Message from @Maggie The Magpie
Discord ID: 618380557813940235
I know
And you put yourself in that position, so get out of it
If you have to, finish your summer reading essay, just good enough for a passing grade. Get to work on your Latin
You’ll be up all night but it’s what you need to do
Tired of existence but doin it anyway soooo.....whatever
@Simp How can you be tired of existence when you level up like a suave chad
Bless your heart
What is it with finnish peolpe and polka
Hello my fellow whites, I have arrived
I bring beverages
>only white ones
I actually enjoy the coffee ones aswell.
Copenhagen is such a disgusting place
It's California meets the meme of Sweden
Remember this rule of thumb: If it comes out of Copenhagen, it is guaranteed to be cucked
Sounds rough
I probably shouldn't use that to lump swedes and danes too
Thinking about joining the army in about a year
Indirect fire infantryman.
So mortars and small artillery.
@Maggie The Magpie It's the same people
Well, sans the sami and finns
The "nationstates" and their fake and gay nationalities/identities are utter bullshit
They don't care about blood, they don't care about heritage, they just want to make sure their slaves (which can be of any people) are distinct from other fake and gay states' slaves
I hear they're all very Germanic
That's what nationstates are, and nationalities are
In broad strokes, anglos, nords, germanics and that reaches a bit into nothern italy, france and a tiny bit of spain, some of the slavlands, are all the same people. Might aswell call them celts. That's the origin. Cousins of the same origin, seperate tribes sprung from the same loins
Isolated for long enough to have separate genetic imprints tho
GG @Maggie The Magpie, you just advanced to level 1!
Aye, neat
Yes, but it has not been that long
Still enough that some lines are muddled
We are all stronk Serb
The aryan kike-spun myth is gay and fake