Shit Tier
Discord ID: 274629695398608906
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did you see that there are a couple hundred or more people in a NY synagogue right now discussing how to stop President Trumps agenda
did you read about the furry fags recently that were abusing a young boy
I think they dressed up in their furry costume and would sexual abuse the child
they were real degenerates. .. were into beastiality etc
I remember reading about 2 dumbasses in Cali that said they will castrate themselves if President Trump builds a wall
Most are so dumb that they double down if you do interrupt anyways
yes they would
I believe that is a fine idea
same here
It would interesting to see that become a trend
informative video thus far
serbia has the highest abortion rate in Eu?
I just did a quick search and a lot of articles were stating it was.....i read one of them and it said 23k a year up to 150k
I read earlier that 37 percent of babies are aborted in NYC
what do they consider the white plague
thank you slav
I agree with the Pill
I am not a big fan of statistics
what I read, more people are dying that being born in Slav
in Serbia, sorry
oh wow, thanks, ok that gives me a gauge
so all the races Austin stated
thanks Austin
they will probably really start pushing minorities to have kids in the US....make it super trendy with Beyonce etc
well Iknow last weekt hey made a big deal with her being pregnant with twins
forced it on the front page of all news sites
she's mixed, pretty sure
it's probably still extensions though
I was gonna say from what i have read, the poles are pretty bad ass
I think if Trump addressed, people would be proud to have more kids
sjw always double down
i saw him crowder on the He will not divide us stream the other...he was being cool
extreme about what?
theslav, I don't know what is up with Crowder but he wasn't that way at all the other day. He was being sensible
My guess he was just trolling with those tweets but I don't know
he didn't say anything even remotely provacative the other day
I don't agree with disavowing
yeah he came off as a cuck when i saw him but i don't know much about thim
ah yeah didn't seem like it was him
I will be so excited when people are done with twitter for good
the only thing that makes twitter interesting is the fighting....if they ban and prevent fights, people will get bored quickly
I like Gab and it is refreshing but it's not fun
I don't like even talking to to the left tbh but I like watching others own them
lol true
i have never seen/watched it but I thought they brought it back
you got me curious so I went to their is down...maybe being DDos
probably so
and Slav's are white
I liked that dude
I think the last time i saw him was a couple weeks ago though
maybe when Sam Hyde went down there
supposedly ( I know it is just a trolll to place the blame on her) she doxed most of them so they won't go down there now
I doubt she did it at all
definitely not on purpose
actually I think that jesus guy got doxed and it was because of himself
but really I believe they all decided that it had gotten boring so that was going to be there last night
oh yeah well, did you see it Saturday night
the cops shut it all down
for the night because the Museum director
well no, they didn't really shut it down then, they just put up a fence and limited peoples time
yeah jihadi jesus doxed himself by showing pics as a wrestler or something
But Saturday night, they made everyone get out cuz Evropa Identity guys went down there
yeah dude
i will find the video of when they first went down there
and then they came back later and they were l oud
a couple took off their shits and they were having push up contest etc
and yelling "build the wall"
and paperboy had just shown up....they were all having fun really
but they shut it down and put up the fence and made everyone leave
yes they were very high energy
it was a very high energy night
it would be nice but they immediately demonize anyone on the right that does that
just a few white people held up "white lives matter" signs once and they immediately designiate them a hate group
yes they should and you are right
hash tags are gay
they can be useful on a bigger platform
I guess they are sometimes useful at Gab
things like #gabresist was useful
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