroPeon
Discord ID: 279014900615872512
Things like 2 genders
I don't know if they do it everywhere but in cali, a friend told me his son was taught there were more than 2 genders in school
Cali needs to go
such a cool place too
Wall it off
I visited Cali a few times, and have friends there
nuke it
or better yet, nuke Pakistan - and hope they use their nukes on Cali
If we nuke pakistan they will nuke isreal
And prob everyone else too
sucks to be Israel I guess
I disavow any further comments I make
I am inebriated as fuck
fuck Israel
fuck Niggers
fuck Muzzies
you can never be too sure
're always watching
Pakistan shouldn't exist
pakistan iz india
free kekistan tho
5 to 7 turkroach soldiers died fighting isis today/yesterday
that brings it around 80 i think so far
Spicer :Trump will be reaming Trudeau a new one. That guy is nuts
protest in Brazil
i can't worry about brazil and america though damnit
brazil needs to worry about brazil most likely