Message from @Lovecraft
Discord ID: 510927706364444712
I only listen to weeb country roads.
if you need advice or got questions
west vagina
@Dino big facts
sure some of the fit bois will answer
Younger than the mountains
I mean, my local leisure centre has a gym as Well, I've got a rugby competition am I'll be able to tackle but not run that much so I think I'm gonna get a pass and get my fat ass swimming and running in the gym and once that's been done gain some muscle. I've got a rugby competition in February and if I turn up like I running in the gym and once that's been done gain some muscle. I've got a rugby competition am I'll be able to tackle but not run that much
or the skinny bois
wagon wheels are disgusting
Jammy doger>wagon eheels
I'll throw it in soy.
@No dad not the belt swimming is pretty good if you're very very *very* heavy, as in can't run or shit like that becuase of your weight
I mean, my local leisure centre has a gym as Well, I've got a rugby competition am I'll be able to tackle but not run that much so I think I'm gonna get a pass and get my fat ass swimming and running in the gym and once that's been done gain some muscle. I've got a rugby competition in February and if I turn up like I running in the gym and once that's been done gain some muscle. I've got a rugby competition am I'll be able to tackle but not run that much
I mean, my local leisure centre has a gym as Well, I've got a rugby competition am I'll be able to tackle but not run that much so I think I'm gonna get a pass and get my fat ass swimming and running in the gym and once that's been done gain some muscle. I've got a rugby competition in February and if I turn up like I running in the gym and once that's been done gain some muscle. I've got a rugby competition am I'll be able to tackle but not run that much
yeh swimming is good for the extreme fatness
I'll answer then @No dad not the belt
I mean, my local leisure centre has a gym as Well, I've got a rugby competition am I'll be able to tackle but not run that much so I think I'm gonna get a pass and get my fat ass swimming and running in the gym and once that's been done gain some muscle. I've got a rugby competition in February and if I turn up like I running in the gym and once that's been done gain some muscle. I've got a rugby competition am I'll be able to tackle but not run that much
because at a point loosing weight becomes very hard
@Questgiver stop LOL
because you get no short term benifit
Is this the a new copy pasta the kids are jamming to these days
i was the straw that broke the channels back
@coattailsandbowties I can run, and I'm also very heavy. I can't run that far, I'd say I can probably Sprint 200m or something like that it's very bad
Healthy at any size ... am i rite?
@No dad not the belt you need cardio and a better diet.
@CheekyOGNutZach I've no clue how people can eat wagon wheels, I love chocolate but they taste horrible.
Don't be slating them.
Shame those fat ass women are getting paid quite well to model fat clothes
@Deleted User was the one to break the servers intact.
Cardio is gay imo. Absolute waste of time
Go eat some good chocolate.
You're horrid.
So are you.