Message from @Existence is identity
Discord ID: 509973522060148747
Recent discoveries done with the universe have destroyed objective realities once believed.
In fact a lot of them completely turned everything on its head.
But at the time that was logically consistent and objectively measured.
Yet it was wrong.
and thats the forefront of science and thinkers
What recent discoveries are you referring to?
@tritrium sure but we advanced so did our technology and understanding
Its not like the reality changed
But our approximation to it has
Yes it was disproven but we used reason to get closer
Who made the tools?
higgs, dark matter, red shift, etc malt
How'd we make them?
our idea of whats true is true until it isnt
Im not arguing about reason booled
@Ronald McFunkytown✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ until its contradicts
Im arguing that we can only approximate objective reality
To some extent yes I guess
We cant know reality to a certain degree without time
objective reality itself doesnt change, our ability to approximate it does however.
and i think thats probably the best we can do as far as i can think
But the premise doesn't change for reason or objective reality so that's all that matters really I concede
in a more general sense yea, otherwise we wouldnt be able to function
you assume the ground underneath you will hold your next step etc
but in a more abstract sense no
tritrium, it sounds like you agree with objective reality and are only stating that humans are falliable and can't accurately depict reality as it objectively is.
pretty much
@Malt_Hitman id say with enough time this will be overturned
you can only do your best to approximate it
maybe, but i dont think its possible because there always is a lagg between objective reality and the human perceiving it.
But i could always be proven wrong
Okay. I was wondering if anyone was actually claiming there was no objective reality.
Here's a question then. Does time actually exist or is it just a function of travel through space?
Oh man... I think that'
**Yeah ive got time**
@tritrium man has created tools that aid this and has done so much where logic and selfishness are shouted down and shamed
Aristotle is what gave us reason
I dont contest any of that booled
He invented rules of reason
Time dosn't exist, time is a man made construct to denote the passage of our liner existance
i do not contest reason at all