Discord ID: 418586144750698496
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Cow is also a coattails rider
People over dramatize it for the sake of server lore
I mean, he should be
or you could just stop the whiteys posting @Shakup
thanks for the reminder
Lyra's nuts are smoother
Need a guinea pig
ok @Dino I'm going to try and give you permission to change other people's usernames but disable your ability to change your own. Want to see if granting the first overrides the second
ok change coattails name to superfaggot
*Yes this is the ideal outcome*
wierd how that worked out but ok
thats already been established
whitey is a rank
@Dino can you change the other soys?
@Dino try changing coattails name again
ah well, think the role asymmetry will have to stay
@everyone **Aight you slack jawed retards listen up, for a limited time only <@&418479505905025024> <@&418479550872420362> <@&418222362773684234> have the ability to change the usernames of the roles beneath them. Go wild faggots.**
+kick @RatKing "ok"
whoever did this I hope you realise you've upset gebbin
you can change your own names you realise?
anything that increases the number of cute animals in this server is a good thing dont be spergs
yeah I got that
what the yes papa thing?
its fine
its gross but its fine
thank you I needed that this morning
Dont regret opening the name change perms in the least last night
everyone likes a little outbreak of chaos now and then
keeps the server fresh
aight thats back to normal
w/e had my fun
*boomer can mean something different*
Did someone here put the Mission impossible theme over the ball hangman video?
I see it all over the place lmao
get a mod to do it
thought the apple was reference to the poisoned apple Alan Turing ate to kill himself after being prosecuted for being gay
ah thats probably why I was confused then kork
also what link
didnt see
I'd push the boat out for an i5 rather than the i3
consdider western digital for the hard drive also
i3 is likely to start causing bottleneck issues very early on
yeah it's a good budget build but you want to avoid going *so* budget it becomes a false economy and ends up breaking or being obsolete within a year
I like my electronics to have water stains from children's tears though
twitter retard says something dumb who cares
r5ay man
so many fireworks going on outside
is this what living in Israel is like
thats enough evidence for me for animal fucker
Man it's a good job meme sluts & scatties cant change peoples usernames anymore
oh dear
just lost no nut november in my missus tbh
post in general if you want animal fucker role
+kick @ThaPinkGuy "retard"
I got kicked by gary the other day
+announce command kick @ThaPinkGuy "you've been gnomed"
It's Jamie
kill niggers
that'll be a ban for furry porn since black people are animals
nutn't november
I enjoy spoonerisms
Beef joke
why is that image following me
+announce stop command
idk ask a mod
fuck sake fat ass
aight fags gulags next time
+botban @Deleted User
+botban @Potato Man
+botban @Deleted User
this afternoon has made a great case for the soypoclayspe tbh
I am
ah jesus id forgotten that
when did you start?
+announce command kick @RatKing "gnomed"
Aight I'm off for the night
Me neither
Guess it's the reaction
+kick @RatKing "optimistic lol"
Bans don't get handed out for no reason
+ban @RatKing "nigger"
Of course I can just ban then instantly unban
Was hoping he'd show back up quicker tbh
The inflatable banhammer
That squeaks
I struggle to tell the server women apart other than Nicolle & Monica and only then because [joke about how being Scottish is equivalent to being black]
It's probably mostly because I'm not active in VC lately tbh
Uni work mounting
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