Message from @Halindir
Discord ID: 654989570659844097
All my buddies currently in the Army have told me, the second they get the order to disarm, or fire on civilians defending their rights, they will go AWOL
Don't just "hope" for it and "wait"
GG @Ted Mason, you just advanced to level 2!
Do everything you can to sabotage the enemy
Absolutely not, im trying to help organize pseudo militiad
If at all possible HUNT them individually
Good thing about being a Marine, they are purely an Expeditionary Assault force, they don't get deployed in country unless reserve.
My shit glitched out and made me send the same message 3 times.
Full story on rails frog
@Alpaca13 dis u?
The original was good not because of its story or setting, but the style; isometric real time with turnbased combat
Hans Zimmer is a kike hack
Uninspired, bland and boring.
Their shit just hits the notes that create a specific mood, without anything profound or really that noteworthy
I'd rather recommend Michael Hoenig
(the expansion was ruined by the kike Inon Zur who butchered the scores for Throne of Bhaal)
I’ll check him out but I really like hanz
Sure it sounds good
But the kikes makes caricature music
I like it actually here's the full soundtrack of the game, by Michael Hoenig
Just got my hair cut
It's whiter than the flash from a flashbang
U have white hair?
That's epic
Last year, pre haircut
looks much better short. Only downside is cold ears 😦
I was sweatin behind the ears today