Message from @>_

Discord ID: 513209084317532170

2018-11-17 04:25:55 UTC  

Changing your mind or being irresponsible in the first place isn't really an excuse, it just allows avoidance of personal responsibility.

2018-11-17 04:26:02 UTC  

Did it actually mean this kind o discord?

2018-11-17 04:26:07 UTC  


2018-11-17 04:26:09 UTC  

but i added it

2018-11-17 04:26:35 UTC  

Lemme read it boyo and I’ll see what I think

2018-11-17 04:26:36 UTC  

Reminds me of when Norm MacDonald told a story about his friend saying the worst thing about Bill Cosby was that he is a hypocrite. "I don't think that's the worse thing about him" 🤔

2018-11-17 04:26:54 UTC  

I like how i closed it, but I don't like my last 3 sentences

2018-11-17 04:27:19 UTC  

Anyway my view is that abortion should only be done for rape victims

2018-11-17 04:27:30 UTC  

Or to save the mother

2018-11-17 04:27:57 UTC  

Agreed, barring any other extenuating circumstances

2018-11-17 04:28:15 UTC  

I'm sure something could come up that we'd be like, Oh yeah, that makes sense, get an abortion

2018-11-17 04:28:18 UTC  

Bill Cosby is a bigot when he told black kids to pull their pants up while he let his down every time a girl passed out at his house

2018-11-17 04:28:19 UTC  

But otherwise, in general

2018-11-17 04:28:32 UTC  

@>_ ayy

2018-11-17 04:28:38 UTC  

In addition, if it is to be legal, make them pay for it them damn selves

2018-11-17 04:28:48 UTC  


2018-11-17 04:29:03 UTC  


2018-11-17 04:29:16 UTC  

yeah i see what you mean

2018-11-17 04:29:34 UTC  

To be honest, I'm not aware of any of the hard evidence against Bill Cosby.

2018-11-17 04:29:37 UTC  

but i think in a lot of cases if someone was to seek out an abortion they already are unable to sustain a living baby

2018-11-17 04:29:40 UTC  


2018-11-17 04:29:43 UTC  

After Kavanaugh, I'm gonna need some hard proof from now on.

2018-11-17 04:29:57 UTC  

Plus, planned parenthood was a eugenics operation against blacks

2018-11-17 04:30:07 UTC  

I find it hilarous that ardent roe vs wade supporters have zero idea of who norma mccovey was

2018-11-17 04:30:11 UTC  

liek, omg, ur so mysoggyknee for not giving me free abortions! <:NPC:500042527231967262>

2018-11-17 04:30:12 UTC  

when was this? @Gilgamesh

2018-11-17 04:30:17 UTC  

They don't need to be able to sustain it after it's born

2018-11-17 04:30:46 UTC  

@R9b1t the founder of Planned Parenthood stated the purpose was to set up abortion clinics in black neighborhoods to decrease their numbers

2018-11-17 04:30:52 UTC  

If you truly aren't fit or don't want to be a parent, you can give it up for adoption.

2018-11-17 04:31:05 UTC  

Omg you’re not paying for my slut pills that let me take endless loads in my vag without getting pregnant what a fucking misogynist!!!

2018-11-17 04:31:09 UTC  

What is it like today?

2018-11-17 04:31:16 UTC  

not fit to be a parent: Every parent of an anchor baby.

2018-11-17 04:31:19 UTC  

good ol' M.Sanger

2018-11-17 04:31:28 UTC  

yep, she was a known eugenicist and it extended to beyond just blacks. She wanted everyone that wasn't a rich elistist to abort

2018-11-17 04:31:45 UTC  

Well she got her wish

2018-11-17 04:31:54 UTC  

That's a terrible way to run a eugenics program.

2018-11-17 04:31:55 UTC  

Poor people are more likely to abort now

2018-11-17 04:31:57 UTC  

irish were especially hated by her as well

2018-11-17 04:32:07 UTC  

That Mickey hating cubt

2018-11-17 04:32:09 UTC  

I personally think every anchor baby should be taken in and given a good home in the US. While we deport their filthy criminal parents.

2018-11-17 04:32:15 UTC  

Poor people and blacks