Message from @Maggie The Magpie
Discord ID: 637339115461017610
The right wing is like a bear, we are individual but we do assist one another when a much larger threat, threatens our habitat @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Lorax you literally 100% call everything kike. And Justin you never even fully watch shit or play a game but talk shit about it
You literally read reviews and get just a little in and suddenly you’re a pro on everything about it and it sucks
First hand experience here baby <:eggdab:586342776321474573>
bless you hal.
Bought the Lucky 38 poker set.
I might but probably won't
It’s a pre order, they don’t ship until December so you have time
I don’t know which one they are in the picture, I think it’s Juici apples the schools like to provide and they’re disgusting
They were always really hard and shiny
I’ve tried gold before, not a fan
But honey crisp is such a good name I wanna try it
If you die on hardcore, do you have to start over?
Doesn't help that basically everything is kiked. You know 95% of all media is owned by them, right?
Lorax: The rock over there is a kike
Lorax: That pineapple is a kike
Lorax: That book is a kike
Lorax: Literally everything in existence except myself is a kike
Your life must be miserable never enjoying anything because its all kikery to you
Lmao no
I might send feet pics because I feel so bad for you
Better not be kiked feet
@Issa Dornan 109 countries, around 300 times
Did somebody say feet pics
Yea, Alice is sending some to make up for the world's kikery
It's not much, but it's a good start
A strong start in my opinion
Please dm them to me or ping me, Alice. I gotta go to bed bed because it's almost bloody 4am. Been playing the new modern warfare