Message from @Undead Mockingbird

Discord ID: 498888666832306216

2018-10-08 16:02:47 UTC  

I cannot opt out of hate speech laws.

2018-10-08 16:02:56 UTC  

But the solution can't be to just mimic what we see

2018-10-08 16:03:10 UTC  

We see them tribally defending one another without regard to truth...

2018-10-08 16:03:15 UTC  

I never said we should mimic it.

2018-10-08 16:03:27 UTC  

There was a fundamental distinction I made.

2018-10-08 16:03:29 UTC  

it's not the game of laws and state though

2018-10-08 16:03:41 UTC  

Politics is downstream from Culture.

2018-10-08 16:03:59 UTC  

If you're trying to win the game on politics, you're playing it wrong.

2018-10-08 16:04:11 UTC  

Marxists are very clearly *not* playing the game of laws and state

2018-10-08 16:04:14 UTC  

Then when are we going to start playing the culture game?

2018-10-08 16:04:17 UTC  

And if you're trying to build a culture to directly mirror the ridiculousness on the other side

2018-10-08 16:04:17 UTC  

they are playing "by any means necessary"

2018-10-08 16:04:20 UTC  

you're double-wrong.

2018-10-08 16:04:30 UTC  

one might even say double-plus-wrong, comrade

2018-10-08 16:04:50 UTC  

Or should we keep up our losing streak there, too, for refusal to do what is effective?

2018-10-08 16:05:05 UTC  

we actually win by playing the game of "American Values"

2018-10-08 16:05:10 UTC  

even for those of us who aren't American

2018-10-08 16:05:14 UTC  

American Values for the win

2018-10-08 16:05:19 UTC  


2018-10-08 16:05:19 UTC

2018-10-08 16:05:27 UTC  

Maybe we should rally around those values for a change.

2018-10-08 16:05:37 UTC  

so how do we then break that down?

2018-10-08 16:06:07 UTC  

Get more people to speak up by protecting them from the SJW mob.

2018-10-08 16:06:07 UTC  

I don't feel like we're straight up on a losing streak right now.

2018-10-08 16:06:13 UTC  

I think Peterson actually has the right trajectory- we focus on self stability and work outwards

2018-10-08 16:06:14 UTC  

Personal connections + a large amount of people simply talking and willing to still be cool despite disagreeing.

2018-10-08 16:06:15 UTC  

Maybe a few phyrric victories here and there

2018-10-08 16:06:23 UTC  

Their mobs are their strongest weapon - once that is no longer effective, they lost.

2018-10-08 16:06:35 UTC  

yeah I think Trump is offering you a nice safe span of time to get set up

2018-10-08 16:06:40 UTC  

Internet kills mobs because accountability and doxxing

2018-10-08 16:07:19 UTC  

You can rally around values without being collectivist.

Following the scientific method does not make chemists Marxist.

2018-10-08 16:07:27 UTC  

I would say, keep politically active, but worry less about the media blitz and more about keeping alternative channels open

2018-10-08 16:07:33 UTC  

I think that is a fundamental mischaracterization.

2018-10-08 16:07:42 UTC  

@Beemann Agreed

2018-10-08 16:07:45 UTC  

that distinction was already made, @Undead Mockingbird

2018-10-08 16:08:08 UTC  

but the one thing being stated is that by no means is the solution to fight back along the same lines

2018-10-08 16:08:09 UTC  

Employers need to sack up before we can progress.

2018-10-08 16:08:21 UTC  

"Oh noooo... You're being maligned. Get awayyyyy!! >A<"

2018-10-08 16:08:25 UTC  

Employers will "sack up" when there's social pressure for them to do so

2018-10-08 16:08:28 UTC  

"G-get away from meeeee!"

2018-10-08 16:08:33 UTC  

Then I don't understand why what I said earlier was interpreted to imply we should replace one form of collectivism with another, simply for showing some solidarity in public.