Message from @Randall_Clark

Discord ID: 688025003043586216

2020-03-12 15:20:26 UTC  

You can't save all of them from getting sucked into the cult's beliefs

2020-03-12 15:20:36 UTC  

link is to the comment thread btw,of mr smoothbrain

2020-03-12 15:21:11 UTC  

his best argument is, "but if you mention race youre a racist"

2020-03-12 15:21:47 UTC  

guess that makes everyone a racist then who isnt a civnat

2020-03-12 15:22:40 UTC  

I've seen less and less people just in general that knows about this kind of shit, everywhere you'll either get discouraged from talking about it or marked as some kind of unhinged extremist for disagreeing with the narrative

2020-03-12 15:23:12 UTC  

its simply manufactured consent. people are sheep

2020-03-12 15:23:37 UTC  

I just think groups exist and groups operate for their own interest. Whether you tie that race is your own choice. However clearly there is a good chunk of minorities who racially are trying to usurp white people because of them being white people. At which point why shouldn’t people be annoyed or concerned?

2020-03-12 15:23:56 UTC  

however that isnt to say people arent noticing shit. its just that they wont speak up about it

2020-03-12 15:24:27 UTC  

ofc there are all sorts of groups. racial, religious etc, ideology. and they overlap

2020-03-12 15:25:13 UTC  

ex, the large majority of muslims arent white

2020-03-12 16:35:16 UTC  

Just interview this Zeshan B on live tv and ask him if he believes he must secure the existence of his people and a future for his brown children.

2020-03-12 17:54:36 UTC  

^you say that as if it would be considered an unreasonable statement. The 14 words are basically common sense, it's where the 88 tenets (or whatever they're called) come in that there's a fair bit of sensationalist garbage.

2020-03-13 02:05:22 UTC  

Big redpills by Tucker in this video

2020-03-13 02:25:24 UTC  

adam green is talking to someone from Infowars rn lol

2020-03-13 02:42:00 UTC  

There are always gonna be more pandemics, we just don't know when the next one is gonna happen

2020-03-13 04:05:02 UTC  

Not if there are no Chinese left

2020-03-13 04:06:04 UTC  

Purification by divine nuclear fire.

2020-03-13 12:00:10 UTC  

Labor Theory Of Value / Surplus Value DEBUNKED

2020-03-13 14:05:43 UTC  

I wonder how this video would look like if shot in current year by BBC

2020-03-13 19:49:51 UTC  
2020-03-13 20:37:40 UTC  

80 years ago my country held the line against the red menace with a small ill equipped army and with a handful of brave volunteers whilest the "good" guys stood by, lied, postured and tried to deceive Finland for their own gain, and ultimately sided with the authoritarian menace that tried to squash a small democratic country.
In my opinion it is disgusting that even after 80 years a delusion that the allies gave a damn about Finland still persists and is still a belief held by many people.

2020-03-13 21:35:36 UTC  

I sure hope that history records that people were so stupid they bought toilet paper like fanatics over this covid-19...

2020-03-13 22:11:26 UTC

2020-03-13 22:12:00 UTC  


2020-03-13 22:20:45 UTC  

gods I want that to be in digital text books, and pictures in normal text books in the future. I want my nephew to ask me "was this real?"

2020-03-13 23:14:42 UTC  

There's some small percentage of the population, maybe 3-5%, that just fuck everything up for everyone else. Just complete and irredeemable dickheads.

2020-03-13 23:15:29 UTC  

Every political system necessarily fails solely because of these complete twats.

2020-03-13 23:18:41 UTC  

My city got hit with a hurricane a while back. We knew it was coming for like a week. Every form of media was telling people to prepare. Buy food, water, prepare for power outage, etc. Make sure you have medication, that sort of thing.

2020-03-13 23:20:30 UTC  

After the storm hit power was out for days and days. Had to listen to a crank radio for news. So many callers talking about how they had no food, no water, and they ran out of insulin or whatever. Insane.

2020-03-13 23:32:35 UTC  

Ideally, we call these people 'lost causes' and wish them the best

2020-03-13 23:46:15 UTC  

No, society will not let people like this just fucking die. We will always bend over backwards to help and protect absolute fucking morons.

2020-03-13 23:48:30 UTC  

Emergency responders have to divert from dealing with actual problems to bring food, water, and medication to people who just couldn't be arsed to do what they were fucking told a week ahead of time.

2020-03-13 23:49:20 UTC  

The stores this happens to are also being kinda tarded. Shop on my way home just put up a sign saying there was a limit of 5 packages per customer. So yes there was at least one idiot in line with 5 cases of asswipe. But there was still TP on the shelves....

2020-03-13 23:49:45 UTC  

And with this virus we have known for 6-7 weeks that it was spreading like wildfire. Plenty of time for everyone in the entire western world to have prepared to have a month or two of consumables on hand. And yet we have fucking Beyond the Thunderdome in the toilet paper aisle.

2020-03-14 00:50:32 UTC  

Why are they going for TP?

2020-03-14 00:51:54 UTC  

Seriously, it seems hilarious, irrational and dumb to me, there are so many other things to go for before TPs.

2020-03-14 01:28:43 UTC  

Because there's a run on toilet paper - no one expected people to go ape for TP.. everyone was focused on making sure the food aisles were stocked.

2020-03-14 01:44:51 UTC  

so with that google website, the board she showed to explain it said to "log in" to take the test to determine results... I mean that's some grade A bullshit right there. Fuck you I just wanna know not have to give you my account info and history to know.