Message from @Rouqen
Discord ID: 540364181032009738
superman doesn't fly, he leaps
get it right
if melanin protects you against cancer then how do you explain buzzfeed?
checkmate atheists
superman leaps, then alters the gravitational field in the direction in which he wishes to travel
this is DC canon
at least, dc headcanon
Different cancer
dick cannister?
everyone who drinks dihydrogen monoxide dies, therefore it causes death
you need to swap your prayer to Protect from Buzzfeed
foolproof logic
but I really think it's cool that they made the cards as a joke so the kids would be less afraid to go to the resource officers when they have problems, and then it became an actual thing.
that's actually really neat
the elementary kids love bragging about how many they have
ban dihydrogen mono-oxide!
it's adorable
the UN is a joke
Wait a moment
The rest of it
The funny part
I nearly taught the on-campus minister at my school how to play Magic: the Gathering™ the other day
UN head for human rights, saudi arabia
Freud and Nietzsche kek
At the hospital with my mom right now guys.
How you guys doing?
What happened?!
ah Dusty is your mom ok?
The UN is meant to be low authority
It would be horrid if it were high authority
She is currently in here because she almost had a heart attack.
@Quix cleraly not if seh's in the hospital
well she could be recovering by now
They are keeping her in here to make sure she doesn't end up having a heart attack.
probably if he's on discord
Yeah she is recovering.