Message from @Dr.Wol

Discord ID: 514588353153466379

2018-11-20 23:43:21 UTC  

well you now lost my vote and im signing up with revolutionaries

2018-11-20 23:44:37 UTC  

Considering the revolutionaries are the ones who're going to be killing all the lefties when the civil war breaks out, I call this a win.

2018-11-20 23:44:52 UTC  


2018-11-20 23:45:00 UTC  


2018-11-20 23:45:12 UTC  

yeah but then you'd have to deal with me being Generallisimo Marshal of the West 😃

2018-11-20 23:45:22 UTC  

and i'd make Pinochet look like Stalin

2018-11-20 23:45:27 UTC  

The flying spaghetti monster is just discount Yog Sothoth

2018-11-20 23:45:37 UTC

2018-11-20 23:45:58 UTC  

... I'm fine with this Dr.Wol, as long as you keep killing those damn lefties.

2018-11-20 23:46:34 UTC  

killing? i'm not a monster

2018-11-20 23:46:40 UTC  

they still have use as test subjects 😉

2018-11-20 23:46:47 UTC  

as well as organs

2018-11-20 23:46:57 UTC  

i'll be very recycle friendly

2018-11-20 23:48:10 UTC  

They say Dr. Wol uses every piece of the communist. Just like the Mezo-Americans with the buffalo

2018-11-20 23:48:33 UTC  

well not every piece, likely a lot of soy in their blood

2018-11-20 23:48:44 UTC  

goym, i'll be giving people free shoes made out of communist 😉

2018-11-20 23:49:00 UTC  

got to avoid any cotainminated areas

2018-11-20 23:49:06 UTC  

remnant organs and fat for pig-food

2018-11-20 23:49:17 UTC  

since they're fatties who loaf around in the sun, lots of leather skin

2018-11-20 23:50:15 UTC  

and i'll even give you all an internet constitution

2018-11-20 23:50:23 UTC  

i am a generous god 😉

2018-11-20 23:51:44 UTC  

Wait wait wait, can't vote for you until we know your stance on a few more key topics.
Migrant caravans?
"cultural enrichment" in EU?
The Middle East in general?

2018-11-20 23:52:36 UTC  

Migrant caravans will be jailed, and thrown in a big field with towers for hunting season

2018-11-20 23:53:05 UTC  

If the EU is being culturally "enriched" i'm gonna make sure they'll be culturally bankrupt within the first 10 years

2018-11-20 23:53:46 UTC  

and I was planning on nuking the middle east, to see what kind of Arabian Tentacle Porn can become like

2018-11-20 23:53:52 UTC  

sup people

2018-11-20 23:54:10 UTC  

mind you, those towers will be for rich people to shoot criminals in general 😉

2018-11-20 23:54:13 UTC  

okay, suits me. Dr. Wol 2024. I'd say 2020, but I kinda want Trump to win again just to watch the lefties throw a fit again.

2018-11-20 23:54:15 UTC  

what I miss

2018-11-20 23:54:39 UTC  

100 dollars per bullet, you get to shoot at communists and other criminals

2018-11-20 23:54:42 UTC  

Leftists are going full socialist 2020 we all know this

2018-11-20 23:54:56 UTC  

I can't be elected president 😦 i'm not American born

2018-11-20 23:55:11 UTC  

I can become Emperor of europe though 🤔

2018-11-20 23:55:18 UTC  


2018-11-20 23:55:27 UTC  

I don't want saudi arabian tentacle porn

2018-11-20 23:55:38 UTC  


2018-11-20 23:55:49 UTC  

tentacles with turbans on? 😛

2018-11-20 23:55:57 UTC  

in all honesty nukes are no bueno

2018-11-20 23:56:05 UTC  

Hey... Japan ended up making some pretty kickass tentacle porn after they got nuked hard enough.

2018-11-20 23:56:20 UTC  

but i'll solve global warming!! 😦

2018-11-20 23:56:27 UTC  

If i cause Nuclear winter, i'll fix global warming! 😄