Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 622578535235715072

2019-09-14 23:31:26 UTC  

I believe that the Union must be dissolved if it cannot function.

2019-09-14 23:33:34 UTC  

The very *fact* that we have politicians direct and openly threatening firearm seizure, open discussion of limitations on certain politicial freedom; is only reinforced by Columbia’s rotten corruption, lobbying and factionalism gangster tactics.

2019-09-14 23:33:46 UTC  

This all together is enough to secede.

2019-09-14 23:34:42 UTC  

As the founding fathers said, when the relationship with the government becomes destructive, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.

2019-09-14 23:34:47 UTC  


2019-09-14 23:35:13 UTC  

And the government won't let itself be abolished without deadly force.

2019-09-14 23:36:10 UTC  

Let there be no confusion, *We the People* have the legal authority by the philosophy of the foundation of this Union to leave if we so ordain to. And if any faction stands in the way of this measure risks being the ideological alien enemy of the founders and the spirit of the Union itself.

2019-09-14 23:36:52 UTC  

There is a reason we are the United States, and not simply called a single word like Germany, France, or Italy.

2019-09-14 23:37:02 UTC  

It is because we are a conglomeration of entities, not just one.

2019-09-14 23:37:11 UTC  

In terms of economy each of our states are equal to that of other countries.

2019-09-14 23:38:33 UTC  

Authortarianism is not a single government ideology’s tool as I am sure you agree Justin, that it can be used by its definition to keep this dysfunctional Union together; by force of arms. And that is why I stand with these parties.

2019-09-14 23:39:08 UTC  

If they (DC) wish for peaceful secession to escalate to bloodshed, then by all means we shall respond.

2019-09-14 23:39:45 UTC  

If they should not want succession, then do not make the relationship between the states and themselves toxic.

2019-09-14 23:39:59 UTC  

^ Agreed

2019-09-14 23:40:25 UTC  

I understand the concern of a weaker United States and the defense of these state republics

2019-09-14 23:41:17 UTC  

But let us not become gluttonous, we do not need a million armed men to defend ourselves when Republics such as Ireland do fine with at most 100k men active and in reserve.

2019-09-14 23:42:31 UTC  

Alabama by itself is equal to the size of the largest isle of Britannia with a higher population than Ireland, that alone eradicates confusion on the matter of Alabama being able to defend itself.

2019-09-14 23:43:07 UTC  

"As long as the union was faithful to her trust, like friends and like brethren, kind we were and just, but now when northern treachery attempts our rights to Mar, we hoist the Bonnie blue flag that bears a single star"

2019-09-14 23:44:16 UTC  


2019-09-14 23:44:30 UTC  

I hear from actual Veterans of the odds.

2019-09-14 23:44:49 UTC  

But freedom is never easy.

2019-09-14 23:45:43 UTC  

The tree of liberty, must be bathed with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

2019-09-14 23:48:01 UTC  

I respect Alice’s opinion but when a relationship has become about power rather than mutual cooperation, then you have right to leave.

2019-09-15 00:05:53 UTC  

well, Maine here I come

2019-09-15 00:46:08 UTC

2019-09-15 00:53:55 UTC

2019-09-15 02:57:31 UTC  

stop that

2019-09-15 03:16:23 UTC  

Okay but you don’t leave the country anymore. That shit made sense when countries were still building themselves up but we’ve been 50 states and it needs to stay that way. Don’t leave, fucking fight back like you always talk about but yet you’re literally saying let’s run away. As if that’s going to fix any issue at all. The US military will come after the state that left and gain it back. Simple as that. If you feel like your government is that bad to where you want to leave then you do what you yell another constantly which is “bare arms and fight back”.

2019-09-15 03:18:56 UTC  

Like I genuinely can’t believe how smart you are but some times can be so dumb to think in any way what so ever that seceding will genuinely be granted and 100% be peace. It didn’t work the first time, and it damn well won’t work this time. Not even close. Except last time there was an actual military on both sides where as now it’s one military.

2019-09-15 03:19:30 UTC  

Nobody has the right to leave, they never have. They have the right to bare arms and fight the government. It’s as simple as that.

2019-09-15 03:19:44 UTC  

You’re all a bunch of fucking cowards for saying let’s leave instead of fight.

2019-09-15 03:19:52 UTC  

I mean I’m genuinely disappointed.

2019-09-15 03:19:58 UTC  

The government can't go for the state

2019-09-15 03:20:18 UTC  

Talk so much shit about guns yet think a piece of fucking paper is going to do anything.

2019-09-15 03:20:29 UTC  

What are they gonna do? Send in jets and tanks and rule a totalled wasteland?

2019-09-15 03:20:45 UTC  

No you dumb ass they’ll arrest all the governments for treason.

2019-09-15 03:20:45 UTC  

No u u u u u.

2019-09-15 03:21:27 UTC  

They’ll swap out everything and have propaganda around about how leaving is wrong, it’s treason, you’ll go to jail etc.