Discord ID: 265656340897202187
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i am new
from london
Fuck turkey
Time to put some greek fire in the bosphorus
And nuke mecca
you mean all muslims?
and all leftists?
sounds great!
hey guys
i made a thing
my new blog if anyone cares. will write more soon
be more gay so you enjoy it when you get gang raped by the moslems
How do I link to an individual gab post?
Just look at this guys last one anyhow
He mighta meant two pics ago. That one was hoi
nah man, you know. peace and goodwill to all people!
party on down to oblivion
i ate KFC today because I am a degenerate with no self control
fight me, bruv!
My biggest fear is not the coming war, it's that out people might be too cucked to fight at all
Over in Britain guns are almost totally illegal
But the criminal drug dealing muslim gangs have them
So what will we even have to fight with?
In our countries ATM, invaders get off for all but the most heinous crimes whilst our own people get the harshest sentencing possible for even daring to complain
Put bacon outside a mosque
Get put in a (majority muslim) jail
And get killed
So any custodial sentence is a detractors death sentence if you do anything to fight back
With that in mind, if it's nessecary to break the law to amass weapons, etc
How much are we justified to fight back if we get caught?
Say if you had illegal weapons and police were going to arrest you and put you in sharia jail. Would you be justified in killing police?
One way
One day there will be statues to breivik in norway
Sometimes the only way to fight invaders will bring you into confrontation with police
But even trying to build a network will get you labelled a domestic terrorist and put in sharia jail
Weimar 2.0
If the west goes commie there's no coming back
@Mother there are some jew women I find attractive
So sue me
Wouldn't rape muds
I dunno about you, but I'd murder that ass. 6 million times
Welcome to pakistan
Capital city Birmingham
What finally stopped the Juramentados was the custom of wrapping the dead man in a pig's skin and stuffing his mouth with pork. As the pig was an unclean animal, this was considered an unspeakable defilement.
They're all shite, anyhow
Why does the sector matter?
The fools bicker amongst themselves
Either way that tactic would probably be effective modern day. Our governments are scared to do it even to the proven terrorists because they know the so called "moderates" don't actually disagree with the killers
Pizza and pasta?
Bet you'd love a cheese pizza right about now
Or maybe you could fly in some "hot dogs" from chicago
Hey slav
What are you? Serbian?
Why are europeans so unnecessarily violent?
Not like those noble afrikuns
why has trump not yet released the hounds?
The protesters
slav teechno
it's good and then the accordian comes in
then it gets better
me no
I just know the dankest memes
many years ago I talked with a serbian girl
and she told me of turbofolk
she was a serbian-canadian who had a youtube channel and she was pretty cute. but we fell out when i told her 9/11 was an inside job and she got really mad at me
not even joking
this was a long time ago
she shut down her main channel a long time agao but I found a channel she made with her frined with the last video 6 years ago
the chinese are the jews of asia though
don't lie, we know you are filthy turk from albania
so where did you hide the body?
gypsies need to die in a fire
here in britain we got irish gypsies
they are so bad
all gypsys need to die
the irish gypsys do that too
over here the irish gypsy scum are all illiterate. they could get free school if they wanted but they want to keep moving around and stealing stuff instead
if albanians are muslims they die
all muslims must die
I would let the ammadis live just to piss off the rest of the mussies
kosovo is serbia
if he'd chased that guy there he woulda been conered by the commie scum
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