Discord ID: 207864423237287936
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Sup everyone
This is rather handy, we can chat on and off Hangout times
Oh? I'm not hearing anything.
No idea mate, all fine here.
Hehe, welcome mate.
Carmine from Gab I presume?
We'll have a chat later today I assume. When the yanks wake up or come back from work.
If you want to suggest some topics for our next official hangout (probably this Wednesday), check this out
Sounds good to me. Any thoughts on the time though?
Yeah but that's very individual day dependant
But yes, not a bad time
European evening, US afternoon
Alternatively we could do European morning, US late evening/night, but ehh...might not be as good
Alright cool, when are we having the hangout tonight?
alright, just a sec
trying to find the best headphones in the house, have like 5 and all are broken
yeah but I don't like using them for gaming personally
and I'm a cheap asshole for everything non-nerdy
alright, I think I'm set
btw if anyone wants to join in the discussion, you do that by clicking the General under VOICE CHANNELS
hey man
if you wanna chat, we're in the voice channel
sure, no prob
mic isnt working for some reason
I'm not anti anything. I'm just pro-white.
If Jews pursue Jewish interests, god bless them - it's their right.
I just want the same for whites.
Heh, guess that triggered her off the hangout
the JQ phobia is real
Hey Britt ๐
We usually have the voice hangouts later in the day (by European time)
we have an official hangout marked for tomorrow evening, have the topics ready and everything
Welcome Pret as well ๐ I don't know what to think about Assange tbh
Pretty good ๐ Finished most of the work I had to do before the holidays. So mostly enjoying the winter. My favorite time of the year. What have you been up to?
And sure, anyone is welcome to join. Although I expect not everyone will want to stay hehe.
Hey there, welcome ๐
yep, but we have moderators, we can kick them out
if it becomes a nuisance, we can close access for a time
We're hoping to make this a constant hub for #AltRight discussion. Regardless of Gab. So that if Gab ever gets shut down or starts moderating us, we have a backup
It is, but you never know. Twitter was once that as well.
Awesome. Hope you have fun! Take a pic with the Don if you can hehe.
As for people not staying potentially, it's because as growing as we are, I think a good part of the right still won't like hearing what we have to say. We already had one person leaving because we were "anti-semitic" by her account.
Nah, don't worry Pret - I don't think he is in danger.
Yep. Can't wait. As fun as it is to stay on my own - during the holidays, far nicer to be with friends&family.
Is your family gathering as well? I imagine it would be a full house based on how many siblings alone you have hehe.
Not sure how good it is for you, since you're in SF. But we generally talk a lot during the evening hours of Central European Time. So in like 8+ hours
I'm trying to get him in, but the cheapskate wants to wait for Christmas before buying headphones and all the gear ๐
Absolutely. I didn't really talk with any of them directly (apart from texting with Baldwin), so would be fun to hear some of the more outspoken parts of Gab.
Hehe thanks.
Yep. Btw, about the Wednesday Official Hangout here:
#GabberHangout update!
- Wednesday, the 14th and Sunday, the 18th (
- We'll start at 10pm Berlin / 4pm EST / 3pm CST
- Link:
- Topics: Ethno-nationalism, Culture Wars, #AltLite vs #AltRight, Religion, the JQ.
Hehe awesome. There are more topics, I just didn't include them all there.
Good to see more Americans joining in though. So far we only had Austin and Everitt. Oh and a drunk Texan one night.
Yep. Just a sec, I'll show you.
Click on the "General" under voice channels
Or use headphones
Haha dobrodosao brate
No rules, just chat here by text - or join the voice chat
No special rules, you can chat whenever you want to, but the official "big" hangouts are on Wednesdays and Sundays
- Wednesday, the 14th and Sunday, the 18th (
- We'll start at 10pm Berlin / 4pm EST / 3pm CST
- Topics: Ethno-nationalism, Culture Wars, #AltLite vs #AltRight, Religion, the JQ.
hey man
if you feel like voice chatting, you can join the General Voice Channel
if not we have official bigger hangouts
- Wednesday, the 14th and Sunday, the 18th (
- We'll start at 10pm Berlin / 4pm EST / 3pm CST
- Topics: Ethno-nationalism, Culture Wars, #AltLite vs #AltRight, Religion, the JQ.
where you from btw? I see you're using cyrillic
Yeah? I know like two
Where you from mate?
gn man
Of course. Russia is awesome. The right is just waking up to it.
Hey there welcome man
Yeah, it's a bit slow right now - Americans are asleep and Europeans are at work
It will pick up in a few hours
if you feel like voice chatting, you can join the General Voice Channel (where someone is on)
if not we have official bigger hangouts
- Wednesday, the 14th and Sunday, the 18th (
- We'll start at 10pm Berlin / 4pm EST / 3pm CST
- Topics: Ethno-nationalism, Culture Wars, #AltLite vs #AltRight, Religion, etc..
lucky you ๐
Well interestingly, out of the 5 Americans I know on here, 3 are Texans and 1 is Oklahoman
so you should be alright
18 people on, we're growing exponentially it seems
@HeimatFreiheitTradition Did you organize the Antifa-spy shooting squads yet? We must remain vigilant
I can't leave the hangout for one moment and @HeimatFreiheitTradition already plots his lebensraum
Jeszcze Polska nie umarลa,
Kiedy my ลผyjemy
Co nam obca moc wydarลa,
Still, why fight over white territories when we can expand in other directions eh?
I wish Hitler focused on that instead of wrecking the continent
I still can't believe the Brits and the others just gave up on their colonies
fucking cucks
Brits are so fucked. They just don't know it yet.
Aren't they extinct?
So you're in Limbo. 20km from heaven and 20k from hell ๐
just kidding, Finland is awesome.
You can't hear me?
Damn it
Fucking Russians
just a sec
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