Message from @JustTom

Discord ID: 510971416972099587

2018-11-11 00:14:02 UTC  

Now they're arguing "it's different because it's us"

2018-11-11 00:14:30 UTC  

also if i was russia, i'd make political movements to allow for none citzen voting, then get a bunch of none citizens to vote in my favor through propaganda and bribes.

2018-11-11 00:14:32 UTC  

But they've clearly been doing suspicious things as it is. They only now passed the point where it's hard to deny.

2018-11-11 00:14:34 UTC  

just copy soro's play book

2018-11-11 00:14:50 UTC

2018-11-11 00:15:13 UTC  

yeah, perhaps this time they did get desperate and carried it through regardless of the optics

2018-11-11 00:15:21 UTC  

I wonder how many people have watched Tim's videos while taking a dump <:TimThink:482277772497125378>

2018-11-11 00:15:41 UTC  

i'd rather not watch a person take a dump while i'm taking a dump

2018-11-11 00:16:08 UTC  

don't knock it till you've tried it

2018-11-11 00:16:17 UTC  

I think it's more likely they just messed up in FL and got caught.

2018-11-11 00:16:24 UTC  

AZ is how it's done properly.

2018-11-11 00:16:35 UTC  

well, they've been caught before in florida over other things

2018-11-11 00:16:41 UTC  

i think the problem in florida is more lack of enforcement

2018-11-11 00:16:42 UTC  

what is proper about az?

2018-11-11 00:16:49 UTC  

Right, so the suspicion level is higher too.

2018-11-11 00:17:00 UTC  

@taekahn fraud.

2018-11-11 00:17:00 UTC  

other states and counties though, i think they pushed when they should've backed off

2018-11-11 00:17:04 UTC  


2018-11-11 00:17:07 UTC  

a judge ruled that they committed multiple felony acts

2018-11-11 00:17:19 UTC  

in 2016 and 2014

2018-11-11 00:17:59 UTC  

yet she wasn't arrested or jailed

2018-11-11 00:18:16 UTC  

nope, and has the backing of dnc i beleive?

2018-11-11 00:18:21 UTC  

and remember this was done on behalf of wasserman-schultz, the person who had what amounted to a pakistani spy operating on government systems AFTER they revoked his access

2018-11-11 00:18:24 UTC  

HUGE DNC backing.

2018-11-11 00:18:57 UTC  

the hometown of the parkland shooting and it's destestable sheriff isreal and that god awful promise program

2018-11-11 00:19:28 UTC  

They need to just arrest everyone who caused this mess.

2018-11-11 00:19:29 UTC  

so its a perfect trial of the type of country the dems want to create? 😛

2018-11-11 00:20:02 UTC  

agreed, they should also re-do the entire vote since they validity can't be trusted.

2018-11-11 00:20:30 UTC  

The corruption is insane. Why can't the press do it's job and report on this shit and hold feet to the fire?

2018-11-11 00:20:42 UTC  

remember that rapper xxxtencion? he was basically killed in a rival gang hit that is endemic to that area now that they know the students cannot get arrested under the promise program. The entire area is turning in a giant gang warfare zone

2018-11-11 00:21:00 UTC  

There are multiple felonies taking place, up to 5 year sentence on each. If the arrests were made properly (see Antifa for failure to arrest people who deserve to be arrested), everyone who was involved would be in jail for at least the next 20 years.

2018-11-11 00:21:20 UTC  

fucking law enforcement isn't doing their job again

2018-11-11 00:21:29 UTC  

Yeah, the fact that the press and media isnt covering it is quite unbelievable

2018-11-11 00:21:48 UTC  

broward county is getting a massive epidemic of gang warfare and it is not getting covered because of sheriff isreal and wasserman-schultz

2018-11-11 00:21:58 UTC  

as Tim reports: some press is trying to, and they were threatened to be arrested for covering it

2018-11-11 00:22:34 UTC  

I'll point out the media and police have responded to the Carson Tucker home invasion. And the tech companies are banning groups.

2018-11-11 00:22:40 UTC  

that whole county is essentially and throughly fucked in every way possible

2018-11-11 00:22:45 UTC  

But somehow Trump is the enemy of the press.

2018-11-11 00:23:06 UTC  

@DrYuriMom I will agree. It may be changing. But this has been far too long and far too extreme.

2018-11-11 00:23:14 UTC  

I don't trust a change until I see it sustained.

2018-11-11 00:23:32 UTC  

i noticed that antifa where getting banned by silicon valley, but i think its more a pr move because people are very critical of them allowing antifa to spread ahte on their platform