Message from @phadreus

Discord ID: 692197272506597398

2020-03-24 03:06:41 UTC  

Alright that nonsense is over with. Fun fact, the light time it takes for light to go from the sun to earth is 8 minutes and 31 seconds. So in 8 min and 31 sec during the day the light would just go out

2020-03-24 03:06:42 UTC  

Interestingly, more famous Mathematicians than Scientists have been Theists, including the one who proved the above theorem (Kurt Gödel)

2020-03-24 03:07:36 UTC  

That'd explain why that math student I used to know suddenly converted to Christianity. Although maybe it was the fact that his Christian gf was hot.

2020-03-24 04:03:56 UTC  

Ignore phattyreus. He's the resident pseudo-intellectual that cant cite sources but makes retarded claims to fear monger @ETBrooD

2020-03-24 06:26:25 UTC  

But muh 0.000000000000042% German ancestry!

2020-03-24 06:27:40 UTC  

This entire server is full of pseudo intelectuals

@Hexidecimark @phadreus You guys debating Sigmund “I got a boner while watching my mother change clothes” Freud? <:smugon:512048583806025739> Have fun. <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-03-24 14:03:49 UTC  

I see that MR is still butthurt.

2020-03-24 14:04:10 UTC  

Cry moarrrrr

2020-03-24 20:03:07 UTC  

Coronavirus killed Stefan's remaining hair <:why:462286147473637407>

2020-03-24 23:04:35 UTC  

now he is an egg

2020-03-24 23:11:30 UTC  

A balenced responce to the Corona Virus is necessary. The people are the economy and shutting down everything for more then 3 weeks will kill off thousands of small businesses, which will put even more people in the streets. Businesses are the employers and tax payers. Even the giant evil corporations could go under in less then a month. I'm all for "Fuck the GDP", a dip in value and productions is to be expected, but the attitude here is that people think we can go without incomes for weeks and everything will be better then the affects of Corona.

2020-03-24 23:30:48 UTC  

More people died of the flu last year but this is the reason to go back to the dark ages and tank the economy we will need to produce things like food, water, facemasks and so on. It's not just an arbitrary number, it represents things in the real world that people need. If you turn it off, it will never come back on. California and New York are going to go down the tubes and probably never fully recover for a long time. Take that, Donald Drumpf. The economy is bad now!

2020-03-25 00:38:34 UTC  

At least half the population thinks socialism is good. This kind of reasoning doesn't work on them. Many would rather see people starve or get shot than see their worldview shattered.

2020-03-25 00:59:05 UTC  

Chinese proverb (prob a curse) :
*May you live in interesting times!*

2020-03-25 02:17:35 UTC  

I think that “Half the population thinks socialism is good” stat came from a manipulatively-worded survey, I don’t think they outright asked “Do you think socialism is good?”

2020-03-25 02:24:33 UTC  

Most people are retarded.

2020-03-25 02:24:50 UTC  

End of argument

2020-03-25 04:04:54 UTC  

New York could recover in significantly less than a decade, doing better thereafter, if given a good dose of the ol' shock therapy at the end of this.

2020-03-25 04:07:48 UTC  

dat optimism doe

2020-03-25 04:09:02 UTC  

It's not optimistic at all. The estimate is very conservative and the chances of such an event coming to pass are so low I'd sooner buy lottery tickets.

2020-03-25 04:09:38 UTC  

The worst thing is

2020-03-25 04:09:58 UTC  

Both the left and the right are mostly against the idea of a lockdown, no matter if it becomes neccessary or not

2020-03-25 04:15:34 UTC  

I don't believe it's ever *necessary* unless the emergency at hand has the capacity to depopulate an area. The question is merely if a lockdown at the current moment is a sound idea.

I'd have said yes unequivocally two months ago.

2020-03-25 04:15:57 UTC  

Two months ago would've been so perfect

2020-03-25 04:16:28 UTC  

Imagine all the countries just immediately shutting down their borders and telling people they'll have to stay off the streets, the moment China farted.

2020-03-25 04:17:09 UTC  

Would've been such a middle finger to the people's republic

2020-03-25 04:18:10 UTC  

That would have worked brilliantly, and two thousands in Italy would still be sipping wine and enjoying mozzarella.

2020-03-25 04:18:58 UTC  

but nobody would listen to the lockdown anyways

2020-03-25 04:19:10 UTC  

That's why you close borders

2020-03-25 04:19:14 UTC  

normies still acting like this just a coof

2020-03-25 04:20:19 UTC  

I'm not a fan of authoritarianism, but it's completely realistic that people would stay off the streets. You just gotta keep spraying them at infrequent intervals in rotation.

2020-03-25 04:20:50 UTC  

Ah well, I suppose there's still a silver lining- F@H is the most powerful supercomputer on the planet and we've looked into methods to stop future diseases that were previously never explored.

2020-03-25 04:22:19 UTC  

Even if no one learns anything, we've still moved forwards in those respects.

2020-03-25 04:23:33 UTC  

Never heard of that, seems very interesting

2020-03-25 04:27:52 UTC  

A cure seems to be the last best hope we have of avoiding most of the damage at this point, vaccines against something this mutationally inclined are practically worthless. F@H provides the platform for that research and right now I'm waiting for the next workload to process, so upscaling the system to mass-test compounds seems like a very viable approach even for future disease.

2020-03-25 04:37:05 UTC  

One day humankind will face a virus that they can't stop anymore. A large % of the population will die, the rest pass on their immunity. Way of life.

2020-03-25 04:37:49 UTC  

covid is a joke compared to what's gonna happen then