Message from @Slav
Discord ID: 279013301554511875
I think that the whole planet would have been better had we not all been indoctrinated against our better interests by one particular race
Trump should use federal funds to provide cheap textbooks for state's schools that have actual science
Things like 2 genders
I don't know if they do it everywhere but in cali, a friend told me his son was taught there were more than 2 genders in school
Cali needs to go
such a cool place too
Wall it off
I visited Cali a few times, and have friends there
nuke it
or better yet, nuke Pakistan - and hope they use their nukes on Cali
If we nuke pakistan they will nuke isreal
And prob everyone else too
sucks to be Israel I guess
I disavow any further comments I make
I am inebriated as fuck
fuck Niggers
fuck Muzzies
Pre-emptive disavowal
you can never be too sure
're always watching
Pakistan shouldn't exist
pakistan iz india
free kekistan tho
5 to 7 turkroach soldiers died fighting isis today/yesterday
that brings it around 80 i think so far
Spicer :Trump will be reaming Trudeau a new one. That guy is nuts