Message from @Dvir

Discord ID: 511049836234276864

2018-11-11 05:26:33 UTC  

the "pill" thing is dumb tbh

2018-11-11 05:26:44 UTC  

They didn't like the republicans taking their slaves

2018-11-11 05:26:46 UTC  


2018-11-11 05:26:54 UTC  

When I say someone is purple pilled, I mean that they still unthinkingly regurgitate some tropes they haven't examined, yet, while having been set on the path down the rabbit hole.

2018-11-11 05:27:04 UTC  

So many ignorant people who are Democrats whole heartily believe Republicans are responsible for KKK and Jim Crow laws.

2018-11-11 05:27:17 UTC  

It is sad really, they don't know their history.

2018-11-11 05:27:27 UTC  

A student vice president at my school got elected last year but I heard about some drama with a staff member. I talked to her for an hour over Skype and found out there were public posts on the VPs Facebook being hateful towards peaceful white students who wanted to attend black events on campus (like some cultural enrichment thing).

2018-11-11 05:27:28 UTC  

your telling me

2018-11-11 05:27:32 UTC  

When Cassie started making the Red Pill Movie, she was purple pilled in that she saw there was something wrong with feminism, but couldn't quite put her finger on it, yet.

2018-11-11 05:27:34 UTC  

I know its ridiculous

2018-11-11 05:27:53 UTC  

watching all these fuckers try to rewrite history pisses me off

2018-11-11 05:27:58 UTC  

I went to my boss and they said just let it go because "we don't wanna seem like 'poor Whitey'"

2018-11-11 05:27:58 UTC  

Brett Weinstein still repeats a lot of the victimhood tropes, for example.

2018-11-11 05:28:10 UTC  

I was speechless

2018-11-11 05:28:15 UTC  

I got a question for people in Democrat states. Can you get the history books from the classrooms? I want to see if the Democrats has altered history to hide their atrocities.

2018-11-11 05:28:25 UTC  

like we have to be willing to admit that the Dems were like that but we have to also strive to make them BETTER than that

2018-11-11 05:28:44 UTC  

I want to see if Democrats altered history to make it look like Republicans were responsible for Democrat's actions.

2018-11-11 05:28:47 UTC  

The democratic party should crash and burn

2018-11-11 05:28:47 UTC  

I'm gonna head to the bar, I'll be on and off

2018-11-11 05:29:16 UTC  

Everyone... that is why I think they should crash and burn. That way they can be reformed into a better party from the ashes.

2018-11-11 05:29:35 UTC  


2018-11-11 05:29:52 UTC  

Bull Moose is the Progressive party today

2018-11-11 05:30:02 UTC  


2018-11-11 05:30:09 UTC  

they have the same platform as the regressive left

2018-11-11 05:30:14 UTC  

so dont bother

2018-11-11 05:30:23 UTC  

sad though tbh

2018-11-11 05:30:38 UTC  

I would love a Republican Party pushed into becoming the Left party.

2018-11-11 05:30:49 UTC  

Example i talked about last night in the voice chat:
-Progressives here think its morally superior and good to not force newcomers to learn the language of the land theyre about to live in, because thats forceful and "racist".
-In reality, theyre setting these people up for failure.
Because THE most important thing for you to function and succeed in a new society is the ability to communicate. Forget about getting a job if you cant even speak the bare min.
Every job puts language on their application these days because of this.

This is what you would call progressive racism, terrible ideas being adopted by open minded people, setting these people up for failure with all the good intentions in their heart.

*Its not overt, but through policy.
Calling kanye west racist names is obviously overt, same can be said about the things they say about white people.

2018-11-11 05:30:50 UTC  

Have the rise of some hardcore libertarian party.

2018-11-11 05:31:07 UTC  

I want to do away with First Past the Post so we can have multiple parties

2018-11-11 05:31:11 UTC  


2018-11-11 05:31:11 UTC  

"Minimize taxes, the leeches will be physically removed."

2018-11-11 05:31:28 UTC  

the libertarians are to Ancap

2018-11-11 05:31:54 UTC  

The *goal* of a lot of Libertarians is to minimal government or anarchy.

2018-11-11 05:32:01 UTC  

Their *methods* can be...drastic.

2018-11-11 05:32:31 UTC  

anarchism, even anarcho-capitalism is both a ludicrous and undesirable form of government.

2018-11-11 05:32:46 UTC  

I'm not saying your wrong.

2018-11-11 05:33:04 UTC  

Why would you centralize all authority within the capitalist system? How is that any better than centralizing all authority with the state?

2018-11-11 05:33:32 UTC  

I'm just saying I want to see the hardline libertarians push the Republicans into the old Democratic slot: comparatively more taxes and less hardline rhetoric.