Message from @Son of Rome

Discord ID: 694380507647049738

2020-03-30 13:29:15 UTC  

wut, learn the meaning of lying by omission you transtrad

2020-03-30 13:29:44 UTC  

Well, you claim to be austrian, yet have not provided your birth certificate.

2020-03-30 13:30:13 UTC  

Ok, and you can choose to not believe me, who cares

2020-03-30 13:30:29 UTC  

Lying by omission is completely different from being anonymous you dunce

2020-03-30 13:30:30 UTC  

good, we agree we don't care

2020-03-30 13:31:06 UTC  

Are you 2 done yet?

2020-03-30 13:31:17 UTC  

I rest my case and retreat

2020-03-30 13:31:25 UTC  


2020-03-30 13:31:25 UTC  

I already came this morning, don't know about him.

2020-03-30 13:43:01 UTC Here's a playlist if yall wanna learn more about the Eastern Front of WW2 while staying at home

2020-03-30 13:44:20 UTC  

I'm learning about it by watching vampire the masquerade on Arch's channel

2020-03-30 14:16:58 UTC  

@ETBrooD How many women did you test that with

2020-03-30 17:01:51 UTC  
2020-03-30 17:05:34 UTC  


2020-03-30 20:50:52 UTC  

i like him

2020-03-30 21:16:08 UTC  

**Ford** is meme-ing again.

2020-03-30 21:30:24 UTC  


2020-03-30 23:52:12 UTC  

this seems like a decent discussion but I'm confused what Vaush really thinks, he acts like he distances himself from radical socialists but at the same time still falls in the Burnie trap and pushes democratisation of workplaces which confuses me since nobody should have equal bidding since everyone contributes at different amounts?

2020-03-31 02:59:08 UTC  

@gNightrow tankie who doesnt support tankies because they're tankies is how I see vaush

2020-03-31 03:00:13 UTC  

He claims he's demsoc, but thinks companies should be forced to comply with what he thinks is "fair" wealth distribution

2020-03-31 03:00:42 UTC  

That fits the fundamental ideology of demsoc to a T

2020-03-31 03:00:50 UTC  

But not once has he gone into detail on it besides sperging out about how americans cant afford 500 dollars, and yadda yadda yadda

2020-03-31 03:01:07 UTC  

@ETBrooD <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2020-03-31 03:02:27 UTC  

demsoc are just proto-commies

2020-03-31 03:03:16 UTC  

"Communes now!"

"I do not nor have I ever supported tankies, or radical communism"

2020-03-31 03:14:21 UTC  

Vuash basically wants democracy in the work place, that the entire economy should be ran by worker co opts. That seems to be it

2020-03-31 03:23:11 UTC  


2020-03-31 04:32:54 UTC  

I mean, companies are free to run as a co-ops

2020-03-31 04:33:11 UTC  

it's just that they usually fail

2020-03-31 04:39:28 UTC  

Turns out, co-ops don't do well in the free market and aren't as efficient or preferred by customers. Whoops.

2020-03-31 05:25:30 UTC  

And they tend to require normal companies to prop them up in some way

2020-03-31 11:31:30 UTC  

Yeah but he wants ALL companies and corporations to be working co ops by law

2020-03-31 12:48:21 UTC  

The more I read into Trump's Presidency the more I get worried about how much of a geopolitical and economic clown he is.

2020-03-31 12:48:49 UTC  

Orange man bad

2020-03-31 13:02:51 UTC  

Seriously though, he withdrew from the TPP under the pretext of strengthening America's economy when in fact all that move did was provide China with more opportunities to move in and secure better trade deals with other nations in the region, thus decreasing the level of American economic influence there. He imposed tariffs on China which not only hurt the US Economy but also didn't have that major of an impact on China given that they can either chose to trade with other people or Chinese companies can manufacture 95% of a product in their country and then ship that unfinished product to factories in Vietnam, Thailand or Laos and complete it, thus the product becoming "made in Vietnam/Laos/Thailand" instead of "made in China" directly evading the tariffs imposed by the US. He has vowed to withdraw from Syria and Iraq in order to decrease the number of troops in the region but is also a total hawk towards Iran, and his recent moves against Iran have actually increased the number of US troops in the ME. Not to mention that his planned withdrawal from Syria was executed so poorly and rapidly that the result was a shit show with Turkish forces and their proxies attacking the Kurds, the most valuable US ally in Syria and thus providing thousands of former IS fighters imprisoned in Kurdish camps with the opportunity of escaping. Oh also the US troops moved back into Syria 2-3 weeks after that in order to secure the oil fields. He has withdrawn from the Paris Agreement thus removing the US from the global framework tasked with tackling Anthropogenic Global Warming. His administration has also done nothing in order to combat the spread of COVID-19 in the first few weeks following the arrival of the first infected patient on American soil. He has also, until recently, directly misled the American public on the state of the outbreak by claiming that the situation is under control. All in all his presidency has been a complete mess.

2020-03-31 13:12:30 UTC  


2020-03-31 13:34:34 UTC  

Lmao, if you seriously care about Donald trump’s policies on Covid19 you’re dumb. He could have mitigated some of the risks better but at the end of the day it doesn’t fucking matter. We trade with the world and have our borders wide open, plus the infection rate is extremely high. Nothing could have really prepared for this covid19 shit, the world is to interdependent with trade and travel. It was the entire financial system that allowed this thing to spread. Other than that I’d blame the Chinese for hiding and lying about it

2020-03-31 13:36:25 UTC  

Compare his response to South Korea's and Japan's, the US Government acted way too late. Also the infection rate of the virus doesn't give any politician an excuse to say "well at least we tried".