Message from @ThreeOfOne

Discord ID: 538812550469648424

2019-01-26 20:05:56 UTC  

my atoms will disperse air molecules in all directions in order to take up room in 3d space

2019-01-26 20:05:59 UTC  

tribalism does help with that one tho

2019-01-26 20:06:04 UTC  
2019-01-26 20:06:06 UTC  

you feel like you belong

2019-01-26 20:06:13 UTC  

I think it is difficult for many men to speak to things that make them appear vulnerable too. I have no qualms saying things like "I am lonely" whereas the men in my life I know would struggle to admit this.

2019-01-26 20:06:32 UTC  

btw if you are interested in the dillemma is this

2019-01-26 20:06:37 UTC  

@Beyr I don't wanna make this about me but yes, I consider myself a pretty lonely person. I grew up a latchkey kid, mostly raised myself because my mom was busy working. Never learned to bond or connect with other people and later learned I might be on the autism spectrum, so I've never really experienced a true friendship in the 24 years I've been on this planet

2019-01-26 20:06:42 UTC  

"A number of porcupines huddled together for warmth on a cold day in winter; but, as they began to prick one another with their quills, they were obliged to disperse. However the cold drove them together again, when just the same thing happened. At last, after many turns of huddling and dispersing, they discovered that they would be best off by remaining at a little distance from one another. In the same way the need of society drives the human porcupines together, only to be mutually repelled by the many prickly and disagreeable qualities of their nature. The moderate distance which they at last discover to be the only tolerable condition of intercourse, is the code of politeness and fine manners; and those who transgress it are roughly told—in the English phrase—to keep their distance. By this arrangement the mutual need of warmth is only very moderately satisfied; but then people do not get pricked. A man who has some heat in himself prefers to remain outside, where he will neither prick other people nor get pricked himself."

2019-01-26 20:07:03 UTC  

@Strufa that’s true but the danger is when the group is shown a group as enemy without real reason

2019-01-26 20:07:21 UTC  

my misanthropy cured my loneliness

2019-01-26 20:07:37 UTC  

Evangelion cured mine actually

2019-01-26 20:07:41 UTC  

if lonely just watch Robin Seplut

2019-01-26 20:07:42 UTC  

In my experience people only ever tolerated me for the utility I provided, the very moment that need was met they disappeared or became hostile

2019-01-26 20:07:43 UTC  

Well @ThreeOfOne, luckily I think making friends and such is a skill people can learn. It's like any other muscle that's not used very often and takes exercise. The book that helped me is an older one that my grandfather gave me. "How to win friends and influence people".

2019-01-26 20:07:50 UTC  

Die Arriers und die Juden

2019-01-26 20:07:52 UTC  

now i just find everything amusing

2019-01-26 20:08:04 UTC  

Actually if we go back to the old crazy fart Freud

2019-01-26 20:08:18 UTC  

Humans desire to die due to the fact they want peace again

2019-01-26 20:08:21 UTC  

Old crazy fart Freud 😂

2019-01-26 20:08:32 UTC  

they hate to live because they cant really connect and feel lonely

2019-01-26 20:08:42 UTC  

@Beyr I hope I don't offend you with my defeatism but I've mostly given up

2019-01-26 20:08:47 UTC  

so they either want to go back to the original womb the peace of death

2019-01-26 20:08:52 UTC  

or want to become one with others

2019-01-26 20:08:55 UTC  


2019-01-26 20:09:00 UTC  

aka the paradise of most religions

2019-01-26 20:09:05 UTC  

i dunno whats so peaceful about eternal darkness

2019-01-26 20:09:13 UTC  

neither i am

2019-01-26 20:09:14 UTC  

Never give up my friends

2019-01-26 20:09:24 UTC  

Go down with pride and glory

2019-01-26 20:09:28 UTC  

i find that nihilism is a step to actually find a meaning

2019-01-26 20:09:38 UTC  

Maybe I'll find someone in the future, but I'm done trying to mold myself to meet others expectations. I've just stopped giving a shit lol

2019-01-26 20:09:49 UTC  

but being stuck in nihilism is worst that never have tried to find a meaning in the first place

2019-01-26 20:09:54 UTC  

@ThreeOfOne I think it's okay to give up for a time, but not forever. Sometimes we get beat down so hard for so long we need to just 'stop' and reassess. To give up for a short while and let things settle and then move forward. It doesn't offend me at all, but makes me hope you don't give up forever. No one should feel lonely forever.

2019-01-26 20:09:55 UTC  

i guess i dont really know what nihilism is, it just seems very emo and negative

2019-01-26 20:10:15 UTC  

I think nihilism is a necessary step to better understand the world

2019-01-26 20:10:27 UTC  

one must understand first that life have no meaning before make our own meaning

2019-01-26 20:10:36 UTC  

the meaning build on nihilism is the strongest one

2019-01-26 20:10:50 UTC  

i think the lack of an intended purpose means i'm free, and not a slave to that purpose, like some kind of programmed robot

2019-01-26 20:10:51 UTC  

@Montgomereeeee *“But it is the same with man as with the tree. The more he seeks to rise into the height and light, the more vigorously do his roots struggle earthword, downword, into the dark, the deep - into evil.”*

2019-01-26 20:10:52 UTC  

@ThreeOfOne kind of the same. I avoid eye contact with a lot of people... but can meet random dogs or cats on the street gladly

2019-01-26 20:11:15 UTC  

**Alex.#5487** just left the server.