Message from @Dr.Wol

Discord ID: 516248427831754772

2018-11-25 13:44:16 UTC  

You are being raped

2018-11-25 13:44:17 UTC  

He is actually saying the shit that I believe he is saying.

2018-11-25 13:44:38 UTC  

I think if someone rapes you in any situation,
you are being raped 😛

2018-11-25 13:44:42 UTC  

If I have sex with a partner and we use a condom, because we don't want to have a kid, then that is not consent to just let biology run its course.

2018-11-25 13:44:42 UTC  

@Undead Mockingbird no one touched your condom, it broke because you suck at putting a condom on. You no longer have to pay for abortion then? despite the fact it was you who, in the agreement to having sex, would have the protection?

2018-11-25 13:44:44 UTC  

Well true

2018-11-25 13:44:57 UTC  


2018-11-25 13:45:01 UTC  

But, condoms fail,

2018-11-25 13:45:02 UTC  

This shit is out there now.

2018-11-25 13:45:11 UTC  

It might not be consent, but you still have to accept responsibility if it happens

2018-11-25 13:45:15 UTC  

and you are consenting to the possibility of that happening

2018-11-25 13:45:18 UTC  

Grenade, read again what the hell he is typing.

2018-11-25 13:45:34 UTC  

no undead, you read back and pay attention

2018-11-25 13:45:49 UTC  

@Cody how do you proof that someone put holes in the condom? You establish the fact that he did consent to sex, once this is proven, then it would be on him to proof any such factors

2018-11-25 13:46:08 UTC  

Fine. Surprise me.

2018-11-25 13:46:16 UTC  

Watch where this is going.

2018-11-25 13:46:20 UTC  

That would mean you couldnt just assume the father consented to sex though @Cody

2018-11-25 13:46:20 UTC  

How do you prove the condom was poked with a hole by the girl?

2018-11-25 13:46:34 UTC  

this is for courts to figure out

2018-11-25 13:46:50 UTC  

Well, you'd have to just squeeze out the used condom, to see if stuff gets through, that way you can see it afaik

2018-11-25 13:46:56 UTC  

and then save the condom 😛

2018-11-25 13:47:00 UTC  

It shouldn't matter. You didn't consent to have a child.

2018-11-25 13:47:22 UTC  

or, inspect the condom package thoroughly before use

2018-11-25 13:47:30 UTC  

ofc in the moment, men don't

2018-11-25 13:47:35 UTC  

To then be forced to provide for the child, because the birth control failed, when you had other ways to prevent it, is immoral.

2018-11-25 13:47:43 UTC  

And again, I agree with you undead, but someone poking a whole in the condom, is different from the condom failing randomly

2018-11-25 13:47:53 UTC  

How do you prove it was intentional

2018-11-25 13:48:00 UTC  

You are actually arguing that it would make no difference for her to poke holes into the condom because it could have happened ANYWAY.

2018-11-25 13:48:06 UTC  

That is outrageously bad reasoning.

2018-11-25 13:48:10 UTC  

but to force a child you brought into the world by accident to live without the person who fathered it is immoral too

2018-11-25 13:48:13 UTC  

do we all agree that, if you agree to sex, and you are providing protection from pregnancy as part of that, and your protection fails for whatever reason, then absent foul play you broke the consent agreement, and are to be held responsible for everything that follows.

2018-11-25 13:48:19 UTC  

I aint arguing that at all

2018-11-25 13:48:20 UTC  

And please, do call me a moron again for having misread that.

2018-11-25 13:48:29 UTC  

what about the contract with the condom manufacturer whichs product didnt work as intended though? @Cody

2018-11-25 13:48:41 UTC  
2018-11-25 13:48:58 UTC  

No, you do not.

2018-11-25 13:49:02 UTC  

You might not consent to the child, but you're still responsible if its genuinely yours,

Its called being an adult

2018-11-25 13:49:20 UTC  

Codes, does it make a difference to you if the woman poked holes into the condom or if the condom failed on its own?

Yes or no?

2018-11-25 13:49:24 UTC  

Condom manufacturers do not guarantee that condoms wont fail @Redneo .

2018-11-25 13:49:34 UTC  

@Undead Mockingbird

"Undead MockingbirdToday at 8:41 AM
If someone pokes holes into my condom, that is tricking me into having a kid.
Grenade123Today at 8:41 AM
if the father wears a condom and it breaks, he needs to help pay for at least abortion. He violated the contract.
Undead MockingbirdToday at 8:41 AM
That shit is on THEM.
Grenade123Today at 8:41 AM
Now, if the chick lied about birth control, that is different.
that, imo, is borderline rape
Undead MockingbirdToday at 8:42 AM
Biology is not a free pass to fuck people over.
Dr.WolToday at 8:42 AM
im with Grenade on this
CodesToday at 8:42 AM
Well, I can agree with you on that one undead"

2018-11-25 13:49:44 UTC  

@Dr.Wol why? The female partner is who unilateraly chooses to have that child