Message from @coattailsandbowties
Discord ID: 512288285821763586
His life
im white though
no joke there
the last 3 hours have shown that
@Hammond_of_Texas pm me the rest of the set ;);););)););I););L)=;KL);;));K);AK);=SDK)
@Jizzlobber you still a nigger
@Epikku stop posting your shit memes in general go to <#418492743547879427>
dont just blurt out the n-word
Beat me to it
@Jizzlobber don't act like a nigger then.
lol niggers
You are both niggers
this guy....
Remember kids, if @Kriley74 tells you to do something just remember his ass had <@&473111631946317824> for a month.
Wtf is wrong with you whitey? @Jizzlobber
I was never in septic for a month
@Kriley74 werent you the guy who got septic tank for suggesting it to another user
Longest was a week
@Jizzlobber yes
so regressive 🙄
oh wow.. Walt is back on it huh
yeah im here
thanks for noticing
Are you being ironic?
They dumped once a week, and then immediately put you back in. So don't start
shhh @Miri
I may have been put back in a day later but still