Message from @TAH-HE-TEE
Discord ID: 693193181377855548
I just did something kinda neat. I went over the the military dude next door that put my old dogs shit by my car and apologized. I told him while I was mad at first I found it fucking hilarious later that day and I told him it actually spurned me to be more responsible and I complimented him on his music choice,he was listening to old Mushroom head and I asked him once all this virus shit blows over I'd love to train with him and he said hell yeah and that he appreciates that I apologized like a man
C: feeling p.good
Nice job, King. Sounds like he's a solid dude, too
He likes old metal and he's got a huge sleeve-leg tattoo
ffffffffuuuuuuck yeah
dudes built like a fucking brick shit house tho jesus christ I havent talked to him any closer than that
your military vet neighbor is the one they talk about in this meme
I mean I'm buying nods with my donald dollars
Donald dollars lmao
I'm for sure buying the boog expansion for my minecraft server
For real tho. I'll probably be doing the exact same thing along with a lot of ammo
I guess what I did made my gf mad because it makes her look bad ? I dont think so. I take full responsibility as the man of our household so I will personally be resposnible for that because shes a lady
and I dont want to do that I'll do it because I love her
When is this supposed to take effect
@Thomatorr, King of Ohio I can KIND of see where she's coming from - but as if she was going to go approach him or say anything s: besides - sounds like yall will be hanging out more, after this all
Fuck Nazis
**fed in coming**
*Who the fuck you talking about boi*
It smell like fedducini in here
What’s up FrED
I’m inviting all the new dick sword users that are making the transition from FB
One fed, two fed, red fed, blue fed
Everyone is tired of getting Zucced now
I still have 17 days man
I havent gotten banned in forever
And I have group projects with people over FB lmao
Can't even respond
I remember when I used to have 7 sock accounts and in one month 4 of them got deleted by FB.
And the other 3 were on bans.
I’m still in for 20
Damn son.
. . .