Message from @RatKing
Discord ID: 512064734430756865
Pretty sure that's not how dreaming works.
Have a warm cup of milk that may help you sleep @Tailed Feature
Tend to be different from my average dream, they're a lot more realistic in nature so I can tell the difference between a nap dream and a sleep dream.
Alright you degenerates sub to pewds. Oh wait I forgot I literally don't care
Then why bring it up? @GuardedTitan97
All of my dreams involve bloody massacres and demons
I'm not even trying to be edgy that's the fucking truth
@Deleted User stop playing so much doom
All the dreams I have had, that remember involve me getting murdered.
@RatKing fuck you that's why
Suck me
Actually that sounds more of a nightmare.
Ok nigger
Yeah I have nightmares not dreams.
My dreams are pretty consistent, if I go to sleep upset or with my brain bitching I'll have dreams where my person is in danger, and near the end of the dream there'll be something about me giving up to it
@Deleted User Are you Doom guy?
Okay just checking.
And a catholic
When I start dreaming, I get out of bed in my dream and go to work
Then I wake up
What a boring dream lol
When you wake up are you at work
I have not had a dream in forever, or not least one I can remember.
I had a dream
i don’t have dreams
Funny thing is you actually do dream every single night even if you don't remember it
just sleep
You don’t remember most your dreams
Yeah most of the time I dream of nothing these days. It is a shame.
dreams are fucky
Also *MLK joke here*
I don't experience my dreams.
actually i do have dreams