Message from @Mee6
Discord ID: 545381747391463424
and thank him for gifting it to me cause I had a shit PC and no money and that game gave me something to be busy with when I had no internet at my grandma's place
Did you get a gift?
Yeah... I done that for someone before.
I was... 12? and running off a crap acer laptop
I was rolling dubs in the funnyjunk comments on the whole front page beggin for it and he decided to be charitable
I searched his username a while back and found his twitter
Some kid was begging for an DLC code for xenoverse 2. I ended up winning a DLC code so I just sent it his way. It feels good being doing something nice for people.
bought XV2 over the winter break
only DLC I nabbed was goku black
Ironically it is the only thing I ever won in my life.
cause it was super cheap
but yeah now he and I follow each other on twitter
I barely know him, I think I messaged him a few times after getting the game from him but then one of us unfriended the other on steam
8 years ago who tf knows
I don't follow the people I help.
Why would I do that?
I just help them, they smile and say thank you, we move on. 😃
Got to love Valentines day, so many cheesy pickup lines for laughs.
powerful mayor
is this twitter?
did you burn down the school?
@Rouqen Probably some bored Teen that is wanting to stir up trouble.
I bet you there is no actual nazis or neo-nazis around.
looks like a nazi's line of blow
Obviously not a real nazi
Just a funny thing I found
obviously that isn't a school. It's a hidden jew kill factory.
Tickled me
so you didnt burn down the school?
Freedom of speech
And all that