Message from @antokamire
Discord ID: 510174142331355137
+announce command kick @Wade
rob dont post shit memes to general
if 9000 people all posted whatever the fuck they wanted without relevancy, can you imagine the shitstorm that would occur? so if you wanna post dumb shit, fuck off to <#418492743547879427>. they literally made a channel for that specific purpose.
i lost my meme folder
I never had one
@daddy'slittlebrotein Sick him
I got a video folder
No such thing as a shit jojo meme
I mean if nothing else it demonstrates who's got the shitty memes so we can mock them to the ends of the earth...
With funny clips
Probably is a meme folder actually
@AstroTorch please don’t kick me every hour
i have some shit memes
My meme folder is almost exclusively server-related memes of my own creation and rude cats.
@Wade had that happen to me before. sucks to be you.
and poo. and CBT.
rude cats?
Love a few rude cats
@Deleted User it's not shit it was realevent
Get with the program
Get with the program
@Deleted User it's not shit it was realevent
Inside memes are the best memes
I will do what every you want just remove that hourly kick
just wanna hug the bot 😦
@Deleted User it's not shit it was realevent
Punkass bitch
\*hug* :purple_heart:
ty bot
ohh i get it now