Message from @Rouqen
Discord ID: 545385721071009844
Got to love Valentines day, so many cheesy pickup lines for laughs.
**deadbeet#0680** just left the server.
powerful mayor
is this twitter?
did you burn down the school?
@Rouqen Probably some bored Teen that is wanting to stir up trouble.
I bet you there is no actual nazis or neo-nazis around.
looks like a nazi's line of blow
Obviously not a real nazi
Just a funny thing I found
obviously that isn't a school. It's a hidden jew kill factory.
Tickled me
so you didnt burn down the school?
And all that
Styx is loving this.
I wish we got some fucking nazis tbh
not really a swastika if its not on its side
He looks like he just got done doing a hitjob.
anyway the real symbol the nazis used all the time was the eagle... but . yeah... cant be saying that now can we...
ya, if you are killing jews and not using the nazi symbol or an eagle then you're not a nazi and it's okay.
oh and the seig heil ... was influenced by the US bellamy salute the kids did every morning.. but hey ho
Styxhexenhammer666 is pretty damn smart. He is like mastermind smart. It wouldn't surprise me if he had a hitman job on the side. XD
With those gloves... really looks like it.
Was there no better photo?
If you believe that then you are probably not very smart.
He probably just finished gardening
Dude looks like the brainchild of Kingpin, lex Luthor and Egghead
The dude wears all black. kind of reminds me of a hitman. :\